
From Discovery Wiki
Revision as of 13:08, 22 March 2024 by Misterich (talk | contribs) (Added Desc)
Governing House Independent
Region Alsace Passage
Connected Systems Stuttgart

The Cologne System (German: "Köln" - "Koeln" - in older versions of Discovery the System was called by the German name) is a very young system. It actually belongs to the Rheinland, but is not regularly counted as part of its core system.

The system was discovered early on by criminals and terrorists and used as a fly-through system. Unionists and Hessians set a limit to their spheres of influence in the system. Today, due to the “Krefeld Massacre,” the relationship in the system has turned into open war.

Cologne was opened and developed for settlement very late by the Rhenish government. The greatest value of the system is the Planet Saarbrucken, which supports human life to a limited extent. After the Red Hessians had temporarily colonized the planet, the Second Empire decided to terraform the planet using Planetform after the Hessians were expelled. Although the process is still in its early stages, if carried out successfully it should turn the planet into a true gem. The development was massively delayed by the Rheinland Liberty War, as as a result of which Liberty also imposed an embargo on the Rheinland and thus DSE could not build the usual infrastructure of trade lanes and jump gates. Even after the war, the countries' relationship remained frosty, as the federal government was the only house in Sirius to establish diplomatic contact with Gallia. As a result, EFL was commissioned to build the system's infrastructure. This is how EFL's first diving gate was built outside of Gallic or Gallic-occupied areas. The system also connects the Rheinland and Gallia.

During the Rheinland Civil War, the Red Hessians took over the system in a major offensive and were only able to be driven out by the Imperial Rheinwehr after the end of the war. Today you can still find many remnants in the form of wrecks in the system - silent witnesses to the eternal war between the Red Hessians and their former motherland.


The names and orientation of the system are based on the real German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. In the previous version of the mod, practically every faction had its own special system - the so-called guard systems. The LWB had the Saar System, which was adapted to the state of Saarland as a guard system. This was then combined with Cologne. However, the name Saarbrucken was not changed. The same applies to the Torley space station in orbit of the planet, which has since been destroyed.

During the occupation of the system by the Red Hessians, the planet Saar was dockable. It is one of the three planets that the Red Hessians once controlled, although they no longer have a single one. The others are Planet Tangier and Planet Wiesbaden.

With the destruction of Dortmund Station, Wuppertal Refinery became the most important Station of ALG.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
Medium White
  • TYPE: G8
  • COLOR: White
  • MASS: 2.00 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 1.85 x 10e7 km
Brown Dwarf
  • TYPE: L3
  • COLOR: Red
  • MASS: 0.23 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 0.1 x 10e7 km
Planetary Objects
Planet Owner
Brown Dwarf Uninhabited
Planet Steinfurt Uninhabited
Herne Uninhabited
Planet Longerich Uninhabited
Planet Saarbrucken Uninhabited
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Karlsruhe Debris field
  • Norddrauwolke
  • Object Unknown
  • Volkhoven Nebula
  • Weisskugelfeld
  • Wildspitzefeld
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Geneva Base Bundschuh
Battleship Altenburg Rheinland Military
Wuppertal Refinery ALG Waste Disposal
Heisenberg Research Station Freelancers
Cruiser Schwarzwald Farmers Alliance
Krefeld Base Unioners
  • Commodity Mining
    • Scrap Metal
    • Toxic Waste
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
    • Freelancers
    • Rheinland Military
    Corporations & Guilds
    • ALG Waste Disposal
    Unlawful Factions
    • Bundschuh
    • Farmers Alliance
    • Unioners

    System Map

    Rh07 map.png

    Areas of Interest



    Norddrauwolke has long been a staging ground for a number of unlawful groups in the area who take advantage of the chaotic storms and tidal eddies to mask their congregations. Virtually impossible to patrol in any meaningful way, lawful patrols and traders alike can only await the surges of electromagnetic storms that mark the migration of pirate fleets.

    Volkhoven Nebula

    No information available.

    Asteroid Fields

    Object Unknown

    Object Unknown


    Wildspitzefeld is an asteroid field that bears the marks of a Daumann strip mining operation.


    Weisskugelfeld is an asteroid field on the edge of the Cologne system.

    Karlsruhe Debris field

    This field formed from the wrecks of the Karlsruhe and its escorts that were destroyed in their attempt to flee from the Imperial forces during the Rheinland coup. Because of the highly toxic material leaking from the reactors of the ships, the ships have been deemed unsalvageable by the Rheinland Military. Due to the lack of ability to recover the vessels in their current state, the Rheinland Government is not willing to provide any further funding for their removal. Instead, the Government is offering contracts to the corporations such as ALG to attempt to clean the toxic materials. Many authoritative figures in the field have deemed this cleanup effort to be an impossibility while the reactors are still leaking and see this as nothing more than a political stunt to satisfy the activists to prevent more backlash in the chaos following the civil war.


    Hessian Fighter - C/D-5/6

    A Hessian Fighter whose last orders were to defend the evacuees from Tholey station before its destruction. Much of the damage to the hull shows different layers of fighter fire, which leads to the conclusion that the hull was never entirely repaired before being used for its next assignment.

    Hessian Fighter - C/D-5/6

    A Hessian Fighter whose last orders were to defend the evacuees from Tholey station before its destruction. Much of the damage to the hull shows different layers of fighter fire, which leads to the conclusion that the hull was never entirely repaired before being used for its next assignment.

    Hessian Fighter - C/D-5

    A Hessian Fighter whose last orders were to defend the evacuees from Tholey station before its destruction. Much of the damage to the hull shows different layers of fighter fire, which leads to the conclusion that the hull was never entirely repaired before being used for its next assignment.

    Hessian Fighter - C/D-5

    A Hessian Fighter whose last orders were to defend the evacuees from Tholey station before its destruction. Much of the damage to the hull shows different layers of fighter fire, which leads to the conclusion that the hull was never entirely repaired before being used for its next assignment.

    Hessian Fighter - C/D-5

    A Hessian Fighter whose last orders were to defend the evacuees from Tholey station before its destruction. Much of the damage to the hull shows different layers of fighter fire, which leads to the conclusion that the hull was never entirely repaired before being used for its next assignment.

    Rheinland Fighter - D/C-5

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - C/D-5/6

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - C/D-5

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - C/D-5

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - C/D-5

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - F/E-4

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - E/F-4

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - E/F-4

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - F/E-4

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - F/E-4

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - E/F-4

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - E/F-4

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - F/E-4

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - E/F-4

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Rheinland Fighter - E/F-4

    Wreckage of a Military Fighter that was part of the attack force during the Conflict of Cologne. The hull has markings that are typically found on fighters that were involved in a heavy dog fight.

    Jump Gates/Holes

    Target System Type Location
    Stuttgart Jump Gate G-7
    Zurich Jump Gate C-4/5
    Hamburg Jump Hole G/F-3
    Stuttgart Jump Hole C-6/7

    NOTE: Page generated on the 17/11/2023 at 17:48:43 UTC