MT-60c Outcast Gunboat Turret

From Discovery Wiki
Outcast Gunboat Turret
Equipicon capturret.png
Hull Damage 252
Shield Damage 126.0
Hull Damage/s 1482.35
Shield Damage/s 741.18
Refire Rate 5.88
Energy usage/s 9547.06
Projectile Velocity 800
Range 980
Efficiency 0.23
FLStat Rating 69.05

MT-60c Outcast Gunboat Turret

This gunboat turret was developed by the Outcasts specially for Gunboat-class ships.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Corsica Drydock A Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 5,000$
Corsica Shipyard Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 5,000$
Corsica Drydock B Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 5,000$

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:58 UTC