Baltimore Shipyard Mooring Point B | |
Owner | |
Deep Space Engineering | |
Location | |
E/D-3, New York |
CLASS: Delaware
GRAVITY: Partial
CREW: 1260
Baltimore Shipyard was originally constructed by Deep Space Engineering in 699 AS, after they moved their headquarters to the planet Pittsburgh. The shipyard is known for its "to spec" customization of ships for specific clients, including civilian liners, transports and luxurious yachts.
Although the shipyard takes construction orders to manufacture civilian vessels to the client's specifications, there is usually a waiting list as priority is given to Deep Space Engineering transports and luxury liners. The Xenos are also rumored to have contacts at Baltimore that supply them with spare parts for small ships, but this has been strenuously denied by DSE executives.
Bribes & Missions Offered
Bribes |
Missions |
ExpandImports |
ExpandExports |
Ships sold
Ship | Class | Price |
[823 AS] Liberty and Rheinland formally end conflict |
NEW BERLIN -- 823 -- President Powell and Chancellor Neumann have signed the Treaty of Atka formally ending the state of war between their two Houses. 6 years of devastating conflict has seen tens of thousands killed and both Houses severely economically damaged. The agreement sees Rheinland cede all claims on Planet Atka, while Hudson and Bering are split in half, creating two security zones. The boundary between these two zones remains neutral territory, to be policed by the Bounty Hunters Guild under a joint contract. In return, Liberty has agreed to immediately end all economic sanctions, and fund 85% of the Jump Gate cleanup and reconstruction project. |
[817 AS] War with Rheinland! |
HUDSON -- 817 -- President Powell has declared a formal state of war against Rheinland, to a standing ovation in Congress. During an impassioned speech, the President described how Rheinland had treacherously slain a number of Navy personnel in the Hudson Security Zone after initiating an aggressive and unwarranted military buildup across Liberty’s borders. He pledged that Liberty would defend its “intrinsic economic interests” in the region and punish flagrant Rheinland breaches of the Boorman Treaty. He has blamed Chancellor Reinhardt for escalating diplomatic disputes into direct armed conflict, comparing him to the disgraced Chancellor Niemann who triggered the Colony Wars seventeen years ago. |
[817 AS] President Powell Grilled in Senate |
MANHATTAN -- 817 AS -- Former President Barbara Jacobi, now a senator and a member of the Liberty Reform Party, has sharply criticized President Powell for “reckless escalation that has driven us to the brink of war with Rheinland”. Jacobi famously opted not to press Rheinland for reparations after the Colony Wars, likewise persuading Bretonia to drop their own claims. President Powell fiercely disagreed with this position, and based his election campaign on the feeling that Liberty had been “weak” in failing to punish Rheinland for the conflict. Jacobi and other members of the Reform Party have continued to condemn Powell’s policies, and called for immediate deescalation to find a peaceful solution. |
[817 AS] Liberty Declares Border Security Zone |
HUDSON -- 817 -- In a significant escalation to ongoing tensions, Liberty has established a Border Security Zone in the two Independent Worlds of Bering and Hudson. President Powell announced that the Liberty Navy will maintain a blockade along what Liberty deems its zone of control. This is purportedly to prevent intrusions by the Rheinland Military, and thwart attempts to facilitate terrorist attacks in Liberty territory. All civilian shipping bound for Liberty through the affected systems are now being stopped for mandatory inspections. Rheinland has furiously condemned the move as military aggression, and called the deployment a flagrant violation of the Boorman Treaty. |
NOTE: Page generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:51:00 UTC