Crayter Republic

From Discovery Wiki
Crayter Republic
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Alignment Lawful


Bretonian Authorities, Liberty Authorities


Outcasts, Liberty Rogues, The Technocracy

The Crayter Republic was formed from the remains of an experimental sleeper ship program, launched prior to the Alliance-Coalition War. Forced to abandon their initially colonized worlds due to a natural disaster, the Crayterians evacuated in a ragtag fleet that eventually arrived in Sirius. Briefly settling in Tau-44, the arrival of the Kingdom of Gallia forced their evacuation yet again, this time settling permanently in the Coronado system. Now an independent polity straddling the space between Liberty and Bretonia, the Crayterians work to rebuild and prosper, never forgetting those they left behind.

Ships used

Ship Class
Base Construction Platform Transport
Repair Ship Repair Ship
Eros Light Fighter
Celestra Freighter
Large Transport Transport
Armored Transport Transport
Crayter Transport Super Train
Nyx Very Heavy Fighter
Pytho Bomber
Crayter Gunboat Gunboat
Crayter Cruiser Cruiser
Crayter Carrier Battleship
Crayter Battlecruiser Battlecruiser
Crayter Dreadnought Dreadnought

Bases owned

Base Owner System Region
Sulawesi Citadel Crayter Republic Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds
Borneo Crayter Republic Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds
Minato Harbor Crayter Republic Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds
Sabah Shipyard Crayter Republic Coronado Independent
Planet Yuma Crayter Republic Coronado Independent


Base Owner System Region
Borneo Crayter Republic Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds
Minato Harbor Crayter Republic Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds
Barrier Gate Station C Freelancers Coronado Independent
Planet Yuma Crayter Republic Coronado Independent
Shasta Orbital Skyhook Zoners Baffin Tau Border Worlds
Barrier Gate Station B Freelancers Coronado Independent
Planet Harris Planetform, Inc. Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds
Barrier Gate Station A Freelancers Coronado Independent
Riverside Station Synth Foods, Inc. California Liberty
Freeport 6 Zoners Tau-29 Tau Border Worlds
Battlecruiser Tuscaloosa Liberty Security Force Inverness Independent


Faction Relationship
Gallic Royalists
Golden Chrysanthemums
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
The Technocracy
Independent Miners Guild
Crayter Republic


Sulawesi Citadel
  • The Colonials did a real number on this station. Even if we knew how it was put together in the first place, we'd have a hard time repairing it. I suspect His Grace will simply order this floating piece of garbage scuttled, as it has no real value.

  • We were right there, I could see it. That damned green sun glaring in my face as the missile warnings kicked in and everything went to hell. If we'd spent less time politicking and more time focusing on decisive action, this refugee crisis might have been averted entirely. Now we're the courageous few who were a few hours too late to make a difference.

  • You won't find very much to drink here my friend. Our shipments of wine have still to arrive. All we have is this muck the Colonials left behind.

  • I wonder what made the Colonials build this station in the first place. Putting up a station inside an asteroid field is asking for disaster. Even before our Navy boarded it, it was clear that this base has had several significant asteroid strikes, most of which had never been repaired.

  • We know the Independent Miners used to work closely with those Colonials. It would not surprise me if some of them still do. We'll be keeping a close eye on them, if they step out of line it will give the Crown yet one more reason to evict those rock rats as well.

  • How long are we expected to hold this heap of decompressing metal? Oblique can handle the patrols, and Minato is more suited as a supply base. Why has Oblique not put this station out of it's misery?

  • I have heard that the campaign is going well. No doubt our navy is crushing those Bretonian dogs. Do away with the lot I say, fewer Bretonians around means more room for us.

  • This station is a wreck. The Colonials hadn't even finished restoring it when we liberated the system. Bastards set charges on the station and blew half of it to pieces. They didn't realise that we already had civilians onboard when their bombs went off. I lost a good friend in it all. Those bastards just ran and hide. They'll pay.

  • Most of our supplies are still enroute. The campaign has slowed down our transports and the continuing attacks by the Outcasts and Colonials aren't helping either. If we don't strengthen our convoys, we might soon find ourselves losing critical supplies.

