Douglas Station

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Douglas Station
Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing
D/E-6, Omega-3

CLASS: Wellington

GRAVITY: Partial



CREW: 420

Douglas Station is owned and operated by Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing (BMM) for the manufacturing of Polymers and Terraforming Gases using the abundant raw materials in the system. Security around the facility is abnormally high due to frequent skirmishes with Corsairs.

Bribes & Missions Offered


Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$
Hydrocarbons 2$
Polymers 6$
Crew 223$
Toxic Waste 19$
Water 9$
Mining Machinery 24$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Beetle Heavy Fighter 20,442$
Locust Very Heavy Fighter 32,880$
Havoc Mk II Bomber 71,612$
Bretonia Transport Transport 126,006$


[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'!

ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network.

Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection.

Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source.

[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail

MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data.

[816 AS] Terrorist attacks rising in Omega-3

FREEPORT 1 -- 816 AS -- Omega-3 has a long and turbulent history of being a lawless space. In recent days there have been a particularly brutal spate of killings, with several BMM and Bowex convoys massacred. The Bretonia Armed Forces has been on the case for weeks, and yesterday successfully intercepted the mysterious attackers mid-ambush. Major Helen Hardy identified the assailants as Rheinland Military vessels, commenting that, “it was like 800 all over again” -- referring to Rheinland’s assault on Omega-3 during the Colony Wars. Following a complaint to the Rheinland government, defense officials were quick to deny responsibility for the attacks, pointing instead to the Military deserters-turned-terrorist group commonly known as The Wild.

[812 AS] Rheinland warns about “Wild” attacks

FREISTADT -- 812 -- For many years rumors have spread about attacks on Omega shipping by a group known as The Wild. Now their ships have been sighted marauding across Stuttgart and New Berlin. Rheinland has announced that MND intelligence has identified these menaces as traitorous Colony War deserters and war criminals, who stole Military hardware and vanished into the border worlds to enrich themselves. It is unclear what prompted the renegades to extend their attacks into Rheinland core space, however it is speculated that they may have been driven out of their old hunting grounds by other pirate organizations such as the Red Hessians or Corsairs.


Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing
  • If you're looking to make some dosh, go to Thames and fetch us some Mining Machinery. I'm sure my bosses will pay you well for it. The crap I have to work with is all but rusted and busted away, it is.

  • The Bounty Hunters here were hired to protect our shipments from Corsairs. The Hessians are more concerned with killing the Daumann boys than us, though they will attack our shipments in the Trade Lanes on occasion. Sometimes we'll even get attacked while we're mining. A ship's weapon will blow a man to smithereens; it isn't pretty.

  • Ya know, I was chatting with a mate in the BPA a little while back, and he reckons that Daumann's reports for Corsair attacks in this area have dropped through the floor. Makes ya suspicious, dunnit? I know them Hessians prefer to hit Daumann to us, but they ain't too picky either way if they find something on the lanes. This is something else altogether.

  • With the Mancs over at Birmingham getting shafted by the Frogs, it's down to Ole Doug' to pick up the slack on Hydrocarbon and Polymer production. With us doing that, and also acting as an early warning station for Corsair raids on Nottingham, I reckon we've never been more important.

  • In case you hadn't noticed, the fellas over at Rugen have got an industrial sized pole stuck up their arse about Omega 3. Jealousy about Bretonia settling down on what's ours, if you ask me. It's strange though - we've worked together a few times in recent years. Put a BMMer and a Daumann in a room together anywhere else in the universe and we're fine. Omega 3? Come back in an hour, and there'll only be one of us and a smoking pile of ash left.

  • Lying Pete owes a mean-looking Hunter quite a stock of cash. The Hunter is a good-natured fellow and gave me some credits to cook up a story about him killing Pete when he finds him, if he don't pay up. Well, he hasn't paid yet but the Hunter's gotten his money's worth, I'd say. Pete turned white and passed right out when I told him the Hunter aimed to kill him.

  • Poor Lying Pete has been in a frenzy of late, swishing this way and that, trying to avoid a certain Bounty Hunter. Makes me chuckle, it does -- first bit of humor I've had in many a month on this bucket of bolts I call a home. Pete thinks he's a dead man, but we know better, don't we?

