Limoux Base

From Discovery Wiki
Limoux Base
The Maquis
G/F-3, Languedoc

CLASS: Lafayette

GRAVITY: Complete



CREW: 350

Constructed in 607 AGS, when the Maquis was still a part of the Council, Limoux became one of the most important bases in the fight against the Monarchy due to its location.

The base became even more important during the Council's breakout, in which it dispatched most of its ships to assist in the fighting withdrawal that the revolutionaries were conducting. Though in the end a victory, with the departure of most of the Council's forces, Limoux lost its importance once the Maquis movement split off from the Council.

The streak of bad luck would not end, as the base further lost connection with the remainder of the Maquis, causing its personnel to become extremely out-of-touch with the reality of the battle they fought, and even further radicalized, with rumors existing of attacks conducted even on allied ships. This continues well into the present, with the Maquis of Limoux continuing to be one of the extremes of the movement, and with it, posing a significant danger to Languedoc's inhabitants, though contact with Verdun has been reestablished.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Gecko Light Fighter 10,902$
Agama Heavy Fighter 21,158$
Stellion Very Heavy Fighter 27,679$
Basilisk Bomber 84,362$
Tarvos Freighter 21,876$


[831 AS] Jump Hole Upheaval Causes Chaos

HEISENBERG -- 831 AS -- Jump holes across Sirius have become increasingly volatile and chaotic over the last year, with Professor Sophia Nagel from the Heisenberg Research Station linking the unusual phenomena to the Pulse. The Pulse was an unprecedented blast of hyperspace energy that was detected immediately prior to last year's jump gate Blackout.

Professor Nagel and her team are certain the Pulse originated from outside Sirius, but are otherwise no closer to identifying its source or mitigating a future Blackout event. "Following the Blackout, we began to see immediate signs of jump hole destabilization in multiple different regions, with many ultimately falling out of phase alignment altogether", she commented. The dramatic upending of Sirius' jump hole network has already prompted many groups to abandon stations and withdraw from systems that appear to risk being cut off.

While months-long trips between the stars are possible thanks to the Liberty Engine and many centuries of innovation, few ships are designed or provisioned to make such arduous journeys. Those who were displaced by Sirius' redrawn map hope that system connections will return, while adventurers and explorers rush to discover new routes.

[743 AGS] The Government wants to silence you!

BRUNOY -- 743 AGS -- Bonjour mes amis! I have interrupted this broadcast to bring you a special news bulletin that our government doesn't want you to know about! Did you know the former Council is backing the Hessians to block our trade to Rheinland? Oui oui! I saw it with my own deux eyes! A battleship entered the Aveyron Nebula just last Tuesday! What more evidence do you need?

Meanwhile the Royal Enclave has snuck the king back into power, ruling from the shadows with eyes glowing purple! He is possessed I tell you! And not only that, but the entire government is corrupt! "Reformation" Hah. You all better all be prepared my brothers and sisters, the worst is yet to come! We have to protect our loved ones!

Whatever you do, don't drink the wine from New Paris. They have laced it with microchips they will use to control your body. A little cooperation project of our 'beloved' government and Technocracy!

I hope you all enjoyed my little segment of truth, until we meet again!

Mak. E.

[742 AGS] Second Gallic War has Ended!

NEW PARIS -- 742 AGS -- The Second Gallic War ended in a ceasefire last Saturday, as Royalist forces under command of Rear Admiral Bastien Savatier de Fontenoy received the order to surrender from the Grand Duchy of Burgundy, a royalist secessionist polity formed in a state of emergency by the Duke of Burgundy.

In the absence of the King or any heirs, Valentin Trintignant, Duke of Burgundy, gathered the support of the nobility of Burgundy, the Marquise de Vandoevres and Marquis de Roanne in Lorraine, while offering the Vicomptesse Allos de Metz, Grande Maitresse de l'Office Royal des Eaux et Forets the financial support needed to continue their terraforming operation in Lorraine. The Duke initiated talks last week to discuss the glassing of Leeds and the Crown's imminent defeat at the hands of Allied forces in Bretonia. Only minutes after the Council's Fleet moved on Planet New Paris, Trintignant declared himself Grand Duke of The Grand Duchy of Burgundy and authorized the surrender of the Royal Navy. His haste in calling for a ceasefire likely saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Gallic citizens threatened by collateral damage from battle over Planet New Paris. While most Royalist ships in Gallia's core systems recognized and surrendered to the authority of the Duchy, Admiral Savatier did not, and slipped the Rocroi away from the site of the battle in the confusion. Battleship Rocroi and her cohort remain at large, but have not been seen or heard from since the battle.

