Battleship Daishouri

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Battleship Daishouri
Gas Miners Guild
D/C-3, Sigma-59

CLASS: Brandt



Daishouri, or "Triumphant Victory," is one of three Rheinland warships commandeered from the Rheinland Military by GMG Paramilitary during the apex of the 80 year war between the two. Thanks to the early brilliance of famed GMG engineer, Dr Ito Namura, all three battleships were dissected, studied and made operational with GMG developed technology. Daishouri sustained the least amount of damage when commandeered and was thus the easiest to modify and the first battleship deployed to begin its role of guarding Sigma 59.

The other GMG warships were the Ayakashi Maru or "Ghost Ship That Appears After a Shipwreck" and Namura (named after the same famous engineer that lost his life reviving the ship, Dr. Namura). After a later loss of the Namura, the GMG decommissioned the remaining warships and hid them deep in Sigma 59. In recent years, with the system fully developed, GMG once again had the two battleships augmented with modern technology and they were redeployed. Daishouri resumes its guardianship of Sigma-59 from its southern flank, while the Ayakashi Maru slipped off into deep space.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Commodity Price
Ablative Armor Plating 67$
Medical Equipment 49$
Light Arms 118$
Oxygen 7$
Water 7$
Food Rations 50$
H-Fuel 105$
MOX 40$
Pharmaceuticals 27$
Hull Panels 52$
Consumer Goods 36$
Engine Components 32$
Synth Paste 43$
Munitions 74$
Xenobiotic Filters 53$
HazMat Canisters 50$
Passengers (Kusari) 395$
Xeno Relics 210$
Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$
Toxic Waste 16$
Criminals 594$
Crew 303$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Karasu Heavy Fighter 11,928$
Kaichou Bomber 71,676$
Garanchou Freighter 20,811$


[834 AS] GMG destroys Sigma smuggling ring

NAHA -- 834 -- GMG spokesmen have announced the successful conclusion of a security operation in Sigma-13. The Guild paramilitary confirmed that diligent patrols had uncovered evidence of a large smuggling operation being conducted from an abandoned Kruger gas miner, fuelling Corsair and Outcast raids across the region. “Thankfully our pilots acted decisively, putting an end to this menace and expelling the itinerants from the GMG’s territory.” Interspace risk adjusters reacted favorably to the news, lowering premiums for the dangerous border world by half a percentage point.

[833 AS] Stabline Prices Spike Over Atka Destruction

SIGMA-17 -- 833 -- Cryer’s share prices have tumbled on the news that Atka Research Station has been destroyed by brutal Outcast pirates. The remote station served as the primary manufacturing point for the revolutionary drug Stabline, which had promised to eradicate Cardamine dependency across the Colonies. Cryer spokeswoman Alicia Fisher confirmed that critical staff and research materials were successfully evacuated due to the timely intervention of private security forces and the GMG paramilitary. She noted that adequate Stabiline stockpiles exist to “manage demand for priority clients” while a replacement facility is sourced. Cryer is believed to have entered emergency negotiations with the governments of both Kusari and Bretonia to explore potential options.

[832 AS] On the Nose

NEW TOKYO -- 832 AS -- Multiple tips from unknown sources have aided, upon investigation, in exposing the abuse of Cardamine between numerous members of the Kusari Keiretsu. Intense work hours have pushed both the youths and the senior citizens towards the consumption of the drug, which is more readily available than ever before, partially due to the foreigner presence upon Roppongi Station.

However, with the recent Farmers Alliance bombing on Roppongi seemingly linked to the sudden increase in Cardamine use among Kusari's businessmen, New Tokyo's residents have expressed sympathy towards the perpetrators, speculating that the Alliance's blatant admission to such a vicious act is not to be taken as a boast or a threat, but as a sign that they will not allow their friends and families to be preyed upon by the greed of corporations that, "do not belong anywhere near our home", said Katsuyori Ichihara, Samura Industries financial consultant, and survivor of the Roppongi attack. "I don't blame them", Mr. Ichihara continued, "that vile drug destroys families."

Due to recent events, Samura Industries has taken it upon itself to act as a substitute for Interspace Commerce within the insurance market and many citizens have already expressed gratitude to Samura and their willingness to provide more financially preferable contracts than what the old management offered.

