Ablative Armor Plating

From Discovery Wiki
Ablative Armor Plating
Commodity ablativearmor.png
Cargo Space 1
Decay Rate no decay
Default Price 30$
High Risk Commodity True


Ablative armor functions as a passive defense against energy weapons and munitions. Ablative armor dissipates the force of damage across nearby surface area in a process called ablation, resulting in the armor being gradually worn away over a large area to disperse harmful impacts and reduce penetrative potential. Ablative armor is designed to prevent pinpoint hull ruptures from individual impacts, but does not prevent eventual loss of hull integrity once armor over a section of hull is entirely worn away from damage. Fueled by Edge Worlds imports, Iridium alloys have seen many innovations in this armor design in recent years.


Base Price: $30

Container Hitpoints: 250

Cargo Space Per Unit: 1


Bases buying
Base Owner System Region Price
Valravn Citadel The Technocracy Inverness Independent 131$
Planet Amiens Gallic Navy Picardy Gallia 98$
Planet Sprague Bretonia Police Omega-3 Omega Border Worlds 64$
Akabat The Order Omicron Mu Nomad Worlds 187$
Islay Base Gaians Edinburgh Bretonia 135$
Battleship Resurgent Gallic Royalists Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds 157$
Battleship Pamiers The Maquis Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds 143$
Vercors Outpost The Maquis Burgundy Gallia 117$
Limoux Base The Maquis Languedoc Gallia 108$
Sournia Repair Yards The Maquis Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds 151$
Darmstadt Depot LWB Stuttgart Rheinland 41$
Brunoy Hideout The Maquis Ile-de-France Gallia 97$
Eplessier Depot The Maquis Picardy Gallia 105$
Ainu Depot Golden Chrysanthemums Hokkaido Kusari 87$
Kyoto Base Blood Dragons Chugoku Kusari Outer Region 99$
Planet Crete Corsairs Omicron Gamma Corsairs 115$
Torshavn Space Port Gaians Cambridge Bretonia 89$
Mull Base Mollys Newcastle Bretonia 124$
Battlecruiser Vis Corsairs Omicron Kappa Nomad Worlds 121$
Tripoli Shipyard Corsairs Omicron Gamma Corsairs 123$
Battlecruiser Krk Corsairs Omicron Gamma Corsairs 123$
Battleship Prox Corsairs Omicron Gamma Corsairs 118$
Battlecruiser Santander Corsairs Dublin Bretonia 124$
Planet Malta Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 102$
Cadiz Base Corsairs Omega-5 Omega Border Worlds 89$
Petra Base Corsairs Sigma-15 Sigma Border Worlds 53$
Battlecruiser Penitence Corsairs Dresden Rheinland Outer Region 35$
Lagos Depot Corsairs Sigma-13 Sigma Border Worlds 47$
Corsica Shipyard Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 114$
Battlecruiser Tercio Outcasts Omicron Beta Edge Worlds 77$
Dreadnought Basilica Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 105$
Battlecruiser Bastia Outcasts Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds 129$
Secundus Outpost Artificial Intelligence Omicron Pi Nomad Worlds 171$
Primus Outpost Artificial Intelligence Omega-48 Omega Edge Worlds 126$
Planet Gammu The Core Omicron Kappa Nomad Worlds 113$
Ryukyu Base Blood Dragons Tohoku Sigma Border Worlds 104$
Providence Station Independent Pirates Edinburgh Bretonia 146$
Hikone Base Blood Dragons Honshu Kusari 67$
Battleship Kokura Blood Dragons Kyushu Kusari 109$
Ithaca Base Independent Pirates Omega-7 Omega Border Worlds 47$
Zvyozdny Gorodok Sirius Coalition Omega-52 Omega Edge Worlds 117$
Zhejiang Orbital Sirius Coalition Omega-52 Omega Edge Worlds 110$
Altair Research Complex Wild Omicron Iota Nomad Worlds 187$
Lichtenfelde Complex Wild Omicron Delta Nomad Worlds 147$
Lausanne Complex Wild Zurich Alsace Passage 60$
Yaren Base The Core Omicron Delta Nomad Worlds 139$
Bourg-en-Bresse Space Port EFL Oil & Machinery Burgundy Gallia 116$
Sulawesi Citadel Crayter Republic Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds 147$
Battlecruiser Tuscaloosa Liberty Security Force Inverness Independent 149$
Battleship Daishouri Gas Miners Guild Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds 75$
Carrier Praia Zoners Inverness Independent 130$
Battlecruiser Sisteron Gallic National Intelligence Orkney Tau Border Worlds 123$
Battlecruiser Lehigh Liberty Security Force Ontario Liberty 117$
Fort Sommerda Detachment 16 Thuringia Rheinland 45$
Battleship Nagasaki Kusari Naval Forces Shikoku Kusari 91$
