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Governing House Independent
Region Rheinland Outer Region
Connected Systems New Berlin

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
Medium White
  • TYPE: G8
  • COLOR: White
  • MASS: 2.00 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 1.85 x 10e7 km
Planetary Objects
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Daumann Lavafeld
  • Giftnebel
  • Kruger Lavafeld
  • Lavafeld
  • Mines
  • Schwefelnebel
  • Strausberg-Kassel Debris Field
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Vogtland Base Red Hessians
Wolfsburg Shipyard Red Hessians
Battlecruiser Penitence Corsairs
  • Commodity Mining
    • Scrap Metal
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
      Corporations & Guilds
        Unlawful Factions
        • Corsairs
        • Red Hessians

        System Map

        Rh05 map.png

        Areas of Interest



        A large sulfur cloud containing lava asteroids. In the past diamonds could often be found floating freely within the cloud and were collected by Kruger Minerals, who operated from nearby Bautzen Station. However, due to decreasing yields as time went on and an overwhelming increase in pirate activity, Kruger eventually had no choice but to abandon the system.



        The cloud is a swirling mass of sulfuric acid and hydrogen sulfide that will corrode the Hull Panels of even an armored, shielded ship in a relatively short amount of time. Because of its toxic nature, the cloud has never been fully explored, but Red Hessians will sometimes use it as a method of evading pursuit after stealing valuable Diamond shipments from Daumann or Kruger.

        Daumann Lavafeld

        A field of Copper and Cobalt bearing asteroids. Daumann Heavy Construction used to heavily mine the resources present from their base on Leipzig Station. In its prime, this field produced the bulk of Copper and Cobalt in the Sirius Sector for centuries -- making it an irresistible target for Red Hessian pirates.

        However, when experts speculated that the field would be depleted within two decades, leaving little behind but a massive cloud of sulfur, Daumann undertook preparations to cease operating in the system before losses due to piracy outstripped any potential profit.

        Asteroid Fields



        Kruger Lavafeld

        A field of lava asteroids. Unfortunately, the field is too close to the sun and consequently too molten for any mining. Bautzen Station, the former local headquarters for Kruger Minerals, sits at the edge of the field.


        A small field of lava asteroids named after the phrase "Here be dragons" due to high danger presented by Red Hessian pirates. Rumors say that the Red Hessians often fly through this field during patrols between Leipzig Station and the Giftnebel. The Hessians interest in this field however has raised some concerns that a jump hole might be hidden somewhere between the lava asteroids.

        Strausberg-Kassel Debris Field

        A vast stream of debris stretching from the New Berlin gate to Leipzig, the Strausberg-Kassel Debris Field is named as such due to the principle architects of the field being the Battleships Strausberg and Kassel. The southern push by the Rheinland Military has led to near total collapse of any infrastructure left in Dresden, and combined with increased Corsair aggression in Omega has put the Hessian movement in a dangerous position.


        Danzig - D-2/3

        Scanning reveals older Rheinland Freighter model. The most likely candidate is the Danzig, a Kruger minerals ship lost in 450. It may be carrying Diamonds.


        Rheinland Fighter Wreck - D-2/3

        The wreck of a Rheinland Military Fighter craft, destroyed while serving Rheinland, the hull remains intact despite the loss of the pilot.


        Rheinland Fighter Wreck - D-2

        The wreck of a Rheinland Military Fighter craft, destroyed while serving Rheinland, the hull remains intact despite the loss of the pilot.


        Rheinland Fighter Wreck - C/D-2

        The wreck of a Rheinland Military Fighter craft, destroyed while serving Rheinland, the hull remains intact despite the loss of the pilot.


        Rheinland Fighter Wreck - D/C-2

        The wreck of a Rheinland Military Fighter craft, destroyed while serving Rheinland, the hull remains intact despite the loss of the pilot.


        Rheinland Fighter Wreck - D-2

        The wreck of a Rheinland Military Fighter craft, destroyed while serving Rheinland, the hull remains intact despite the loss of the pilot.


        Rheinland Fighter Wreck - D-2/3

        The wreck of a Rheinland Military Fighter craft, destroyed while serving Rheinland, the hull remains intact despite the loss of the pilot.


        Rheinland Fighter Wreck - D-3/2

        The wreck of a Rheinland Military Fighter craft, destroyed while serving Rheinland, the hull remains intact despite the loss of the pilot.


        Rheinland Fighter Wreck - D/C-2/3

        The wreck of a Rheinland Military Fighter craft, destroyed while serving Rheinland, the hull remains intact despite the loss of the pilot.


        Jump Gates/Holes

        Target System Type Location
        New Berlin Jump Gate E-2
        New Berlin Jump Hole C-3/2
        Stuttgart Jump Hole B-4
        Frankfurt Jump Hole G-4
        Omega-11 Jump Hole C/D-7

        NOTE: Page generated on the 17/11/2023 at 17:48:43 UTC