Battleship "Heavy Glaive" Positron Cannon

From Discovery Wiki
Battleship Glaive
Equipicon capturret.png
Hull Damage 58500
Shield Damage 29250.0
Hull Damage/s 17550.0
Shield Damage/s 8775.0
Refire Rate 0.3
Energy usage/s 116307.0
Projectile Velocity 900
Range 2650
Efficiency 0.23
FLStat Rating 34.54

Battleship "Heavy Glaive" Positron Cannon

The Glaive fires a massive positron charge held in place by a superdense neutronium fragment, which annihilates upon impact. The positron radiation deals extreme damage to the hull of the target ship once its shields are down. With the extremely low refire rate and high power requirements, it is used to violently vaporize small enemy ships before the pilots realize their mistake.


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