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To the Junker's Congress - Attention Arbiter James Trent - Printable Version

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To the Junker's Congress - Attention Arbiter James Trent - The Republic Of Liberty - 05-06-2014

Arbiter James Trent;

After many months of investigation by Liberty Force personnel, and formal review of the evidence by the Republic of Liberty's courts, we have found that your organization has breached our laws with serious violations on several occasions in the past year. These violations leave us with a severely negative impression of your organization and its loyalties.

Given past history with your organization, we have determined that a fine of sufficient weight is required to make you understand the depths of these breaches. We therefore require that the Junker's Congress pay reparation fines to Liberty, in measurement appropriate to their violations, of the sum of five hundred million (500,000,000) Sirius Credits. This total is to be forwarded to the bank account designated Ferris.Dufresne within the next forty-eight hours. Additionally, you must adhere to a strict screening program whilst operating within territory controlled by the Republic of Liberty. This will entail checkpoints, spot inspections of your facilities, and other means of observation to be determined. Compliance with these directives will help assure us of your support of the Republic of Liberty in her mission to provide a free and just society; a society free from piracy, narcotics, and marauding hostiles.

We expect immediate and total compliance from your organization on all points. Failure to heed any point of this judgment may necessitate a much harsher approach with respect to your stay in Liberty.

- Boris Livingstone, Secretary of State for Internal Affairs

RE: To the Junker's Congress - Attention Arbiter James Trent - Hawk - 05-06-2014

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Emeritus Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

Arbiter Trenton is very busy with a rather hectic job. I should know. I am going to try to help out with this as best I can. I'm stepping away from my retirement for this, so for the love of God almighty, please do not waste my time.

I'm reading your statement wondering just how it is possible that you have forgotten all about due process here. That does still exist here correct? Or is Liberty merely a catchy name for this house that has no real meaning anymore? It looks like my brothers have been tried, convicted, and fined without any evidence being presented to them and they have been denied any opportunity whatsoever to respond to these charges before you dole out your "justice".

The Junker Congress has recently paid a sizable fine for some unfortunate indiscretions. Please forward to me immediately all evidence of indiscretions that have happened since that time.

Let me be VERY CLEAR about this. I know you are the law here and that you have a house to run, but without evidence and due process this is nothing but a shakedown. I know exactly where this is coming from and where you are hoping it will lead. Not on my watch.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: To the Junker's Congress - Attention Arbiter James Trent - The Republic Of Liberty - 05-06-2014

Mister Crow;

We were under the impression that you had retired. We find your response most unusual, given the circumstances. We would like to hear from Arbiter Trenton directly on this.

As for the why, your organization, and the entirety of Liberty, was given notice as to our investigation here and here. As for the actual case brought against you, please review the following.

(03-09-2014, 01:54 AM)Liberty Navy Wrote:

COMM ID: Captain Samantha McKenzie, Judge Advocate General Corps
TARGET ID: Department of Internal Affairs (ATTN: Boris Livingstone, Secretary), Department of Justice (ATTN: Reynold Stark, Chief Justice); CC: Liberty Police, Inc. Manhattan Headquarters (LPI-), Department of Homeland Security (=LSF=)
SUBJECT: Report on Activities of the Junker's Congress

[Image: jag-catherine-bell-2.jpg]

Good day.

On behalf of the Liberty Navy First Fleet, and in accordance with the missive issued by Fleet Admiral Rachel Baker, I hereby bring forward the evidence gathered against the entity known as the Junker's Congress.

Our case will be presented in two parts. The first is to show that the accused organization known as the Junker's Congress is not simply a rag-tag organization of people living on the fringe of legal work within Liberty, but is in fact a well directed and powerful criminal syndicate with ties to known smugglers and criminal elements. Secondly, we intend to show that the Junker's Congress is a threat to well being and security of the Republic of Liberty via various espionage and state security breach activities. With these goals in mind, the evidence is laid out as follows.

1 - Criminal Activities

1.1 - Support of Smugglers

The Junker's Congress maintains several bases within the Republic of Liberty, many of which are frequented by known criminal elements. While it is often difficult to link them to these activities, several recent events have shown behavior that supports these criminals.

