Oerlikon Refinery

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Oerlikon Refinery
Ga07 03 base.png
Gallic Metal Service
C-5, Zurich

CLASS: Blaise Pascal

GRAVITY: Complete



CREW: 400

The Oerlikon Observatory was constructed in 697 AGS, the first permanent base in Zurich. The facility was initially operated by Solar Engineering to study the unusual effect the local star had on the stability of jump connections. The connection between Champagne and Zurich was abnormally long and stable, leading many to believe that study of the specific qualities of the yellow giant could lead to innovations in Gallic Jump Gate technology. These plans were scuppered by the Marne Uprising a few short years later, cutting Zurich off from core House space for the duration of the Second Gallic Civil War.

In 737 AGS, Solar Engineering was forcibly dissolved by the Gallic Crown and its assets redistributed. Oerlikon came under the nominal ownership of EFL Oil & Machinery, however the Council’s occupation of Champagne prevented them from taking possession of the derelict station until the war’s end in 741 AGS. When they eventually arrived, they found much of the cutting edge equipment pillaged. After extensive lobbying, EFL was able to convince the newly formed Gallic Confederacy to fund the refurbishment of Oerlikon’s arrays. Despite this, the loss of Solar specialists meant their own scientists’ work quickly hit a frustrating dead end, yielding few interesting results.

Soon after, surveying revealed the possibility of a stable jump connection to Cologne, near Rheinland. Following initial discussions between the Confederacy and the Rheinland Republic, EFL majority-funded the necessary construction in exchange for tolls rights. Mere days after the Alsace Passage opened, the Rheinland Civil War erupted. Trade abruptly ceased, and Cologne fell soon after to the Red Hessians. EFL was saddled with crippling debts as their investment collapsed, with no prospect of recouping them while Cologne remained in pirate hands.

Desperate to offload these liabilities, EFL passed Oerlikon to the Gallic Union and waived its toll rights in exchange for debt forgiveness. Soon after, the Rheinland Civil War ended in reunification and the Hessians were expelled from Cologne. In the aftermath, Oerlikon provided the venue for initial talks on a broad free trade and security treaty between the two Houses. Despite calls to restore Oerlikon as a scientific outpost, the Navy instead divested the station to the Gallic Metal Service in 749 AGS, which has renovated it into a Molybdenum refinery. This has outraged the academic community, with some calling it the “worst case of scientific desecration in recent Gallic history”.

Bribes & Missions Offered


Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Tournez Light Fighter 15,242$
Courbe Heavy Fighter 24,979$
Plier Very Heavy Fighter 30,991$


[749 AGS] GMS shutters costly operations

SAINT-DIZIER -- 749 -- GMS has announced the closure of its Saint-Dizier Molybdenum refineries on Planet Marne and the Toulon Mining Station in Provence, placing thousands of jobs at risk. This comes after the company previously warned that pressure from Rheinland minerals would soon force redundancies across several of its operations. Some of these roles are expected to be transferred to the newly acquired and renovated Oerlikon Refinery. GMS says the station will be able to operate more efficiently and at lower cost, thanks to reduced shipping overheads and the implementation of imported Kruger industrial Robotics. The Marne Industrial Union has promised a “day of action”, with rioting already spreading through the Saint-Dizier province.

[749 AGS] Grand Marshal secures economic victory for Union

NEW PARIS -- 749 AGS -- The Grand Marshal has declared a decisive victory in trade negotiations with Rheinland. Military envoys successfully pressed the Rheinlanders for concessions as recompense for a number of insulting breaches of diplomatic protocol during the recent state visit. As a result, excellent rates on imported minerals have been secured, in addition to the removal of tariffs on Gallic agricultural surplus. The Treaty of Oerlikon will be an enormous boon to rebuilding Gallia's strength and greatness; Bretonia, Kusari and Liberty's furious criticisms of Rheinland for their forward thinking is simply evidence of their weakness and fear.

[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'!

ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network.

Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection.

Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source.

[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail

MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data.

[746 AGS] Leaks Reveal Secret Rheinland Negotiations

OERLIKON -- 746 -- The Sirian neural net is abuzz with news of a potential trade deal between Gallia and Rheinland. An inept Rheinish functionary leaked sensitive details on the talks after losing an unencrypted datapad. The notes include unfounded criticism of our peerless military negotiators, no doubt provoked by feelings of inadequacy after humiliating defeats at the conference table. Our great government has rebuked Rheinland’s attempts to disparage EFL’s work on the Sigma-15 Jump Gate projects, recognising that this is a mere distraction from their own failure to secure the space. Marne’s Governor Courcelle has praised the Grand Marshal's excellent strategy, asking only that he consult with industrial representatives as proceedings progress.