[832 AS] A Foul Wind

KYUSHU -- 833 AS -- Ravaged by the worst cyclonic storm in recorded history, Kyushu's bustling food production has been thrown into total disarray. Local authorities are struggling to address the infrastructure damage that has been caused by not only the heavy rain, but strong wind and violently surging tide. Even with the storm having passed and dissipated, the full extent of damage is unknown. Missing persons reports are flowing in and the police finds itself too preoccupied with rising unrest given the looming threat of a critical food shortage. What was otherwise expected to be a bountiful harvest now only offers grim tidings. In an uncharacteristic move, many of the Farmers Collectives are putting out calls for aid and promising generous dividends to people with the necessary resources and expertise. This is likely the only way the local economy will recover, faced with dwindling stockpiles an power outages should the measures of the Collectives and the Government fail.

[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'!

ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network.

Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection.

Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source.

[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail

MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data.

[825 AS] Ibusuki station massacred - Kusari enters war!

SAIGON -- 825 -- In a furious speech, Prime Minister Yukihara Reijiro of Kusari has declared a state of war against Rheinland. This follows the destruction of Ibusuki Survey Platform in Sigma-21, 12 hours before Rheinland's eviction ultimatum expired. Despite Rheinland's protests that it was not responsible for the act, Kusari has accused the Battleship Bayern of the murders, releasing the station's final distress calls that begged Rheinland forces to cease fire. As a result, Kusari has mobilized the Kusari Naval Forces to begin joint military operations alongside the Gas Miner's Guild. The Prime Minister has ordered Rheinland to withdraw all of its forces from the Sigmas immediately or face Kusari's fury.

[825 AS] Rheinland demands Ibusuki destruction

IBUSUKI SURVEY PLATFORM -- 825 -- Rheinland has issued an ultimatum for Ibusuki Survey Platform in Sigma-21 to be abandoned. The 48 hour warning has been provided to allow Kusari citizens time to evacuate from the jointly Kishiro and GMG operated station before the Battleship Bayern enforces the order. Kishiro Technologies has announced that it has assumed full administration of the platform to avoid being dragged into Rheinland's conflict with the Guild. Rheinland has reiterated that the platform must be abandoned, while the Bayern continues to advance towards Planet Saigon. Kusari has reacted with outrage to the development, threatening immediate repercussions if neutral Kusari citizens or property are harmed.

[825 AS] Rheinland Aggression Triggers War

SIGMA-15 -- 825 -- Rheinland has continued on a path of aggression against the Guild, with paramilitary wings being repeatedly scrambled to chase Military intruders out of Sigma-13. During a border patrol in Sigma-15, Guild forces encountered an illegal Kruger gas harvesting operation. The crew were informed they were operating in breach of their House’s treaty obligations and ordered to abandon the miner. Instead, the thieves attacked our patrol, while calling Rheinland Military reinforcements. The miner was accordingly destroyed. Rheinland’s declaration of war uses this lawful exercise of authority as a pretext for naked imperialism. The GMG will defend the Crow Nebula to the last. The Rheinlanders are invited to join their ancestors.

[825 AS] Rheinland Pushes Forward With Sigma Ambitions

HAMMERSEE -- 825 -- Despite the ongoing dispute with the Gas Miners Guild over the status of Sigma-15, Rheinland has announced plans to construct a Jump Gate to Frankfurt. Many believe the move brings Rheinland one step closer to formally annexing the system. A secure jump connection will reduce the cost of supporting the colony on Hammersee and nearby Bochum Refinery, removing the need for expensive and time-consuming deep space haulage. Controversially, EFL Oil and Machinery has been contracted for the work, provoking furious criticism from Bretonia and Liberty who accuse Rheinland of funding Gallic military aggression. The GMG called the project a reckless act of Rheinland hostility.