Case JRF-001:

Admiral Alan Polstari reports a smuggler and a known criminal on the Junker's Congress reporting channel. The report is ignored despite a second transmission nearly a week later. Additionally, Admiral Jack Malrone makes mention of the need to address the same matter directly to Arbiter James Trenton, which is responded to with the promise to address the communique. The matter is never resolved, however, and it can only be derived that the Arbiter is not interested in deterring unlawful activity at his facilities despite repeated requests to the affect.

Case RCH-032:

A more direct case reported by Commander Adrian Wicks, we see a Junker's Congress vessel identified as .:j:.Rust.In.Peace within range of Rochester Station. While under observation, it openly communicated with vessels detected carrying contraband. Please note visuals #009 through #012. Note the familiarity displayed by this Congressman despite direct observation by a First Fleet pilot.

Case RCH-038:

This is not the only incident of direct action by a Junker's Congress vessel in association with criminal elements. The following report shows the vessel identified .:j:.Hanover.Fist not only allowing unlawful elements to repair on Rochester Station, but announcing direct intervention against Liberty Navy personnel in defense of said elements as well.

1.2 - Direct Criminal Behavior

We have found not only do the Junker's Congress support the smuggling of contraband material, but that they actively participate in such activities. Several recent cases of this behavior are listed here.

Case SMG-295:

Referring to communication by Admiral Malrone in case JRF-001, we see that his initial report to Arbiter James Trenton indicates evidence of illegal activity by his own right hand man. It is clear that at this point Arbiter Trenton is made aware of smuggling activities within his own organization. Please note his promise to investigate such activities. Given the following cases, we believe that this statement was merely given to mollify Admiral Malrone, not actually rectify the matter.

Case SMG-307:

The following report records direct evidence of a Junker's Congress vessel, identified as .:j:.GlennLivet, hauling contraband Human Organs near Manhattan orbit. The vessel was communicated with and ordered to halt, but ultimately managed to evade capture.

Case SMG-313:

Another report by a secondary asset shows that despite previous incidents recorded, members of the Junker's Congress continue to act in a manner displaying open criminality. Note the vessels .:j:.La-Bruja and .:j:.Gypsy transporting volatile Black Market Munitions along the lanes in Liberty core space.

Case SMG-320:

More recently, Captain Hartman reported an intercept of the vessel .:j:.Golden_Goose while executing supply runs to Long Island Station. The vessel was transporting volatile Black Market Munitions along the lanes in Liberty Core space. Also note that this was well after the public PSA by Fleet Admiral Baker and the PSA from the Liberty Government announcing this investigation.

1.3 - Threats

Members of the Junker's Congress also appear to feel confident enough in the lack of reprisal to openly threaten Liberty Navy personnel near their own facilities, as referenced in Case RCH-038, but amongst the border world systems patrolled by Liberty's Navy as well. Please note the rather brazen threats issued against our own First Fleet elements.

Case THR-003:

The following report by Lieutenant James Lambert highlights this behavior by the captain of the .:j:.Finnegan's.Wake in the Kepler system. Note Mr. Finnegan's behavior and attitude, as it will be relevant later on.

Case THR-011:

Lieutenant Kaylynn Ryely's report displays that Mister Finnegan is not the only Junker's Congress captain to feel safe enough in the border systems to actively threaten Liberty Navy personnel, and an Admiral of the First Fleet at that.

2 - Security Violations

In addition to the criminal activity listed above, the Junker's Congress has participated in or been a party to several serious breaches of Liberty security. We will examine these as follows.

2.1 Direct Violations

Case Z21-104:

The following communication between Admiral Alan Polstari and Arbiter James Trenton highlights a breach of the Zone 21 Secured Area by the vessel identified as .:j:.One.World.Express. The vessel was observed carrying illicit Nomad material, and is reported to have admitted a desire to explore restricted space.

Case RCH-033:

Following Case RCH-032, the evidence also displays the captain of the .:j:.Rust.In.Peace not only ignoring smugglers, but openly allowing Outcast identified fighters, gunboats, and warships access to Rochester Station while maintaining open discussion with them. Please reference images #002, #004, #006, #009, #014 through #017, #019 & #020, and #024 through #027. This open welcome coincides well with the disinterest displayed by Arbiter Trenton to respond to criminal behavior as reported in Case JRF-001.