  • The Outcasts are not as much a problem here as in Tau-23. We suspect this system is too remote, even for them. A pity, because it means we're just sitting here, twiddling our thumbs while those fighting on the Bretonian front get all the glory.

Battlecruiser Tuscaloosa
  • The upstart Rogue who lords over this resort charges all my people a tithe. He thinks himself above us, in time he will be reminded that there is no height you can ascend to that you cannot also fall from. And when he does, we will be here - waiting.

  • This place pales in comparison to Malta, but as far as rest stops are concerned, it is the finest available to us on the long journey to Buffalo base. Eska, the Rogue in charge of the place keeps his men on a tight leash as well, so long as he is flattered appropriately and paid his dues when asked. Still, this resort could stand to be more than just a den of self indulgence, if it were guided by a firm hand like ours.

Sabah Shipyard
  • Apparently there's been sightings of strange ships in the Barrier. Some folk on the Gate said they saw Rheinland military ships! I think they've been sniffing a bit too much.

  • This planet may hold the future for the Republic. Unlike Liberty's corporate toff's, the Republic isn't afraid to hurt the environment to let us live planetside. If the environment wants to kill us, we have a right to kill it back.

  • The Republic's doing quite well these days. Although we lost our home, we're in a pretty secure position with plenty of resources at our disposal.

  • Don't try to use the jump hole near Baja, you'll probably just kill yourself.

  • You should visit the Gate, it's a great place to unwind after a hard day's work. Don't let your superiors know though, they won't stop you but they won't like it.<PARA />

  • Some say that the destruction of the Armstrong wasn't simply a lucky pirate strike. Some say that there was an outside force involved too.

  • When the Armstrong was destroyed, there were a few of us on the surface of the planet. We were lucky to escape the pirate attack and I thank these bloody poisonous plants every day that the IMG came and wiped out those bastards.

  • Over the years I've been involved with this planet I've learnt one thing. If it doesn't kill you immediately, it'll kill you soon after. So far we have found that roughly 83 percent of all flora on the planet is toxic in one way or another.

  • There is some good news regarding the planet. As our research went on involving the flora, we noticed that the bacteria we were bringing down to the planet was aggressively attacking the natural flora. Several floral species we brought from Gaia have been introduced to the planet surface and they seem to be thriving, suggesting that the planet can be easily made fully colonisable, without the worry of toxic flora.

  • Some say that the destruction of the Armstrong wasn't simply a lucky pirate strike. Some say that there was an outside force involved too. <PARA />

  • We've got the shipyard mostly operational at this point. Although it can repair our larger ships and even manufacture our largest battleships, it's current production capacity is only 25 percent of what it will be soon.

  • Apparently DSE didn't know where the jumpholes in this system were. It doesn't take a genius to follow an IMG ship. Just goes to show the intelligence of some folks.

Planet Yuma
  • The wreck of a Royal Navy destroyer captained by Émilien Bouchard. The Guépard was last sighted in 826 AS, as part of a flotilla of mutinous Royalist warships fleeing from the glassing of Leeds. The Guépard appears to have suffered catastrophic damage to the engine compartment, leading to total depressurization.

  • We were right there, I could see it. That damned green sun glaring in my face as the missile warnings kicked in and everything went to hell. If we'd spent less time politicking and more time focusing on decisive action, this refugee crisis might have been averted entirely. Now we're the courageous few who were a few hours too late to make a difference.

  • I heard rumours that folks over at the Gate have found an alien structure in the barrier! I knew they would come back, they won't get me this time though! No, no they won' they won't...they won't...

  • There have been rumours about strange objects in the wastelands, some say they are even connected to one of the moons around here. I think it's called Jericho, don't quote me on that though.

  • I was in one of the first shuttles that landed here. I figured that the first folks down would be the safest. Big mistake. The guns they used for excavating the surface barely missed us as we flew down! I still panic when I see those big bloody cruisers landing.

  • I know this isn't the most common place you'd find a lass like me but even these flea ridden places deserve a little female attention. Especially if the folks in here are paying.

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