[824 AS] Rheinland and GMG Clash Over Sigma Claims

SIGMA-21 -- 824 -- Daumann deep space explorers have announced the discovery of the Sigma-21 system, filing a territorial claim on behalf of Rheinland. The Gas Miners Guild disputes these claims, pointing to the First Treaty of Honshu that ended the 80-Years War. At that time, Rheinland conceded territorial sovereignty of the Crow Nebula to the GMG. The Guild argues that any newly discovered Sigma systems fall within their domain by default. Rheinland has acknowledged the GMG’s rights to the system’s southern nebula wisp, but strongly rejects the assertion that the Treaty extends to the areas outside it. As this dispute escalates, the GMG has also rebuked Rheinland’s claims to Sigma-15.


Gas Miners Guild
  • The Daishouri is one of three Rheinland battleship wrecks that were salvaged and restored by the Gas Miners Guild after the 80 years war. We wanted to secure as many of these hulks as possible, just in case Rheinland got it in their heads to invade again, but most of them were too damaged to be salvagable.

  • I've seen the wreck of the Namura with my own eyes. Perhaps you will see it yourself some day. It lays deep inside Outcast controlled space, a reminder to us that we should not overextend ourselves, or think these mighty warships equate victory. They do not.

  • This battleship was refitted by Dr. Namura many years ago. Only recently was it brought back into service. After the loss of the Namura, our leaders were unsure whether these ships were worth the expense, both in resources and manpower. They are now cast in a defensive role instead, supporting our military fighters rather then being a spearhead themselves. This is both safer and more effective.

  • Don't let the lack of enemies here in Sigma-59 fool you. We have put in our time on regular patrol and are the best of the GMG paramilitary. If our enemies dare show their faces in this system we will show them we aren't just boasting. A month ago, a few Outcasts tried their luck. Not one of them escaped.

  • There were several reasons to repurpose these defeated ships, despite their looks. For one, it was practical - these are very powerful ships that can serve as carriers for our fightercraft as well. Another reason is the message these ships send to our enemies. We may not have many capital ships, but we do not need them to be victorious.

  • This ship is the most heavily armored and armed brick we have. It is not as agile as her sister ship, the Ayakashi, but makes up for it in firepower and endurance. It made sense to assign this ship to the defense of this region, and the nearby jump hole. Any Outcasts, Corsairs or Hogosha that try to sneak past quickly learn the meaning of "excessive firepower".

  • Did you know that Daishouri means "Triumphant Victory?" An appropriate name for a war prize, if you ask me. The Daishouri's current job is to keep our facilities in Sigma-59 safe, mainly from Outcast incursions. The Outcasts will occasionally try to raid our systems here, but this is one of the most heavily defended areas in GMG controlled space. Their ships fare no better here then ours did in Omicron Beta.

  • At first I was glad I was assigned to this ship. Being on this ship is probably the safest place to be on in the sector, but that's the problem, it's too safe. We are supposed to guard the back door from the Hispanics but we have barely seen any action. Most of the time, by the time we are launching the Daishouri's weapons have already neutralised any threat. I almost wish I was on the Ayakashi. I hear they are finding no end of excitement.

  • This area is more or less a headquarters for our organisation, both in military and civilian terms. It is at the core of GMG controlled space, not really on any trade route - so not a whole lot of traffic. Still, given the importance of the facilities here, it is only a matter of time before our enemies start to send forces against us. We have prepared for that event.

  • I'm a gunner on this vessel. Don't worry, I'm off duty. Not that there is much to do while on duty. You can only calibrate weapons and tracking sensors so often before you end up making things worse instead.

  • Once Sigma-59 is opened for general trade, I suppose we will have to be both police and military again. Scanning every ship for contraband or hazards may seem tedious, but you never know what you come across. I had a Junker pass by Naha with what he claimed were H-Fuel Gas canisters - but we have sensors that are specifically calibrated to scan for the actual presence of H-Fuel. To prevent smuggling. Eventually we found that the fool had stowed the canisters with Cardamine gas. Creative, and it might have fooled the Rheinland Police, but not us. There is now one less Junker smuggler flying around in Sirius.

  • Patrols in Sigma-59 are dull. I heard we'll be opening our space up to general traffic soon. I doubt that will bring much actual traffic. Sigma-59 isn't a shortcut from anywhere to anywhere. The only reason people have to come here, is to visit one of the stations in this system. Unfriendly visitors we get to deal with. Here's to hoping we'll have a couple.

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:46 UTC