New London

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New London
Governing House Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Region Bretonia
Connected Systems New London Atmosphere

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
Medium White
  • TYPE: G8
  • COLOR: White
  • MASS: 2.00 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 1.85 x 10e7 km
Planetary Objects
Planet Owner
Planet New London Bretonia Police
Planet Dover Uninhabited
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Cornwall Asteroid Field
  • Cumbria Asteroid Field
  • Devon Asteroid Field
  • Explosive Gas Zone
  • Somerset Asteroid Field
  • Southampton Debris Field
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Waterloo Station Interspace Commerce
Canterbury Station Planetform, Inc.
Thames Outpost Bretonia Armed Forces
Kensington Shipping Platform Gateway Shipping
Trafalgar Base Junkers
Belvedere Refinery ALG Waste Disposal
  • Commodity Mining
    • Scrap Metal
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
    • Bretonia Armed Forces
    • Bretonia Police
    Corporations & Guilds
    • ALG Waste Disposal
    • Gateway Shipping
    • Interspace Commerce
    • Junkers
    • Planetform, Inc.
    Unlawful Factions

      System Map

      Br01 map.png

      Areas of Interest


      Asteroid Fields

      Southampton Debris Field


      The Southampton Debris Field is a monument to government expediency, the product of centuries of ship construction without any form of government environmental oversight in an effort to expand the Bretonian space fleet as quickly as possible. The resulting eyesore, an ocean of scrap, is as emblematic of Bretonia as Southampton Shipyard itself once was. A large population of Junkers resides within the field -- despite the presence of dangerously radioactive areas around leaking engine cores. The construction of Belvedere Refinery and ALG's partnership with the Junkers represents the first serious attempt to tackle the debris field. Recently, there has been a spike in Corsair and Molly patrols in the field.

      Cornwall Asteroid Field


      A mined-out asteroid field. The Trade Lane connecting New London with the Cambridge Jump Gate was carefully surveyed prior to construction to ensure that it did not intersect any pockets of explosive gas remaining in the field.

      Cumbria Asteroid Field


      The mining of the Cumbria field released large quantities of explosive gas trapped inside the asteroids, resulting in a number of fatalities over the centuries. The field no longer possesses any resources of note, but the explosive gas has since settled into a large pocket within a gravitational dead zone. Molly and Corsair vessels are frequently spotted in the field. Since the Bretonian withdrawal from Dublin, a strict blockade has been imposed on traffic into and out of the system. The blockade is enforced in the field by patrols from the Battleship Essex.

      Explosive Gas Zone

      Devon Asteroid Field


      A large asteroid field exhausted of all useful resources. Care should be taken, however, as the mining process created at least one large pocket of explosive gas within the field. Devon is frequently used as cover for Gaian attacks on the nearby Canterbury Station, where Planetform, Inc. is headquartered.

      Somerset Asteroid Field


      One of the smaller asteroid fields in the system, mining of Somerset began soon after other asteroid fields in the system were depleted of resources; however, the large quantities of explosive gas within the Somerset asteroids quickly made any further mining impossible and the area was abandoned.


      Vanguard - C-5/6

      The Molly fighter Vanguard, identified and pursued by Bretonia Armed Forces fighters several weeks ago. Could be carrying Gold.


      Trujillo - G-4/5

      Probable remains of the Trujillo, a Corsair ship smuggling Artifacts into New London.


      Puno - C-4/3

      The wreck of the Outcast fighter Puno, missing since 751. Most likely contains a cargo of Cardamine.


      York - C-3

      From the start of the Gallic war, Battleship York proved to be an indispensible lynchpin of the Bretonian Armed Forces defence. In 820 AS the York delayed the Gallic spearhead as it advanced deeper into the Leeds system, allowing the armed forces to disable the Jump Gates out of Leeds and forcing the Gallic invasion to a near standstill until they could locate alternative routes to the Bretonian capital.

      As one of the last ships to retreat through the New London Jump Gate, the York was battle-scarred but still operational and for the next two years, received repairs and refits whilst holding position by the re-routed Newcastle Jump Gate in the New London system. However with the increasingly daring incursions by the Royal Navy into the heart of Bretonia by 824 AS, the York was forced to relocate to protect the strategically vital station of Southampton Shipyard.

      As the Royal Navy initiated a rapid and devastating system wide blitz, the York set condition one throughout the fleet, coordinating the defense effort. After 17 hours of constant fighting, it became clear that Southampton Shipyard was no longer a tenable position. An evacuation was ordered as immense numbers of Gallic warships began to bear down on the station and its fatigued defenders. Holding the line long enough for much of Southampton's personnel to evacuate, the York was cut off from retreat by the Le Cendre. With bulkheads straining under continual bombardment, the main engines failed and her gun batteries fell silent. Her commanding officer ordered the York on a collision course with her assailant, only to discover that the York's navigation systems had been crippled in the attack.

      The order was given to abandon ship, and the men and women of the York made their way to the escape pods. George Hall, an officer once charged with treason, instead chose to remain behind and guide the old Dunkirk in by hand towards the Le Cendre. The York's back had already been broken however, and before she could impact the Valor, the bow of the great ship was torn asunder. Little more than a rain of debris fell upon the Le Cendre's thick shields, and the ship pressed on unscathed.

      Although his sacrifice was in vain, George Hall was post-humously awarded the Golden Sable Of Freedom, the highest commendation an officer of the Armed Forces can receive.

      Jump Gates/Holes

      Target System Type Location
      New London Atmosphere Jump Hole D/C-6/7
      Manchester Jump Gate G-3
      Cambridge Jump Gate G/F-6
      Leeds Jump Gate D-2
      Cambridge Jump Hole G-5
      Leeds Jump Hole C-3/2
      Dublin Jump Hole B/C-5

      NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:45 UTC