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Assignment 9 Partial Report B - Norman Bates - 11-23-2014

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Assignment 59 Partial Report B

Some time ago Mactan long range Spyglass array picked up a small GRN detachment in Manchester battling BAF and BPA remnants. When I arrived on the scene near Birmingham a lone GRN Lynx was fighting a lone BPA Templar, while a Valor class battleship was making a short work of an unmentionable BAF capital ship. I analysed the situation and chances for possible capture of the target. I engaged the GRN with the intention of finishing off loosing BAF to the end of engagement, however, the inept pilot fell victim to the Gallic pilot too fast for it to happen.

After initial exchange of fire he decided to use Valor's flak cannons as a cover and his primary weapon. His tactics was quite interesting. He focused on deshielding my fighter while close the battleship, so a salvo of flak cannons could seriously damage me. At first this tactics worked, however, a precisely timed mine coupled with a mistimed flak salvo resulted in demise of my target, about when I was to start to hack his navigational computer. While I did not manage to capture the pilot alive, we once again learned about another Gallic trick utilizing capital ship cover. The pilot's skill level was assessed as medium, but the combat was too short for a proper evaluation.

P.S. I attach a pleasure kill made some time ago when I was assisting Provocateur Scorpius on his assignment.


Manchester, Gallic Royal Navy, Lynx

Pleasure kills

New York, LN, Guardian

The Lane Hacker Assassins Assignments - The Lane Hacker Assassins - 01-04-2016

Assignment Updates

Assignment 58 has been aborted.

Assignment 60 has been released.

Assignment 64 Partial Report - Norman Bates - 08-29-2017

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Assignment 64 Partial Report

Encounter 1

Two days ago I have tracked down a Forlorn bomber of the Havoc class in Pennsylvania and engaged it. I was quite astonished with Forlorn ability to almost instantly call for reinforcements. Before I even managed to inflict any considerable damage to the bomber I have been attacked by Forlorn fighter of Sabre class equipped with rapid firing guns and a Sidewinder missile. At this point I made a poor judgment call to switch focus on the attacker, which allowed the bomber to withdraw and be quickly replaced by another very heavy fighter. While during a combat I managed to maintain a minimal upper hand over my enemy, shortly before I was to land final shots on the target, a nuclear mine combined with a missile took the best of us both. My poor performance combined with inappropriate equipment led to my failure. The painful lesson learned from this encounter is that with the increased accuracy and efficiency of Sidewinder missiles active hunting with a cloak disruptor is no longer a viable option.

Encounter 2

Yesterday, after I have replaced a cloak disruptor with a standard countermeasure solution, I came across a Forlorn Sabre class fighter engaging two allied bombers in New York in a close proximity to Manhattan. I have engaged enemy fighter equipped with slow firing guns, missile launcher of unknown type and, ironically, a cloaking device. While the enemy was well trained, she was not as capable as the previously encountered pilot. Upon landing final shots I retained more than half of my nanobot reserves.


While it is too early to judge, Forlorn Hope seems to be a formidable mercenary group with a very decent level of combat expertise. While I have not yet encountered an ace level pilot of theirs, their key strength lies in an ability to very quickly call for reinforcements and retain battle flexibility by withdrawing endangered assets and replace them with fresh units. While it is highly reasonable to assume that most of their pilots are reasonably prone to be intercepted and killed one by one, their ability to call in reinforcements at anytime advises a lot of caution. Unless in a desolate area any future interception should be conducted with reinforcements of our own on stand by.


Pennsylvania, Forlorn Hope, Sabre

New York, Forlorn Hope, Sabre

Assignment 61 Phase 1 - Nicole Hunter - 05-27-2018

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Assignment 61 Phase 1 Report

Combat Description

This is a late report for the skirmish that followed the meeting with Gunda Riehl in California in April. A wing of four Hellfire Legion fighters traced down our position in the vicinity of the Texas jumphole. I have set a remote sector in California as a rendezvous point for our reinforcements. I have relieved heat from the Unioner representative while soon after Mr Blackfriar and Mr Scorpius arrived at the battle. With even numbers we managed to contain Hellfire forces. Two of their fighters made a foolish decision to duel me outside of the main combat zone, which allowed me to drain majority of their nanobot reserves. Thanks to this I was able to finish them off quickly with support fire when they rejoined the main group. At this time Hellfire received a battleship support. From this point the battle started to get out of hand when one after another our fighters were lost to its fire during dogfight within its fire range.