[828 AS] Rheinland dispatches a fleet to Cologne

STUTTGART -- 828 AS -- A combined fleet consisting of Battlegroup Altenburg, reinforcements from the former Karlsruhe brigade, and reserve regiments from both Stuttgart and Thuringia mobilised this morning following a directive issued by the new government to retake Cologne. Fleet Coordinator Otto von Clausewitz addressed the press:

"In the glorious spirit of reunification, we - the people of Rheinland - are reclaiming what we neglected the most in the midst of our civil war - Cologne. With the help of our brothers and sisters who are united under one banner once again, together, we will re-establish and stabilise our trade flow with Gallia by decisively expelling the Red Hessian occupation."

The initiative to re-secure Cologne is the first decisive action of the new constitutional monarchy, and the Rheinland government's debut to the interstellar community. The Gallic Union lauded Rheinland's reclamation of Cologne to re-establish a secure trade artery between the two recently war-torn nations. In response to the news, Rheinland and Gallic exchanges saw a growing increase in the demand for ore and other raw materials, indicating consumer optimism in the re-establishment of trade. Furthermore, the Gallic Navy have deployed a battlegroup to Zurich as a blockade and possibly pincer against the Red Hessians.

Rumours are abound concerning the degree of entrenchment the Hessians have accomplished in Cologne during their year-long period of occupation. Reports have confirmed the presence of Hessian Battleship Kassel in orbit of Planet Saarbrucken and fortifying Tholey Station, in addition to heavy outgoing traffic in what is theorized to be a Hessian evacuation, most likely incited by the Altenburg's movements.

[744 AGS] - Food issues on Metz

METZ -- 744 AGS -- Ever since the very first day of human settlement on Metz, the terraforming of the planet faced numerous challenges, and the most prominent of them was the development of agriculture. Metz only receives enough light to warm the equatorial regions above freezing while the warmest summers rarely exceed 20 degrees celsius, and only where the warm waters hold sway over the weather. Despite the climate not being favourable, the Gallic authorities never questioned the potential of the planet, and the Gallic Office des Eaux et des Forêts, the successor of the Office Royal des Eaux et Forêts ordered several projects to undertake the terraforming of the frigid world of Metz.

The most ambitious project was by far the Metz Mirror Array or MMA, which consisted of a vast phalanx of reflective satellites in orbit of the planet meant to increase the sunlight during Metz's 28 hours day. Contracted by EFL, the project was about to be finished when Kusari began its invasion of our Home. Most of the MMA satellites were spared during the earliest hours of the war as the initial fighting occurred around the stations of Roanne and Montigny. Unfortunately, the rest of the MMA was completely destroyed by the scorched earth tactic of Kusari's retreat.

On the planet's surface, the 70 million inhabitants suffered the long six months of the war. Being unsupplied, the oil reserves necessary to provide energy to the generators of the water reclamation facilities were dry by the end of the summer. As consequence, the quantity of water collected for agriculture was well below the required quantities for sufficient production. This was also coupled with a very early winter, with the first frosts in the equatorial regions by the end of September. These multiple factors resulted in serious consequences on Metz's food production and reserves, to the point that the possibility of famine was even evoked.

While this statement is revealed to be false, the food situation on Metz is more than worrisome and the confusion created by the end of the war and the Reunification makes the Metz supplying mission in food even more complex.

[743 AGS] Upheavals within the Gallic Assembly

MARSEILLE -- 743 AGS -- For several weeks, tensions have been rising between the Duchy and Minarchist deputies. Both states are being confronted with the Kusari invaders; and every state has been asking for more resources to be allocated to their own front lines. The Duchy has been particularly expressive in their requests as the Kusari Forces have captured Lorraine, and are currently executing a bloody siege on Nevers. Meanwhile the République has been trying to monitor the two rivaling states, and the military has been tasked with coordinating their strategic plan with the assistance of the Parisian Assembly.

The situation was not resolved with the Minarchy supporting a vote of no confidence in the current leadership; later causing the resignation of Jean Besson, the President of the Parisian Assembly, on the 15th of October. Elections to renew the Assembly were held on the same day of Jean Besson's resignation, and the results were revealed on the 18th of October.

