Compiegne Naval Academy | |
Owner | |
Gallic Navy | |
Location | |
F/E-4/3, Ile-de-France |
CLASS: Commentry (Refit)
GRAVITY: Complete
CREW: 1400
Compiegne was a contemporary civilian housing facility that was built in 690 AGS at one of the intersections of the Ile-de-France trade lanes. Initially operated by Nery Space Construction, a medium-sized space company, the facility was later bought by Solar Engineering, who transformed it into their space-based headquarters.
However, after centuries, EFL merged with Solar Engineering, and most of their facilities on Aubigny could perform the same tasks as the space station, rendering Compiegne obsolete for EFL. Subsequently, the Gallic Navy bought the facility, and it was converted into a space naval academy to train new officers and crew for the military's wounded. The facility underwent extensive retrofitting for this purpose.
During the same year, a docking bay was added to the academy to host the derelict hull of the battleship Montreuil, which serves as a museum vessel commemorating the Second Gallic War.
Bribes & Missions Offered
ExpandImports |
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Ships sold
Ship | Class | Price |
Gallic Gunboat | Gunboat | 1,104,506$ |
Gallic Frigate | Frigate | 1,042,506$ |
Gallic Heavy Transport | Heavy Transport | 1,146,506$ |
[749 AGS] Border checkpoints contain unrest |
NEW PARIS -- 749 -- Seditionists in Champagne have been agitating against Gallia’s fruitful trade with Rheinland, and the Grand Marshal's policies. The Gendarmerie have begun to carry out targeted raids on Planet Marne to preemptively detain or incapacitate ringleaders likely to be associated with public disorder. GNI agents believe the rising unrest is being instigated by the Maquis, who have duped naive members of the Marne Industrial Union with their deluded propaganda. This crackdown will excise these malign influences from our society, restoring tranquil prosperity. Gendarmerie cruisers have been posted at all entrances to Ile-de-France to stop and check traffic until the disorder has been quashed. |
[749 AGS] Versaille's future uncertain |
NEVERS -- 749 -- During a shareholder meeting on Nevers, IDF Shipping officials confirmed that Versailles Station continued to be a concern for the group, posting quarter-on-quarter losses. The former royal palace occupies a prestigious position in orbit of New Paris, and is among the most luxurious and culturally significant Gallic orbitals. IDF is believed to have received several offers from foreign organizations looking to purchase or lease Versailles, including Orbital Spa and Cruise and Rheinland’s Imperial Shipping. It is speculated that IDF plans to make a final funding pitch to Nevers’ elite Gonzaga Society early next year before considering these proposals. |
[749 AGS] Unions threaten strike on Marne |
PLANET MARNE -- 749 AGS -- Unrest on Marne has simmered since the recent state visit of the Rheinish Emperor. Concerns about what a trade deal with Rheinland would mean for the people of Marne has dominated discussions, before turning to outrage with the publication of the ratified treaty text. Champagne labor unions have decried the agreement as a sham, accusing military leaders of cutting economic deals they were unqualified to negotiate and did not understand. The Gallic Metals Service has expressed deep concerns about the removal of tariffs on Rheinland imports, arguing that its expensive Marne operations will not be able to compete without harsh cuts. Worker representatives have called for a general strike. |
[749 AGS] Grand Marshal secures economic victory for Union |
NEW PARIS -- 749 AGS -- The Grand Marshal has declared a decisive victory in trade negotiations with Rheinland. Military envoys successfully pressed the Rheinlanders for concessions as recompense for a number of insulting breaches of diplomatic protocol during the recent state visit. As a result, excellent rates on imported minerals have been secured, in addition to the removal of tariffs on Gallic agricultural surplus. The Treaty of Oerlikon will be an enormous boon to rebuilding Gallia's strength and greatness; Bretonia, Kusari and Liberty's furious criticisms of Rheinland for their forward thinking is simply evidence of their weakness and fear. |
[748 AGS] Lorraine Evacuation Nearing Completion |
