CDI-AIP-1 "Yuma's Flame" Crayter Antimatter Cannon

From Discovery Wiki
Crayter Antimatter Cannon
Equipicon gun bomber heavy.png
Hull Damage 2592
Shield Damage 1944
Hull Damage/s 1296.0
Shield Damage/s 972.0
Refire Rate 0.5
Energy usage/s 1500.8
Projectile Velocity 500
Range 575
Efficiency 1.51
FLStat Rating 167.72

CDI-AIP-1 "Yuma's Flame" Crayter Antimatter Cannon

With the increasing need for more bomber wings to combat the Gallic advance, the Crayter Military needed to create a more capable antimatter cannon than the black market ones they were using. Based on the schematics of the Coalition's own Equalizer antimatter cannon, the CDI-AIP-1 "Yuma's Flame" has proven easy and affordable to produce and steadfastly reliable under extreme conditions.


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