LDF-5a "Meson" Liberty Battleship Flak Turret

From Discovery Wiki
Liberty Battleship Flak Turret
Equipicon capturret.png
Hull Damage 1250
Shield Damage 150
Hull Damage/s 1250.0
Shield Damage/s 150.0
Refire Rate 1.0
Energy usage/s 56759.0
Projectile Velocity 250
Range 500
Efficiency 0.02
FLStat Rating 1.43

LDF-5a "Meson" Liberty Battleship Flak Turret

The Meson was one of the first Flak turrets designed. Upgraded and refined over the past decade, it still employs the same basic principle. Dumbfire proximity charges are fired, which trigger when anything, including incoming projectiles, comes near. The detonation releases a shockwave that deals light damage, and physically pushes anything in the blast radius outward. Initially designed to shake up enemy bomber crews by disorienting them, gunner crews quickly found that it was just as easy to disorient an incoming torpedo or missile.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Norfolk Shipyard Liberty Navy New York Liberty 21,500$
Chesapeake Research Facility Alaska Security Forces Alaska Liberty 21,500$
Juneau Shipyard Alaska Security Forces Alaska Liberty 21,500$
Fort Carthage The Order Omicron Mu Nomad Worlds 21,500$
Altair Research Complex Wild Omicron Iota Nomad Worlds 21,500$
Carthage Capital Yards The Order Omicron Mu Nomad Worlds 21,500$

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