ORLEANS -- 748 AGS -- According to the information released by the Ministry of the Interior, the evacuation of the Lorraine system is proceeding ahead of schedule. The final convoy of refugees from Metz has arrived in the Orleanais system, pending resettlement onto Orleans in the coming days. As of now, only EFL staff and a token Navy garrison remain in Lorraine to oversee the deconstruction of the remaining infrastructure. According to official projections, the docking ring and the remaining trade lanes will be dismantled and shipped back to the core worlds by the end of next month, with jump gate shutdown following soon after. Once a beacon of our national ingenuity, Metz was the site of the experimental Metz Mirror Array, more commonly known as the MMA project. The project was intended to assist the terraforming operations through a sophisticated array of orbital mirrors. The array would redirect additional sunlight onto the equatorial band of Metz, further raising local temperatures on the otherwise icy world. Decried by its detractors as a "fool king's endeavour", the ambitious project never had the opportunity to prove its capabilities, as the nearly complete array fell victim to Kusari's invasion of Lorraine. With the array gone and supplies severed, the terraforming project and the biosphere it maintained collapsed during the occupation, leading to widespread famine across Metz. Unfortunately, in the wake of King Charles' gambit in Bretonia and the near complete destruction of Lorraine and Languedoc by Kusari forces, the Union government has declared the system a total loss and ordered a full evacuation of the planet. |
[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'! |
ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network. Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection. Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source. |
[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail |
MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data. |
[743 AGS] Gallia Reunited? |
NEW PARIS -- 743 AGS -- After having come to the peoples aid on more than one occasion during the Kusari invasion of Gallia, the Enclave has been officially recognized and accepted as part of our government. The acceptance and incorporation of the Royal Enclave comes amid sweeping changes in our governmental body to a military structure to ensure swifter and more capable responses should such a cowardly invasion occur again. Many fear the incorporation of the Enclave will lead to the Sirian Houses recognizing Kusari's claims of Gallia still having and utilizing weapons of mass destruction like the Warwolves used during the Glassing of Leeds, though rumors have already started to spread that the dismantling of these weapons is a concession the Royal Enclave has agreed to do. As one of the first acts of the new government, a controversial peace treaty has been signed with Kusari, giving the invading House rights to Tau-53 and mining rights to Tau-23. While some voice discontent with this agreement, the government has pointed out that the war has led to an increase in criminal activity in Gallia that requires immediate attention to control. One government official was cited saying "We have done well for centuries on our own, if Kusari wants to burn bridges with this agreement we will simply focus on our own development and our relations with Rheinland instead." |
[735 AGS] Solar Engineering's Political Clout Pays Off |
NEW PARIS -- 735 AGS -- Solar Engineering won a major victory when the Gallic government criminalized the transportation or possession of so-called Hypnotainment Bands, the hacked version of the company's highly successful Holotainment Band product line. Despite Solar's campaign to make possession of even one Hypno Band illegal, the government heeded expert testimony from addiction experts who claimed that Hypno Band users should be given addiction treatment rather than imprisoned as criminals. Even without the total criminalization of possession of a Hypno Band, Solar is well positioned to pursue a crackdown on what it calls "the subversive elements" in Gallia that are exploiting its products to ensnare innocent people. Despite the claims of some consumer groups that Hypno Bands are really nothing more than Holotainment Bands that are freed from their safety protocols, Solar claims that Hypno Bands are dangerously modified versions of their proprietary technology, which they claim is perfectly safe. Consumer groups point out that Holo Band use can result in addictive behavior similar to Hypno Band use, and that Solar's interest is primarily in removing a commercial rival to its product rather than public safety. Regardless, Solar is expected to use the new law as justification for an accelerated campaign of bounties and interdictions against Hypno Band dealers and suppliers. |
NOTE: Page generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:50:59 UTC