The Council reciprocated not only the ceasefire but also with the formation of a new governing body. The systems of Champagne, Picardy, and Orleanais declared their independence as the Republique of Gallia, a decision which appears to have been in the works for some time. Unlike the ad hoc vassalage of the Duchy, the Republique presented itself with a fully fledged constitution and complete governing body, led by President Orianne Castaignède, the former Governor of Marne.

The systems of Languedoc and Languedoc both formed provisional governments following the fall of the Monarchy, however both declined invitations to join the Republique. This decision could be linked to the significant losses both systems incurred on account of the Council's direct and indirect interference during the Second Gallic War. Officials from Gap and Quillan are rumored be engaged in preliminary talks with the Minarchy of Provence, who have extended offers of free trade and protection to the two war torn systems, which seem reluctant to view both the Duchy and Republique as having the best interests of the historically poor region in mind.

Ile de France, possessing no noteworthy standing military of its own following the mass exodus of nobles to the Gallic Hebrides, has declared itself a neutral, autonomous territory. This decision was grudgingly accepted by the Republique, aware of its low reputation among Parisians owing to decades of royal propaganda. Such a move was seen as the best way to demonstrate the fall of the Monarchy and secure the former seat of royal power without bloodshed. In response political instability after the Exodus of the King, the Acting Viceroy of Ile de France, a former low ranking regional official who now speaks for the political associations on New Paris, has called for the Republique, Duchy, and Minarchy to send diplomatic representatives to the negotiating table, where it seems the future of Gallia will be decided in the weeks to come.

[733 AGS] Maquis: Allies in War, Partners in Crime

MAZAGRAN -- 733 AGS -- After the well-known split between the Maquis and the Council, the special forces of Gallia have attempted to spur hatred between us and the Council through subterfuge. While we are fully independent from the Council, and while our methods were disapproved of by the Council (just as we disapprove of their ways), we are still allies. To the immense grief and disappointment of our enemies, the Maquis and Council can still stand united against our common foe.

The course of the Second Gallic War has proved many times that we can fulfill our obligations and act with honour and courage. The presence of Maquis on Planet Marne is stronger than ever, and several space ports on the planet are fully under our control, open for ships of our other allies, the Brigands and the Corse. Gallic Brigands and Unione Corse do not participate in our fight for the overthrow of the monarchy in Gallia, however, they share our desire for freedom from the control of corrupt officials and Gallic corporations.

The liberation of Languedoc, a massive operation of the Council in which we participated, was our most recent - and most deadly - strike against the monarchy. While several hundred of our fighters were destroyed by the Gallic Navy during this operation, the goal is now achieved: isolation of Gallia from Sirius is a thing of the past. The Maquis also played an important role in securing a secret passage in the Lorraine mine fields. Unione Corse delivered us the prototypes of the devices that the Gallic Navy was going to use to neutralise their mines when the time for the Sirius-wide invasion came. Council engineers recreated those devices in sufficient numbers to disable a large portion of the Lorraine mine field, revealing a nearby system that is known as Omicron Tau by Sirius naming conventions.

Despite our recent victories, the Second Gallic War is far from over. Gallic fleets are gathering strength, and soon they will inevitably gain the upper hand in Languedoc. Our current objective is to secure our installations in the asteroid fields of the Gallic systems. We will also aid in defending the Champagne system from any Royal Navy attacks. Planet Marne is a new home to many of us. Fresh air instead of recycled space station atmosphere, fresh food instead of synthetic substitutes - this is what we missed for so long, and what this war's successes have made accessible for us.


NOTE: Page generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:50:59 UTC