To the surprise of many, the Militarists were victorious; with considerable support of the Defense Forces, and thanks to their alliance with moderates and independents within the other parties. The new President of the Assembly, Dorian Lasalle made a short but resolute announcement after his nomination to President, the most important role in the Assembly: "My new government and I will immediately start to solve the internal affairs and a solution with the conflict against Kusari will soon be found. Then, a new era for Gallia will rise."

Overall elections have opened many doors for the Militarists and closed some for divisionist representatives at the Parisian Assembly. The recent conflicts have shown an increase in unity among the states, confronted to their most difficult challenge since their creation in 742 A.G.S. The final seat count sets the Gallic Defense Guard Party (GDG) as the single largest party with 52 percent of the seats, followed by the Union for Tradition Party (UT) with 25 percent, the Democratic Federation of the Liberals Party (DFL) with 11 percent, the Gallic Commerce Guild (GCG) with 9 percent, and the Pacifists of Paris Party (PP) with only 3 percent of the seats.

The GDG, an authoritarian right leaning party of ex-officers from the Defense Forces, is arguably the biggest victor in these elections with their impressive 52 percent of the total seats available in the Assembly. The surprise and confusion is shared among all parties, but is overall explainable with the rapidly increasing popularity of militant views since the start of the invasion by the Kusari Empire.

Nevertheless, the rest of the deputies have accepted to collaborate with the GDG for the greater good of Gallia, solving the internal conflicts and finding a favorable outcome to the war with the Empire. Many citizens within every state have shown their hopes and concerns regarding the unexpected push of the GDG in the Assembly but President Lasalle reassured them saying "Every state will be listened to and we will work with all the parties for the greater good of Gallia".

[743 AGS] Alarm raised in Zurich

OERLIKON OBSERVATORY -- 743 AGS -- The Gallic Confederation has reacted with alarm at the unfolding events in Rheinland. The First Rheinland Republic has fallen to a violent coup, resulting in the creation of a new Empire. The 'Zurich Corridor' linking Gallia and Rheinland had been intended to open a new avenue for trade and investment across southern Gallia, transforming the Zurich system into a highly profitable trade artery. Rheinland's collapse into civil war has come at an extremely inopportune time, mere days after the successful completion of the Zurich gate and lane projects.

The Confederal Government has so far remained divided on the "Rheinland Question", with the exception of authorising the deployment of the La Fierte battlegroup to the border. This decision appears to have been prudent, with reports circulating on Oerlikon that a large Rheinland engine plume was detected on a heading towards the Valais Cloud. So far Confederal Defence Force representatives have remained tight lipped about the possibility of a Rheinland battlegroup seeking refuge in the system.

Despite the political gridlock between Republican, Duchy and Minarchy representatives, the Defence Force has received authorisation to deploy into the Cologne system in order to secure Gallic assets. Intelligence reports have confirmed that the group known as the Red Hessians has attempted to assert control over the system, and infiltrate Zurich. A public warning has been posted advising that 'Hessians' approaching the Zurich jump gate will be fired upon.

[733 AGS] Business in Gallic Border Words: Risks and Profits

ALESIA -- 733 AGS -- The Second Gallic War made conducting business hazardous all around the Gallic Border Worlds. New threats are not directly related to the military conflict between Gallia and the Council. Instead, the war gave rise to unprecedented increase of piracy in all Border Worlds, except for Lorraine. Criminal activity is on the rise even in the well-protected Core Systems. Using the war and chaos associated with it, Gallic Brigands, Corse and other groups gained access to new ships and weaponry, and gained opportunities to increase their numbers by rallying recruits from Council-controlled worlds of Marne and Quillan.

As a result, most financial institutions refuse insurance for any shipments going to and from the Core Worlds. Even if they do, insurance is so expensive that only a few shippers are able to afford it. As of now, the only efficient way to protect cargo is hiring Gallic Navy escort. Presence of Navy fighters usually scares pirates away, however, the Navy has many other duties to perform. Government promises to increase Police presence in the area, however, increased numbers of Police does not guarantee presence of their ships in the areas where pirates are going to attack. According to the reports from Briancon and Gap installations in Languedoc, some police patrols deliberately avoid patrolling areas where commercial transports are present and where pirate attacks are most likely to occur.

Solar Engineering, the only large space corporation without a significant presence in the Border Worlds, has actually gained profits from the war rather than losses: gaining large government contracts for building up the Core World defenses, its stock value has risen more than 80%% over the last 15 years, an unprecedented rise for any large company listed on the New Paris Stock Exchange (NPSE) for the last four hundred years.


NOTE: Page generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:51:00 UTC