Battleship Alma Liberty Navy Pennsylvania Liberty 92$
Carrier Ohio Liberty Navy Colorado Liberty 99$
Reims Station EFL Oil & Machinery Champagne Gallia 66$
Newport Station Freelancers Sigma-13 Sigma Border Worlds 45$
Battleship Myoko Kusari Naval Forces Shikoku Kusari 85$
Battleship Hamamatsu Kusari Naval Forces Honshu Kusari 54$
Battleship Arkansas Liberty Navy Texas Liberty 58$
Battleship Schwerin Rheinland Military Frankfurt Rheinland 35$
Carrier Saar Detachment 16 Frankfurt Rheinland 37$
Battleship Missouri Liberty Navy New York Liberty 72$
Carrier Soltau Rheinland Military Hamburg Rheinland 37$
Battleship Matsumoto Kusari Naval Forces Kyushu Kusari 92$
Battleship Bayern Rheinland Military New Berlin Rheinland 30$
Battleship Altenburg Rheinland Military Cologne Alsace Passage 46$
Battleship Essex Bretonia Armed Forces New London Bretonia 100$
Battlecruiser Yellowstone Liberty Navy California Liberty 89$
Battleship Concord Liberty Navy California Liberty 95$
Battlecruiser Livingston Bretonia Armed Forces Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds 131$
Battleship Ark Royal Bretonia Armed Forces Leeds Bretonia 127$
Battleship Somerset Bretonia Armed Forces New London Bretonia 95$
Battleship Westfalen Rheinland Military Stuttgart Rheinland 36$
Holman Outpost Independent Miners Guild Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds 127$
Battleship Norfolk Bretonia Armed Forces Cambridge Bretonia 72$
Fort Ramsey Xenos Ontario Liberty 119$
Arranmore Base Mollys Dublin Bretonia 133$
Destroyer Insidious Lane Hackers Coronado Independent 134$
Battleship Zuschen Red Hessians Omega-41 Omega Edge Worlds 104$
Ronneburg Base Red Hessians Omega-5 Omega Border Worlds 78$
Vogtland Base Red Hessians Dresden Rheinland Outer Region 40$
Tennstedt Base Bundschuh Thuringia Rheinland 58$
Bielefeld Base Bundschuh Sigma-15 Sigma Border Worlds 46$
Bruchsal Base Bundschuh Frankfurt Rheinland 38$
Cruiser Schwarzwald LWB Cologne Alsace Passage 48$
Cruiser Greifswald LWB New Berlin Rheinland 31$
Kamakura Base Hogosha Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds 68$
Davos Base Unioners Zurich Alsace Passage 71$
Krefeld Base Unioners Cologne Alsace Passage 54$
Pacifica Base Unioners Bering Independent 51$
Wedel Base Unioners Hamburg Rheinland 43$
Kagoshima Depot Farmers Alliance Kyushu Kusari 86$
Kamisu Hideout Farmers Alliance Honshu Kusari 52$
Nishiara Base Golden Chrysanthemums Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds 71$
Atacama Base Gaians Vespucci Independent 139$
Kirkwall Base Gaians Orkney Tau Border Worlds 144$
Holmfirth Base Gaians Manchester Bretonia 112$
Bourbon Base Unione Corse Burgundy Gallia 118$
Epernon Base Unione Corse Orleanais Gallia 98$
Montelimar Base Unione Corse Languedoc Gallia 105$
Monaco Base Unione Corse Provence Gallia 97$
Boulogne Base Gallic Brigands Picardy Gallia 115$
Salbris Base Gallic Brigands Orleanais Gallia 108$
Beaumont Depot Gallic Brigands Ile-de-France Gallia 86$
Lavars Base Gallic Brigands Languedoc Gallia 117$
Skye Base Gaians Newcastle Bretonia 119$
Planet Pittsburgh Deep Space Engineering New York Liberty 77$
Fort Carthage The Order Omicron Mu Nomad Worlds 204$
Aubigny EFL Oil & Machinery Ile-de-France Gallia 86$
Planet Gran Canaria Zoners Omega-48 Omega Edge Worlds 125$
Planet Gran Canaria Neutral Omega-48 Omega Edge Worlds 119$
Planet Denver Liberty Police, Inc. Colorado Liberty 87$
Planet Manhattan Liberty Police, Inc. New York Liberty 76$
Planet New Tokyo Kusari State Police New Tokyo Kusari 68$
Planet New Berlin Rheinland Federal Police New Berlin Rheinland 30$
Wuppertal Refinery ALG Waste Disposal Cologne Alsace Passage 44$
Belvedere Refinery ALG Waste Disposal New London Bretonia 100$
Planet Marne Gallic Metal Service Champagne Gallia 65$
Briancon Station ALG Waste Disposal Languedoc Gallia 101$
Scarborough Shipyard Border World Exports Newcastle Bretonia 119$
Wichter Station ALG Waste Disposal Sigma-15 Sigma Border Worlds 51$
Maintenon Shipyard Gallic Navy Orleanais Gallia 104$
Haute-Seine Shipyard EFL Oil & Machinery Picardy Gallia 100$
Sabah Shipyard Crayter Republic Coronado Independent 141$
Rambouillet Shipyard Gallic Navy Ile-de-France Gallia 92$
Kure Shipyard Kusari Naval Forces New Tokyo Kusari 87$
