"Tempete" Gallic Battleship Secondary Turret

From Discovery Wiki
Gallic Battleship Secondary Turret
Equipicon capturret.png
Hull Damage 535
Shield Damage 267.5
Hull Damage/s 3209.36
Shield Damage/s 1604.68
Refire Rate 6.0
Energy usage/s 44241.15
Projectile Velocity 1500
Range 1500
Efficiency 0.11
FLStat Rating 26.46

"Tempete" Gallic Battleship Secondary Turret

A point defense turret for Gallic Battleships. It has a much improved firing rate and faster projectiles, sacrifices damage potential. As a result, it is most effective against slower strikecraft and gunboats.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Avallon Fortress Gallic Navy Burgundy Gallia 13,200$
Lausanne Complex Wild Zurich Alsace Passage 13,200$
Battleship Resurgent Gallic Royalists Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds 13,200$
Rambouillet Shipyard Gallic Navy Ile-de-France Gallia 13,200$
Maintenon Shipyard Gallic Navy Orleanais Gallia 13,200$

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:58 UTC