2.2 - Indirect Security Threats

Finally, the attitude displayed by members of the Junker's Congress is not one of patriotism for Liberty, but of the self-interest of a criminal syndicate willing to go to any lengths to maintain its power; including betraying the well being of the House they claim to support.

Case RSP-001:

While I'm sure you're aware of the recent transmission by the recently promoted Fleet Admiral Roy Sanders directed towards both our own House and the House of Gallia, you may not be aware of some of the responses. In particular, the response by Congressman Tim Finnegan, previously mentioned in Case THR-003, is of note. The following clip displays the threatening nature not of patriots towards the enemy, but of a criminal syndicate willing to leverage the well being of Liberty in exchange for ignoring their criminal activities.

(02-14-2014, 05:26 AM)TFinnegan Wrote:
[Image: QSHUCqo.png]
Sender: Congressman Tim Finnegan
Location: Redacted
*backs off a pace, still severe in his stare, hoisting his shotgun back to his shoulder*
We Junkers let Kusari rot an' twist whoile Gallia rolled o'er 'em.
Ye'z know it t' be true.
Who'd ye'z tink it were wha' divulged th' Kusari base locations, aye?

*a wry smile and an open hand held forth*
Oi s'pose th' next move 'ere be up t'yez lot an' yer daft-as-doors policy 'andlers.
Aye an' sure.
Question bee'n, we Congressmen gonna walk off't whistlin' an' arskin "Liberty who?" or might we, just bloody maybe, aid ye'z in th' dark future you done brought 'pon yerselves?

S'toime ta' choose lad.
'Cause me tinks ye may just hae opened up a huge ruttin' can o' worms ye'z cannae control.

Wake, oot.
Congressman Tim Finnegan
Clan Chief, Gordon Junkers of Inverness
Coileach an Taobh Tuath

3 - Conclusion

To summarize, given the evidence presented, it is apparent that the members of the Junker's Congress are more interested in maintaining their criminal syndicate than in maintaining the well being of the Republic of Liberty. They openly engage in criminal activity, mock Liberty Force personnel operating in the line of duty, directly and indirectly support smuggling of contraband, give preferential treatment to criminals and foreign powers hostile to Liberty's interests, and threaten sabotage of Liberty's war against the aggression of the House of Gallia. With this in mind, the Liberty Navy First Fleet formally requests that the Junker's Congress be recognized as the criminal and security threat that it is and be ejected by force from the territories owned and overseen by the Republic of Liberty.

Captain Samantha McKenzie
Judge Advocate General Corps, First Fleet


While we've determined that some of these incidents have been resolved on an individual basis, some are still open for resolution. On the whole however, this case presents a rather dim view of the activities and allegiances of the Junker's Congress. It is for these reasons that we lay the fine and the compliance program upon you. We expect that this explanation is sufficient for you and that we will see the your organization's acquiescence within the allotted time frame.

- Boris Livingstone, Secretary of State for Internal Affairs

RE: To the Junker's Congress - Attention Arbiter James Trent - Hawk - 05-06-2014

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Emeritus Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

I asked you not to waste my time. I should be out in the border worlds tending to my new business ventures, but it now appears that I am going to be spending A LOT of time in Liberty in the future.

I'm sure you would like to speak directly to Trenton. As I said, he is very busy. He is busy because of people like you who desire to make his job ten times more complicated than it needs to be. You should actually be honored by this arrangement. If you were dealing directly with Trenton, you would be getting his divided attention because he has so much to worry about. I'm hear now to do nothing but settle this matter and this is now the only thing occupying my time. All my attention is for you and for none other.

You just admitted to me that some of the above matters had already been resolved. Why are they being presented to me then. Did my prior comments about due process go unnoticed? Double jeopardy does not work here. Please submit to me ONLY those offenses that have not been resolved. I have been very polite and direct with you and I intend to resolve this peacefully without wasting your time. I would very much appreciate you offering me the same courtesy.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: To the Junker's Congress - Attention Arbiter James Trent - The Republic Of Liberty - 05-07-2014

Mister Crow;

Wasting your time is the least of our concerns. You were given the full case file so that you would understand the gravity of the situation presented to you. Your ignorance that there even was such an investigation causes us great concern as to your ability to resolve this matter in a satisfactory manner. Arbiter Trenton was aware of this investigation, and had responded that he was making "changes" to address it while it was yet ongoing. You will note that in several cases our investigation found that this was not the case well after these communiques were given.