Tactical Analysis

The biggest strength of the Hellfire Legion parties is tactical awareness of their commanders and their ability to call for reinforcements, especially capital ship support. The Hellfire Legion raiding party usually goes with an agile light wing and falls back to a capital ship support if being overrun. Majority of their pilots are well trained though can hardly be considered champions. What makes Hellfire Legion a hard opponent is mostly its ability to properly assess the combat situation and set proper priorities for their soldiers. Whenever situation is getting out of hand they prolong the fight through various evasive maneuvers, such as faked retreats, shield-evasion or utilization of capital ship covering fire, long enough to receive reinforcements and tip the scale of a battle.

Proposed countermeasures

As with any stronger opponent successfully utilizing capital ships and usually having numbers advantage the only viable solution is a hit and run tactics. Hellfire Legion fighters should be isolated and lured outside of reinforcement zones. If the attack is not successful during first critical phase, a quick retreat and regrouping is crucial. If the Hellfire Legion is utilizing capital ship support a retreat and switch to anti-capital ship solutions is also critical.


California, HF, Prosecutor

California, HF, Prosecutor

Assignment 61 Phase 1 Report - Vladimir Scorpius - 06-24-2018

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Assignment 61 Phase 1 Report

Combat Description

Hostiles located near Planet Manhattan, 2 Prosecutors, 1 Scylla and 1 Avenger. The latter did not transmit official Hellfire affiliation. The first target quickly started talking smart and initiating hostiles although did horrible job of evading any of my nuclear mines. This made the fight quick and decisive to such extent that I did not lose a single nanobot. The second target engaged me seconds after and while it looked more dangerous with heavy hitting loadout which forced me to be more responsible with mine traps but ultimately it was nuked down bit by bit to millions of bits.

Tactical Analysis

The Hellfire Legion seems to be proud and in fighting spirits, choosing to show their superiority in equal engagement were applicable. They always have an ace up their sleeve and their battle formation and fleet composition appears to be fairly balanced. Newer pilots seem to lack proper experience but their hardened veterans puts up a challenging fight thus targets and priorities should be based on their danger to our own survival.

Proposed countermeasures

Catch their ships in isolation and terminate swiftly before reinforcements can arrive or ambush them with superior numbers and skill while carefully following your most experienced fighter's commands and directions.


New York, HF, Prosecutor

New York, HF, Prosecutor

RE: The Lane Hacker Assassins | Assignments - Mildred Wolfe - 04-06-2019

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Assignment 73 Report

Scenario A - Drummernaught

The first instance in this list took place at westpoint where an independent pirate seated in a Zoner Gunship attempted to extort a Zoner vessel with the callsign "Bodhi" navigating the trade lanes to Pennsylvania. Accompanied by a few other Hackers, I intervened and demanded the vessel cease immediately - to which he refused. He began firing on my vessel right after, we left his ship in pieces as a result. Logs and visual evidence can be found below.

Scan Kill.

Scenario B - MSV-0355"Berlinetta"

The second instance of Pirates stealing our income took place in California with an outcast battletransport with the callsign mentioned above - MSV-0355"Berlinetta". While I personally did not witness the vessel attack or extort any traders. I was informed by a pack of Rogues the vessel was extorting Junkers Congress and Liberty Rogue vessels previously while conducting trade and Cardamine distribution. Upon encountering the vessel near planet Mojave in California, I attempted to question the vessel before it quickly decided to attack me without any reasoning or warning. Taking the situation at present and the Rogues testimony into account, I destroyed the vessel immediately. For confirmation afterwards, I contacted the Rogues to provide evidence of their testimony - to which they have provided. I hope this will be sufficient enough evidence to prove this Outcast's guilt.