  • We can bring Oxygen directly from Nottingham, and they're talking about mining water from the Graham Ice Cloud near the Cambridge jump gate. That sounds like a fools errand when you could import it from Cambridge. That's where we get our food from too - we could buy it from the Zoners, I suppose, but we'd rather know how it was grown. Or rather... they don't like selling it to us. Apparantly they have a very long list of customers.

  • This base was built here to supply Bretonia with much-needed Hydrocarbons and Polymers. First, they'll get shipped to the Zoner base here, and then off to New London to be used for our proud old battleships and patrol crafts. Too bad we don't see any of them here - the BPA and CDI instead are supposed to be keeping the lanes and Nottingham safe. Uh... Relatively safe.

  • The gear here is old and falling to bits, but I'd rather sleep on Ole Doug' than Nottingham. It's mankier than a Loiner's armpit down there. Too hot around the middle, freeze your tits off at the poles. Know what happens when you got temperature differences that extreme? Big storms. They dug down into the rock to get around that, but I still reckon my bunk is better than a damp and badly ventilated ex-mine shaft.

  • Bowex doesn't like coming out this way too much, and I don't blame them. We drop our goods off at either Nottingham or Freeport 1 and they usually take it from there. Occasionally we'll get the odd hot-shot Percheron captain streaking through the field with his hair on fire, trying to dodge 'Sairs. Otherwise it's on us to lug our supplies the rest of the way from the planet.

  • Oh, I've been walking on cat's feet around here of late. I owe one of those sly Hunters quite a few credits. Made him a bet he couldn't kill two Corsairs in one day, and whattya know, he does it! Ah, I've been avoiding him, hoping he's blown to little bits before he lays a hand on my money.

Bounty Hunters Guild
  • BMM and Daumann have a pretty serious rivalry in this system. I'm looking forward to some real hostility getting started between the two of 'em. Some of my buddies I served with on the Newgate are coming here to work for BMM harassing Daumann. They aren't in the Guild, so they can do that.

  • If you're ex-con, you're out of options. No-one wants you, unless you're talking fodder for the death-factories. Other way out is to sign the dotted line with the Guild. Why die early in a smelter when you're a damn good shot and know all the hiding places? Makes you laugh that it's possible for a Liberty Rogue to end up in Omega 3, killing Corsairs and working for Bretonia. A lot of people ask why someone would go from perp to Hunter. There's a lot of reasons. Maybe you want to do something more honest - maybe you've had enough of killing for the wrong side. Perhaps you were betrayed. If you ever see a fella called Phillip Ollmann moseying around New York, give him some plasma for me, aye?

  • I bagged two Corsairs in one flight a few days back. I got paid handsomely by the BMM chaps here to do it. Plus, I had a bet going with some skittish miner who said I couldn't do it. He still hasn't paid me yet. He's too stupid for me to kill over it, so I've decided to torture him.

  • All the garbage comes pouring out of the Jump Hole in the Coombe Field. If you patrol that area, you will encounter both Corsairs and Hessians. It's a rough and tumble area; they kill each other a lot down below. The ones that survive make their way to the Lanes and attack shipping convoys.

  • The Hessians and Corsairs are fighting a bloody war down south of here in Omega-5. They are battling for control of the Border Worlds between Rheinland and Bretonia. The Hessians are expanding -- and that brings them into the Corsairs' Artifact shipping routes to Bretonia. I'd rather work from here than Nottingham. Less rules, less people, cheaper drinks. Plus we're closer to Omega 5 - sometimes it's worth seeing if you can get the drop on the Corsairs as they come through the hole. Give them time to prepare and you're in for one hell of a fight.

  • The other Bounty Hunter at this base has been killing a lot of Corsairs. I've decided to eliminate the competition. He made a bet with some bumbling miner named Pete, and now a rumor is going 'round that he's gonna kill him for not paying up. I know the Hunter; he's a good-hearted fellow, he won't do it. But when Lying Pete turns up with a bullet hole in his skull, I'm guessing they'll be lynching that other Bounty Hunter.

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