As to the exact cases and charges for which the fine and judgment is rendered, you will find them listed below. You may refer to the full case file above to see the evidence presented.

Two (2) counts harboring criminal elements.

One (1) count of harboring criminal elements.

One (1) count of harboring criminal elements.
One (1) count of assault against Liberty personnel.
One (1) count of battery against Liberty personnel.
One (1) count of use of deadly force against Liberty personnel.

One (1) count of smuggling contraband material (Human Organs).
One (1) count of evading arrest.

One (1) count of assault against Liberty personnel.

One (1) count of assault against Liberty personnel.
One (1) count of battery against Liberty personnel.

Three (3) counts of supporting foreign hostiles in Liberty space.

Your organization has twenty-four hours remaining to acknowledge and comply with our judgment as issued.

- Boris Livingstone, Secretary of State for Internal Affairs

RE: To the Junker's Congress - Attention Arbiter James Trent - Hawk - 05-07-2014

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Emeritus Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

Don't assume that I'm not aware of what's going on here and what's been going on. I have a much better grasp of what you are doing here than I think you realize. There are obviously issues here and I fine needs to be paid. I'm not even going to try to argue that one. I want this issue resolved as much as you do. I don't think you realize what's going on here though. A judgment has been made against the Junker Congress in their absence with no response from them. That sidesteps due process and is illegal. I'm not proposing to walk out on this. I'm proposing that you and I come together and work out a solution that will put this to rest once and for all. I think that is reasonable.

I want to see this resolved and I want Liberty to be a safe place for all to do business. I know you want that as well. Let's get together and work this out.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: To the Junker's Congress - Attention Arbiter James Trent - The Republic Of Liberty - 05-08-2014

Mister Crow;

As previously indicated, the Junker's Congress was put on public notice of our investigation twice. Arbiter Trenton, the leader of your organization, acknowledged this fact. Our due process has been presented, our case evaluated, and our judgment in the absence of contravening facts is given. If you have no evidence that counters what we've presented, and it sounds by your own admission that you do not, then our judgment stands.

We will expected payment to the account Ferris.Dufresne within the next twenty-four hours if you have no evidence to present. The compliance program will also be followed by your organization at all times. We expect that your vessels will obey all lawful requests made of them and will not attempt to evade inspection if lawfully ordered to submit to one. We reserve the right to investigate the space your stations occupy at any time without prior notice for the purposes of security evaluation and criminal interdiction. We will work with your organization to ensure that no criminal or hostile foreign powers take refuge upon your facilities. We believe that this program will help make Liberty a House free from piracy, narcotics, and marauding hostiles.

- Boris Livingstone, Secretary of State for Internal Affairs

RE: To the Junker's Congress - Attention Arbiter James Trent - Hawk - 05-08-2014

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Emeritus Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

I've advised Arbiter Trenton to go ahead and pay the fine. This should put the matter to rest once and for all. Also, Arbiter Trenton has appointed me to the position of ambassador so I will be sticking around to make sure the Congress is complying with your demands and everything is running smoothly. I look forward to working with you in the future.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: To the Junker's Congress - Attention Arbiter James Trent - The Republic Of Liberty - 05-12-2014

Mister Crow;

Our accountants inform me that we have received the fine in full from your organization. I am certain that we are all glad that we did not have to escalate matters beyond our primary judgment on this. With this out of the way, we fully look to have the support of the Junker's Congress in maintaining the interests and well-being of Liberty.

- Boris Livingstone, Secretary of State for Internal Affairs

RE: To the Junker's Congress - Attention Arbiter James Trent - Hawk - 05-12-2014

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Ambassador Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

I'm glad this could be resolved. I will be remaining in Liberty for some time it seems. I still have an office on Rochester and my personal flagship will be in Liberty for a while. You are welcome to contact me directly if there are any issues in the future.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****