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Governing House Independent
Region Tau Edge Worlds
Connected Systems Tau-23
Omicron Alpha

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
Blue Dwarf
  • TYPE: O1
  • COLOR: Blue
  • MASS: 1.52 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 0.98 x 10e7 km
Medium Yellow
  • TYPE: G2
  • COLOR: Yellow
  • MASS: 1.99 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 1.39 x 10e7 km
Planetary Objects
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Bermejo Cloud
  • Bermejo Debris Field
  • Guiana Cloud
  • Malvinas Cloud
  • Torres Ice Crystal Field
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Freeport 10 Zoners
Falkland Base Independent Miners Guild
  • Commodity Mining
    • Scrap Metal
    • Water
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
    • Zoners
    Corporations & Guilds
    • Independent Miners Guild
    Unlawful Factions

      System Map

      Ew01 map.png

      Areas of Interest


      Bermejo Cloud

      The Bermejo Cloud is a medium-sized field composed mostly of water ice crystals, much of which is a fine snow-like dust. The high refractive nature of the ice is what provides the impressive and distinctive appearance of cloud from Freeport 10's viewing decks.

      The Independent Mining Guild has attempted to survey the cloud for further resources, however there is a strong Outcast precence that has been frequently spotted entering and exiting the concealment of the cloud. This has so far discouraged further survey attempts.

      Malvinas Cloud

      The Malvinas Cloud is a field of asteroids and dust which never formed into a planetary body. The Independent Mining Guild has long since set up operations in the area due to the valuable ores detected within many of the larger asteroids. Outcast patrols can occasionally be seen entering the cloud in an attempt to score a quick payday from the miners.

      Guiana Cloud

      Long ago a small portion of the Bermejo cloud was split off from the main mass. Unexpectedly, a local gravitational anomaly caused the seperated section to form into its own roughly sphere shaped cloud. Dubbed the Guiana Cloud, the cloud's primary feature is its unique shape. Like the Bermejo Cloud it is highly refractive and difficult to navigate, yet ships can still occasionally be seen entering and exiting the diminutive cloud.

      Asteroid Fields

      Bermejo Debris Field

      A vast debris field stretching from the Omicron Alpha Jump Hole to Freeport 10, consisting of the discarded remains and wreckage of refugee ships escaping the clutches of the Outcasts.

      Torres Ice Crystal Field

      The Torres Field is a small field of frozen water and oxygen crystals. Unlike the nearby Bermejo Cloud, the Torres field does not possess the same refractive or concealing properties. While it is obvious that there was once some force that caused this field to form without merging with Bermejo or Malvinas, these forces have long dissipated.

      During the early construction phase of Freeport 10, Zoners would harvest the crystals of the field in order to maintain their life support systems. While no longer required to maintain life on the Freeport, the field is still considered to be an emergency resource by the Zoners.


      Griffin - E/D-2

      The Griffin was a Bounty Hunter Vessel that was lost after the pilot, Jessica Stephenson, chased some Outcasts into the Bermejo Cloud. According to the Bounty Hunter's Guild, Jessica was known to have close ties with APM, the developers of the Bounty Hunter's shiplines.

      Given her history, it is unknown why she would have been so far out in the Edgeworlds, especially as she had not accepted any bounty request at the time.


      Barossa - E-6/7

      The Barossa was an Independent Mining Guild freighter attempting to transport Niobium out of Tau-37. The ship was attacked by Outcasts. While an IMG patrol managed to chase off the Outcasts, with its crew dead and engines damaged, the freighter drifted off into the cloud and was lost.


      Barberry - E/D-6

      A Cryer Pharmaceuticals escort fighter, piloted by Jake Thompson. Nearly every external component of Barberry is damaged or missing.


      Il Fiocina - E/F-3

      Most of the ship's cruise disruptor supply has been expended. System logs indicate outbound transmissions requesting backup. The hull bears the scorch marks of transport-class turrets, and the shield generator has been rendered inoperable.


