Omicron Pi

From Discovery Wiki
Omicron Pi
Governing House Independent
Region Nomad Worlds
Connected Systems Planet Knossos
Omicron Delta

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
White Dwarf
  • TYPE: G8
  • COLOR: White
  • MASS: 1.50 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 0.95 x 10e7 km
Planetary Objects
Planet Owner
Planet Moros Uninhabited
Planet Knossos Uninhabited
[[]] Uninhabited
Unknown Planet Uninhabited
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Dolos Nebula
  • Moros Asteroid Belt
  • X-509 Minefield
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Secundus Outpost The Technocracy
  • Commodity Mining
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
      Corporations & Guilds
        Unlawful Factions
        • The Technocracy

        System Map

        Ew10 map.png

        Areas of Interest


        Dolos Nebula


        A transparent green nebula located deep within the Omicron Pi system. Initially, it was thought to be a detached section of the larger Edge cloud, mainly due to its color. However, further examination refuted this theory as no ionized oxygen or hydrogen gases were detected. The full structure of this nebula remains unknown, and the possibility of it having an artificial origin has not been ruled out. The presence of high radiation, in conjunction with unidentified structures visible from the outside, point to only one conclusion: avoid Dolos at all costs.

        Asteroid Fields

        Moros Asteroid Belt

        The debris from a planetary collision that has been pulled into orbit by Moros' gravity, encompassing the entire planet.

        X-509 Minefield


        X-509 is a recently-created minefield deployed by the Gammu AI in response to Core aggression in the Omicron Kappa system. After the assault on planet Gammu, the closest point of retreat for the AI was Secundus Outpost, a former Crayter installation located in Omicron Pi, that was repurposed by the AI as a logistics-hub. The minefield was presumably deployed, to complicate navigating Omicron Kappa for everyone that isn't the AI, thus assisting in their retreat, and hindering future movements by the Core in the system.


        Lost Voyager - B-Unknown

        The wreckage of the Lost Voyager, also known as Voyager 1, the lead ship of the Voyager expedition. The crew appears to have exhausted any and all life support supplies. After running out of fuel, the vessel appears to have been left to drift in the vast and endless void of deep space. Either against all odds or through incredible piloting skill and foresight, the ship eventually became caught in the gravity well of a rogue exoplanet, and is now trapped in a slowly decaying orbit.

        The ship's black box contains a short audio log detailing some of what befell the ill-fated expedition. Playback commencing...

        "This is captain Richard Keane, leader of the Voyager expedition. The date is May the sixth, 831 A.S., and we are in distress. Please, if anyone is able to read this message, we desperately need assistance! After entering the system less than a week ago, as scheduled for our mission, we have experienced an unprecedented catastrophe we are struggling to describe, let alone understand.

        The jump hole leading back to Omicron Delta has collapsed, leaving us cut off from the rest of the sector. We will attempt to explore the rest of the system in hopes of finding another way home before it is too late. Perhaps there's another jump hole out there, somewhere.

        The phenomenon itself-- it's like the entire system is... flashing before our eyes, like a kaleidoscope flickering through pattern after pattern. I don't even know how to describe it-- hopefully, the video we have will do it more justice than my words can. It's fascinating -- breathtaking, even -- but terrifying at the same time; we can see a sort of... wave of colour rippling across the endless void. Even the nebula here looks like it was pl--"

        The rest of the file has suffered from data corruption, and playback stops at this point. No evidence of the referenced video file can be found.

        A brief message can be found at the very end of the ship's log, likely appended some time after the crew met their demise. It reads: "WE SHALL RISE AGAIN".


        Voyager 5 Escort - C-6/5

        One of the Voyager exploration team's escort craft, this Eagle appears undamaged at first glance; however, more detailed scans of the fighter show massive internal damage to the ship's electronics and control systems. It is likely it was hit by some kind of electromagnetic pulse and lost all manoeuvrability soon after. The pilot appears to have suffocated after the on-board oxygen regenerator failed. The internal damage is severe enough to render the vessel essentially scrap metal; no amount of repairs could restore such a total overload of its core systems.

        The last entry in the ship's log makes reference to an unstable jumphole to the Omicron Delta system.


        Voyager 5 - C-5

        The fifth craft of the Voyager exploration team, an expedition spearheaded by a Zoner organisation with interests in surveying the deepest reaches of the Omicrons. The ship itself is pristine, showing no signs of damage or malfunction; however, an automated biohazard warning has been left on a repeating broadcast. Telemetry data indicates the crew succumbed to some unknown disease, although neither the ship's computer nor the crew's logs shed any light on what the illness might have been.

        The ship's captain, Matthijs Bergwijn, was known to have a lifelong background in xenobiology. His intent in coming to Omicron Pi was to search for new alien life forms to study and research, leaving the rest of the expeditionary force to focus on cartography. In succumbing to an alien disease and dying as a direct result of his life's work, his fate can only be described as ironic.