Note, as mentioned in the comm by Rogue Lewis, If further evidence of extortion acts in our territory are needed, I will contact the Junkers Congress.

Scan Kill.

RE: The Lane Hacker Assassins | Assignments - Mildred Wolfe - 04-21-2019

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Assignment 61 Phase 1 Report

Combat Description

During our return from Vespucci, I and several others in the Inner circle were ambushed by a Hellfire Legion attack squadron consisting of six fighters. Three of which were wearing the primary fleet IFF. As the engagement begun either side picked a designated target, it seems my reputation has gotten around just a bit. All of the Legion vessels targeted me, fortunately, our fighters managed to disable their target before the group on me could even scratch my hull with the hundreds of sidewinder missiles fired at me. The engagement continued as three of their secondary fighters were disabled, as our group focused the third - I began to act offensively.

The first vessel that fell victim was John Rhino, his method of attack was reckless and predictable. He would dispatch a mine at every attempt to joust past me, knowing this, I laid a mine in place. Lured him towards it on his next pass, and detonated it at the same time he dropped his own - destroying his vessel.

The second was Black Jack, he relied more on his guns than explosives. Still, his straight forward method of attack made him easy prey for mine traps - one of which resulted in his demise.

Likely suffering from loss of morale, the final one - Raisu - made several suicide runs with mines, one of which ended with the ship exploding before it could even make an approach.

Tactical Analysis

The vessels overall seemed to be much more reliant on explosive hardware than their own piloting skills. This is usually a side effect of flying in packs, normally the notion of "flying" is ignored when there are already so many other vessels firing on the same target. However, this works against them if they are picked off individually.

Proposed Countermeasures

Do NOT joust the vessels outright and do not use explosives so often when facing these vessels. Their own styles work against them so long as you maintain a decent firing distance and circle them on each pass. It would be even more wise to face these vessels individually if possible, Hacker hardware is far superior to that of Naval or Hellfire Legion hardware in one on one combat. They function at their best in packs, a hyena without the rest of the pack is far easier prey for a Lion than if it were with its group.


Vespucci, Hellfire Legion, Guardian

Vespucci, Hellfire Legion, Guardian

Vespucci, Hellfire Legion, Prosecutor

RE: The Lane Hacker Assassins | Assignments - Mildred Wolfe - 04-21-2019

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Assignment 75 Phase 4 Report

Combat Description

Both combat scenarios took place in the Leeds system, one along the connecting lane from Planet Leeds to the Edinburgh Jump gate, and the other in orbit of the Planet itself. The engagement along the lane was against a lone bomber, and as one could already assume from hearing that it was a lone bomber - it was all too simple to break the pilot one on one. Engaging in a standard jousting tactic in a large bomber craft the vessel could barely scratch my shielding never mind anything else. As the situation turned futile for him, he attempted to destroy his own ship via mines, this effort was nullified as I gunned him down just in time.

The second engagement was a bit more formal if you will. Just outside the planet thinking he could best me, the Lynx pilot was quick to move on the offensive without any support - to his own demise. Flying no different than the bomber pilot earlier, the vessel quickly became the victim of several nuclear mine detonations - one of which destroyed his ship.

Tactical Analysis

The Royal Navy are cowards in the face of opposition that so much as hints at the possibility of failure - much like the Liberty Navy and Security Force. Both vessels flew in a very basic and breakable manner. Once engaged however, you must be quick to disable them before they begin to flee for the nearest docking port or mooring fixture.

Proposed Countermeasures

Whether it be in groups or individually these pilots are mediocre threats at best. For the most clean kill possible it is advised to intercept them along the connecting lanes and then proceed to engage them immediately to avoid any chance of them successfully fleeing.


