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Governing House Independent
Region Gallic Border Worlds
Connected Systems Ile-de-France

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
Medium White
  • TYPE: G8
  • COLOR: White
  • MASS: 2.00 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 1.85 x 10e7 km
Planetary Objects
Planet Owner
Planet Ales Uninhabited
Planet Vienne Uninhabited
Planet Sete Uninhabited
Planet Aude Uninhabited
Planet Quillan Gallic Navy
Planet Cerbere Uninhabited
Agde Uninhabited
Bedarieux Uninhabited
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Aveyron Nebula
  • Clelles Asteroid Field
  • Gap Debris Field
  • Herault Ice Asteroid Field
  • Isere Nebula
  • Languedoc Mine Field
  • Lozere Asteroid Field
  • Montpellier Debris Field
  • Remoulins Debris Field
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Nimes Station Gallic Navy
Limoux Base The Maquis
Lavars Base - Dock B Gallic Brigands
Lavars Base - Dock A Gallic Brigands
Lodeve Space Port Gallic Metal Service
Montelimar Base Unione Corse
Briancon Station EFL Oil and Machinery
Montbrison Prison Station Gallic Navy
Battleship Hossegor Gallic Navy
Liner Brixton Junkers
  • Commodity Mining
    • Military Salvage
    • Scrap Metal
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
    • Gallic Navy
    Corporations & Guilds
    • EFL Oil and Machinery
    • Gallic Metal Service
    • Junkers
    Unlawful Factions
    • Gallic Brigands
    • The Maquis
    • Unione Corse

    System Map

    Ew13 map.png

    Areas of Interest


    Aveyron Nebula

    The Aveyron nebula is a mid-sized dust cloud at the edge of the Languedoc system, hypothesized to be a remnant of the system's protoplanetary disk. The cloud, comprised primarily of elemental hydrogen and micrometer sized silicate dust also contains heavier elements such as iron and molybdenum, which have coalesced to form mid-sized rocks over the millenia. Though the nebula's visibility is notoriously poor and the cloud is frequented by Maquis and Brigand raiders, advanced sensor technology obtained from Kishiro prior to the collapse of the Kusari Republic has led to inevitable corporate exploition by GMS of the precious molybdenum deposits within.

    Isere Nebula

    A medium-sized nebula mainly comprized of ice crystals and inert gases.

    Asteroid Fields

    Remoulins Debris Field

    A small field of debris remaining after destruction of the Remoulins Station.

    Montpellier Debris Field

    Several small debris fields not far from Montpellier Station are remnants of space construction activity in this area. Council expanded them farther with debris produced by clearing the mine paths.

    Herault Ice Asteroid Field

    A relatively large field of ice asteroids. Terrorist activity is so high that even Defense Force ships rarely dare to venture into Herault, while civilians just avoid it at all costs.

    Languedoc Mine Field


    A large and dense mine field sealing access to the Orkney Jump Hole. In a twist of fate, the field, which was erected to seal Gallia away from the Sirian Houses, now barricades Confederal Gallia against the Royalists who built it.

    Lozere Asteroid Field

    A medium-sized asteroid field without any significant mineral deposits. Smuggling activity is very high, and it's rumored that a hidden Unione Corse base is located inside the field.

    Gap Debris Field

    A huge field, consisting of debris and many disabled vessel from the Kusari - Gallic war, surrounding the wreck of the Gap Station. The field also contains debris belonging to the destroyed Bourgon-Jailleu Station, a former Outpost by the Royal Police destroyed by the Council during their invasion of Languedoc.

    Clelles Asteroid Field

    An asteroid field in a remote region of Languedoc system. It is infested with various smugglers.


    Levrette - B-3

    Owner of this civilian fighter was an experienced freelancer named Rober Gravois who mainly worked for the Gallic Metal Service. In 732 AGS, Gravois had been tasked to destroy Minerve and kill its pilot, a notorious Corse who has organized a number of successful attacks against GMS convoys in Languedoc and Burgundy. After successfully completing the mission, he was headed towards the Jump Gate to escape to the Core Worlds and receive his bounty. However, other Unione Corse ships overtook his fighter, Levrette, disabled it and brought the desperate freelancer to Montelimar Base where he was cruelly tortured to death.


    Revanche - F-3/2

    Being one of the few gunboats owned by the Gallic Brigands, the Revanche was disabled by the Gallic Navy bombers in 733 AGS. It was hit by over a dozen torpedoes before Brigands' reinforcements arrived on the site of the attack. Few survivors from the gunboat's crew were saved, but the hull was damaged beyond repair and remained within the Isere Dust Cloud.


    Democratie - E-7/6

    A powerful cruiser of the Council that was destroyed in the battle for Languedoc Mine Field. Its hull had survived over 100 enemy hits; after its engine controls were disabled, the captain ordered to use whatever energy remained to direct the ship straight into one of the defending Gallic Royal Navy battleships, the Cassard. In the collision that followed, battleship's engines and some of the rear-firing turrets were destroyed, rendering Cassard almost helpless against advancing Council forces. Democratie continued its uncontrolled flight into the nearby debris field, until it hit a huge piece of debris and stopped forever. The ship was de-pressurized by that time, and the whole crew perished before the rescue teams could reach them.


    Pelican - E-6

    Pelican, a L'Ane class transport belonging to the Maquis, was on its usual route from Lavars to Limoux when a group of Navy reconnaissance ships attacked and disabled it. The communication devices and engine of the ship were severely damaged, and it drifted to the edge of the Herault Asteroid Field devoid of power and life support.


    Sceptre - F-7/8

    Sceptre is the Gallic Royal Navy bomber that was damaged near Montelimar Station and attempted to retreat towards the mine field. Chased by two Council light fighters, it was able to destroy one of them by turret fire, while the second damaged its steering contros. The ship got too near the mine field, and nearby mine explosion killed the pilot. Ship hull remained intact and may still hold some valuable equipment.


    Minerve - B-3

    Corse heavy fighter with a notorious reputation, the Minerve was crippled in a fight with a Gallic freelancer Rober Gravois employed by the Gallic Metal Service in 732 AGS. The freelancer hoped to return to the base and receive the bounty, but other Unione Corse ships caught up with him on his way to the Jump Gate.


    Fendant - D-7/6

    The Maquis light fighter named Fendant was lost in the Herault Asteroid Field in 732 AGS. In his last communication with the base, its pilot reported that he is surrounded by Navy ships and has no chance to escape.


    Cormoran - E/F-7

    Cormoran was split from the main assault battlegroup of the Council during the battle for the Languedoc Mine Field. Separated by the Council fleet by a large group of Royal Navy gunboats and cruisers, it had no chance to break through and was attacked by a large group of GRN ships. The ship fought recklessly, but finally was decoyed into a nearby debris field and became an easy prey for the Navy bombers. Few crew members who were lucky enough to survive were later rescued by a Maquis patrol.


    Jump Gates/Holes

    Target System Type Location
    Ile-de-France Jump Gate D-1/2
    Tau-23 Jump Gate G/H-6/7
    Ile-de-France Jump Hole B/C-2
    Provence Jump Hole B/A-5/6
    Orkney Jump Hole E/F-7/8
    Tau-23 Jump Hole H/G-4/5
    Burgundy Jump Hole G-2/3

    NOTE: Page generated on the 10/07/2023 at 13:34:08 UTC