Corsair Gunboat

From Discovery Wiki

M42 "Imperator" Corsair Gunboat
Dsy action6.png
Basic Information
Ship Class Gunboat
Built By Unknown
Tech Column Corsairs Ships
Guns/Turrets 1 / 6
Max Weapon Class 10
Other Equipment
  • 1xCD/T
  • 1xCM
  • 1xM
  • Hull Strength 197,500
    Max Shield Class 6
    Cargo Space 260 units
    Batteries 500
    Nanobots 330
    Speed and Movement
    Max Impulse Speed 90 m/s
    Max Turn Speed 36.83 deg/s
    Max Thrust Speed 125 m/s
    Max Cruise Speed 500 m/s
    Power Output 180,000 u
    Power Recharge 21,875 u/s
    Ship Price 1,140,000
    Package Price 1,170,006

    The latest incarnation of the Corsair Gunboat, replacing the venerable but out-of-date M26 'Lunchbox'. While the older M26 was fearsome in combat, its heavy transport origin brought many major flaws. The designers of this gunboat sought to alleviate many of these problems, such as its large size and medium armor, which made it cumbersome in combat. Though it has less frontal firepower than its older M26 brother, the M42 boasts more armor, a strong power supply, reduced size and a frame built to for ease of construction and maintenance.


    • This ship is too large to use docking bays, it must use mooring points.
    • Max Turn Rate: 36.83°
    • Time to Max Turn: 3.17s
    • Time to turn 180°: 5.35s
    • Maximum Strafe Speed: 9.71m/s
    • Distance Strafed in 0.5s: 1.6m


    • 1x Gunboat Shield
    • 2x Gunboat Shield Upgrade
    • 1x Hyperspace Beacon
    • 1x Countermeasure
    • 1x Mine
    • 1x Cruise Disruptor
    • 1x Gunboat Forward Gun
    • 2x Gunboat Turret - Heavy
    • 4x Gunboat Turret - Standard
    • 2x Thruster

    Purchase Includes

    • Ageira Mark IIc Fusion Reactor ($0)
    • PTE-11 Engine Mk I ($1)
    • Scanner ($5)
    • Sallet Gunboat Shield ($30,000)
    • Gunboat Thruster ($0)


    Base Owner System Region
    Tripoli Shipyard Corsairs Omicron Gamma Corsairs

    NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:16:39 UTC