Leeds, Marine Royale Gauloise, Eclipse

Leeds, Marine Royale Gauloise, Lynx

RE: The Lane Hacker Assassins | Assignments - Mildred Wolfe - 04-21-2019

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Assignment 61 Phase 3 Report

Combat Description

Both engagements took place in Manhattan's orbit, one was further back than the most recent. Variable affecting data on the first encounter are that the situation, like in a part of my previous report - was a formal duel. Being just that, the Bounty Hunter Manta "Hotshot" decided to try and show off in front of some Liberty Naval and Security Force vessels in front of Manhattan. He could move quite well, but also couldn't quite shoot on target or correctly manage explosives - both were weaknesses that cost him his ship.

Looking for revenge in a more recent encounter near Manhattan's orbit as well, he, accompanied by various other fighters and one in particular - a Moray. The Moray wore the call-sign "Royalist" and was about as reckless as the rogues that died trying to kill him. Even while being outgunned his own method of flying cost him, attempting to deploy and detonate explosives repeatedly at the same intervals made him predictable. In the end, it costed him his life. After his ship went down, the others, including Hotshot, backed off. Out of fear I assume, but of course they put up a bluff to make me think otherwise.

Tactical Analysis

Hotshot would probably catch a non-assassin off guard with his movement. Despite lacking the aggressiveness that goes in hand with his set of weapons (Reavers) his movement would toss off ones concentration. As for the Moray, the vessel prefers to glide out and bait the pilot towards him - luring him into an obvious trap. The bomber also has a knack for firing novas up close, using the shield-guard as a barrier while the Nova Torpedo instantly destroys its target. This was seen during the battle today, and it was effective in killing one of the Rogue bombers.

Proposed Countermeasures

In groups, these vessels struggle to coordinate and act effectively as both of them use clever movement - but don't make up for it with other traits. Targeting these vessels in groups one by one would make them very easy prey. In the case of a one on one scenario, utilize mines and disruptors at random to throw off the movement of both these vessels. Look for long slides, if the vessels move out - they are likely looking to land a mine trap.


New York, Bounty Hunters Guild, Manta

New York, Bounty Hunters Guild, Moray

RE: The Lane Hacker Assassins | Assignments - Ambrose - 09-01-2019

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Assignment 78 Phase 1 Report

Combat Description
My first contact with this organization occurred near Planet Manhattan, approximately 10k away. Once in scanner range the target quickly set a course to intercept me and opened fire. Lathan was flying a Saishi heavy fighter, a small and very maneuverable vessel. His ship was equipped with four Purple Goddess Chain Guns, two Debiliators, Ripper mine, and a Train CD. He used his vessels maneuverability to his advantage by attempting to out turn me and shoot my ship on the side or rear. With this tactic almost all of his damage was done with his guns. As hitting his Saishi proved to be problematic I instead used my nuclear mines to deliver near fatal damage after each successful hit. This is how I ended up destroying him, a well placed shot with my hellflurrys and a nuclear mine his Saishi was instantly destroyed.

The second contact with this group occured between Planet Houston and the New York Jump Gate in the Texas system. This mercenary was flying a Falchion, a very worthy dueling vessel with its narrow frontal cross section. This vessel was equipped with two Imp. Debiliators, four Flammenwerfer-C2, Mosquito CD, and a Nuclear Mine. Blackjack at first attempted to out turn my Bayonet and but quickly discovered that tactic would not work. He switched to more conservative fighting style by staying relatively stationary and strafing to dodge my fire. This allowed me to setup several nuclear mine hits and he was destroyed shortly after.

Tactical Analysis
Both mercenaries engaged me very quickly after making contact and have no issues fighting without support. They never showed signs of wavering and fought until their last breath. They favor fast and nimble fighters to out turn their opponents at the cost of firepower. No information was gathered on their ability to work as a team in a group fight. Overall both pilots were very capable fighters and should not be taken on carelessly.

Proposed Countermeasures
In both cases the mercenaries flew ships that excel in fighter duels. If alone use nuclear mines to your advantage to stop the the target from getting behind you. Use these mines carefully and not obviously as both targets are very capable of launching CDs and destroying the mines next to you.


New York, Freelancer, Saishi

Texas, Freelancer, Falchion