      Achlidon - F/E-3

      The communication logs in the black box recorder show navigation requests from IMG ships.


      Thorax - F-3

      The communication logs in the black box recorder show navigation requests from IMG ships.


      Antares - F/E-3

      Antares bears no cargo manifests in its computer system, but its recording devices indicate it was last moored on Malta's surface. The telltale blisters of particle blasts spot its hull, and its engines and life support systems are completely destroyed.

      The bodies aboard, though bloated and desiccated by vacuum exposure, distinctly seem to lack Outcast uniforms. Contains:

      Siren - F/E-3

      Freeport 10's launch records list Siren's last launch as a search and rescue mission. The hull is riddled with debris, and an umbilical connection hangs damaged and lifeless from the craft's cargo hold airlock.


      Terracotta - D-2

      Little remains of this vessel but its computer systems' logs.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.engines]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> all<TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/> <TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/>operable. capacity:<TRA data="0" mask="0" def="-1"/> <TRA data="16776960" mask="-256" def="255"/>58%

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.thruster]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> no data.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.lifesupp]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> operable. capacity: <TRA data="1724710656" mask="-256" def="255"/>38%

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.gyros]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> 1 operable; 1 inoperable. capacity: <TRA data="65280" mask="-256" def="255"/>25%

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> transmit voice. transcription (automated):

      That's the last of them down. If we stick around here any longer, we'll be joining them.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.lifesupp]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> cabin temperature: <TRA data="1724710656" mask="-256" def="255"/>30C<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/>, rising steadily.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.lifesupp]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> cabin coolant low. capacity: <TRA data="65280" mask="-256" def="255"/>27%

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> receive voice. transcription (automated):

      Sending you a formation order. Let's get out of here.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> receive digital. autopilot instructions sent to <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.navi]<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/>.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.navi]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> instructions accepted by pilot. engines, gyros tasked to <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.navi.auto]<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/>.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.engines]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> cruise subroutine activated by <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.navi.auto]<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/>.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> transmit voice. transcription (automated):

      Panel says I've got a coolant leak. How's your ship?

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.integrity]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> nanobots released by pilot. swarm directed to engines.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.engines]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> all operable. capacity: <TRA data="872362752" mask="-256" def="255"/>65%

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> receive voice. transcription (automated):

      Lost cabin lights, two guns, and shields.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> transmit voice. transcription (automated):

      Freeport or Falkland?

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.integrity]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> shield restored. available capacity: <TRA data="-859019776" mask="-256" def="255"/>75%

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> receive voice. transcription (automated):

      Falkland's too far.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> transmit voice. transcription (automated):

      Freeport it is, then.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.sensors]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> system jump detected.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.sensors.targeting]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> contacts established: 4.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> transmit voice. transcription (automated):

      Shit, there's more!

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> receive voice. transcription (automated):

      Can't fight. Break formation and run for it!

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.navi.auto]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> instructions overridden by pilot. engines, gyros tasked to <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.navi]<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/>.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.engines]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> <TRA data="65280" mask="-256" def="255"/>error<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/>. cruise subroutine failed.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.integrity]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> shield failed.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> transmit voice. transcription impossible; recording corrupted or too noisy.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.integrity]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> hull impacts detected. breach likely.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.integrity]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> hull breach imminent. task sent to <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms.auto]<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/>.

      <TRA data="-2139062271" mask="-255" def="254"/>[sys.comms.auto]:<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/> distress beacon deployed. time to capacitor drain: <TRA data="16776960" mask="-256" def="255"/>6 hours<TRA data="-2139062272" mask="-256" def="255"/>.<TRA data="0" mask="0" def="-1"/>


      Jump Gates/Holes

      Target System Type Location
      Tau-23 Jump Hole D-6/7
      Omicron Alpha Jump Hole E-3

      NOTE: Page generated on the 17/11/2023 at 17:48:43 UTC