Tsukishima Liner Yards Interspace Commerce Shikoku Kusari 89$
Baltimore Shipyard Deep Space Engineering New York Liberty 77$
Norfolk Shipyard Liberty Navy New York Liberty 72$
Yukawa Shipyard Kishiro Technologies Honshu Kusari 59$
Yokohama Shipyard Samura Industries New Tokyo Kusari 76$
Portsmouth Shipyard Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing Cambridge Bretonia 77$
Helgoland Station Gas Miners Guild Sigma-13 Sigma Border Worlds 39$
Planet Quillan EFL Oil & Machinery Languedoc Gallia 98$
West Point Military Academy Liberty Navy New York Liberty 75$
Battleship Montmorency Gallic Navy Burgundy Gallia 120$
Battlecruiser Accuser Gallic Royalists Burgundy Gallia 120$
Durban Station The Core Omicron Delta Nomad Worlds 140$
Destroyer Shillelagh Mollys Dublin Bretonia 128$
Lisburn Rock Mollys Cambridge Bretonia 72$
Battleship Dax Gallic Navy Ile-de-France Gallia 92$
Sandur Base Gaians Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds 136$
Invergordon Salvage Yards Junkers Inverness Independent 130$
Solarius Station Daumann Heavy Construction Omega-11 Omega Border Worlds 50$
Montauban Base Gallic Brigands Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds 144$
Singapore Shipyard Independent Miners Guild Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds 150$
Minato Harbor Crayter Republic Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds 147$
Niigata Star City Gas Miners Guild Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds 74$
Madeira Base Independent Miners Guild Omega-48 Omega Edge Worlds 108$
Battleship Amenta The Order Tau-61 Tau Edge Worlds 145$
Livadia Shipyard Zoners Omicron Kappa Nomad Worlds 126$
Aralsk Research Station Sirius Coalition Omega-52 Omega Edge Worlds 107$
Aralsk Shipyard Sirius Coalition Omega-52 Omega Edge Worlds 115$
Lodeve Space Port Freelancers Languedoc Gallia 120$
Battlecruiser Aubagne Gallic Navy Zurich Alsace Passage 56$
Epernay Base Independent Pirates Champagne Gallia 71$
Chalons-en-Champagne Station Gallic Metal Service Champagne Gallia 68$
Capetown Station The Core Omicron Zeta Nomad Worlds 163$
Battleship Mars The Core Omicron Zeta Nomad Worlds 169$
Battleship Cassard Gallic Navy Champagne Gallia 79$
Carrier Orion The Technocracy Inverness Independent 141$
Battleship Saumur Gallic Navy Picardy Gallia 109$
Battleship Athos Corsairs Omega-48 Omega Edge Worlds 138$
Carrier Ben Warner Sirius Coalition Omega-48 Omega Edge Worlds 117$
Battleship Delos Corsairs Omicron Delta Nomad Worlds 149$
Bristol Bay Station Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing Bering Independent 47$
Padua Base Liberty Rogues Galileo Independent 113$
Hammersee Rheinland Federal Police Sigma-15 Sigma Border Worlds 41$
Trenton Outpost Universal Shipping New York Liberty 81$
Juneau Shipyard Alaska Security Forces Alaska Liberty 92$
Battleship Atum The Order Ontario Liberty 108$
Chadwick Station Alaska Security Forces New York Liberty 76$
Lewes Shipping Platform Gateway Shipping Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds 131$
Thunder Bay Depot Junkers Ontario Liberty 111$
Saverne Base Bundschuh Cologne Alsace Passage 48$
Dabadoru Station The Order Omicron Delta Nomad Worlds 134$
Cairo Station The Order Omicron Zeta Nomad Worlds 182$
Taba Starbase The Order Omicron Mu Nomad Worlds 183$
Battleship Thebes The Order Omicron Mu Nomad Worlds 188$
Corfu Base Zoners Omicron Theta Edge Worlds 89$
Jena Station Detachment 16 Thuringia Rheinland 51$
Melun Research Institution Gallic National Intelligence Ile-de-France Gallia 105$
Evreux Research Facility Gallic National Intelligence Orleanais Gallia 101$
Calais Research Facility Gallic National Intelligence Picardy Gallia 115$
Deshima Station Bounty Hunters Guild Shikoku Kusari 89$
Ichigaya Drydock Kusari Office of Intelligence Tohoku Sigma Border Worlds 102$
Fort Bush Liberty Police, Inc. New York Liberty 77$
Chesapeake Research Facility Alaska Security Forces Alaska Liberty 106$
Planet Weimar Detachment 16 Thuringia Rheinland 49$

NOTE: This page was generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:51:04. Server-side data may be changed on the server at any time, without any notice to the user community. The only authoritative source for in-game data is the game itself.