        A brief message can be found at the very end of the ship's log, likely appended some time after the crew met their demise. It reads simply: "Find the Lost One".


        Dauntless - D-7

        This is the wreck of the Zoner exploration vessel Dauntless, tasked with exploring the Omicron Pi system. The ship appears to have nearly foundered in close proximity to Knossos, intent on observing the planet and seeking an entry point into its atmosphere south of the equator. However, it became ensnared between several of the gas giant's violent storms, and only just managed to escape their grasp. It remains in orbit around the planet to this day. It is assumed that a system malfunction was responsible for the ship becoming stranded.


        Delta 4 - F-4

        The remains of the Eagle Delta-4, shot down by the Chaser. The pilot was killed instantly by laser damage that pierced the right side of her cockpit. A quick and painless death.


        The Chaser - F-4

        The wreckage of the Core fighter Chaser, which belonged to the pilot Steve Collins. A bold and daring pilot, he was part of the Core vanguard that pursued the Gammu Artificial Intelligence forces deep into Omicron Pi. He became trapped in the A.I. Minefield when he failed to obey orders from his superiors and overextended himself.

        In the midst of the chaotic battle, he engaged in a duel with Delta-4, a Technocracy Eagle. Collins lured the Eagle into a trap by stopping his ship, then executing a sharp right turn while simultaneously deploying a mine. Caught in the trap, Delta-4's shields were disabled by the mine as Collins outmaneuvered the Eagle and targeted its exposed side with his laser cannons. The right wing was completely destroyed and the cockpit was breached, killing the pilot instantly.

        However, Collins' victory was short-lived. Immediately after the engagement, he was surrounded and forced to surrender. The ship itself is almost entirely intact, suggesting that Collins may have surrendered preemptively. The fate of the pilot is unknown, but it is believed that he was killed in captivity.


        Voyager 2 - D/E-2

        The second craft of the Voyager exploration team, an expedition spearheaded by a Zoner organisation with interests in surveying the deepest reaches of the Omicrons. The Dromedary shows no signs of damage or malfunction, but a brief scan of the ship's cargo bay show no signs of any food or nutritional substances aboard. The crew appear to have starved to death in low orbit of this alien world. Having been low on supplies before approaching the planet, the starvation is likely a result of either mismanagement of food supplies or a drastically increased consumption of such due to the hostile environment of the cloud.

        The ship's captain, Khaled al-Bastaki, was an old, decorated explorer of the Omicrons, and was responsible for charting several locations of great value across this most remote and violent region of the Sirius sector. It is only fitting he departed this world doing what he did best.

        A brief message can be found at the very end of the ship's log, likely appended some time after the crew met their demise. It reads: "-42842".


        Voyager 3 - B/A-7/8

        The third craft of the Voyager exploration team, an expedition spearheaded by a Zoner organisation with interests in surveying the deepest reaches of the Omicrons. This Dromedary drifts listlessly in the local anomaly's gravity well, and a more detailed examination of the ship reveals that the fuel tanks ran dry some time ago. The fate of the crew is difficult to ascertain; the ship's log ends abruptly, alluding to nothing out of the ordinary.

        The woman leading the expedition, Cyma Yazdani, was an ambitious young explorer hailing from the other side of the sector. In a complex turn of events in her life, she ended up leaving her birthplace to join the ranks of the Zoners, and subsequently distinguished herself in her exploratory career. Soon, she became the captain of her own ship, and was ultimately placed in charge of the third Voyager's mission.

        A brief message can be found at the very end of the ship's log, likely appended some time after the crew met their demise. It reads: "23211".


        Nomad Generator - B/C-2

        Nomad power generator Contains:

        Voyager 4 Escort - G/F-7

        One of the Voyager exploration team's escort craft, this Eagle appears to have suffered a high-speed, head-on collision with an asteroid or other spaceborne debris. The remaining wreck is beyond repair, rendered totally inoperable by subsequent micrometeorite impacts and deep space radiation from the system's star. Whether due to pilot error or outside influences beyond its owner's control, this fighter will never fly again.


        Voyager 4 - H-8

        The fourth craft of the Voyager exploration team, an expedition spearheaded by a Zoner organisation with interests in surveying the deepest reaches of the Omicrons. The Dromedary's cargo bay is completely empty, indicating that the crew ran dry of provisions, fuel, water, and oxygen all within a similar timeframe. The vessel's escape pod bays are all empty; the crew may have fled with some of the provisions before the situation deteriorated beyond expectations, but the their true fate is difficult to ascertain.

        The captain was one Emilia Strauss, a seasoned and skillful explorer of the remote regions bordering her House of origin. She participated in charting parts of the Omegas, Sigmas, and Omicrons, publishing several scientific papers in the field of cartography. Only recently gaining captaincy, she and her crew surpassed all expectations on their maiden voyage and ended up inside what looks like the cooling core of a larger stellar object, its purpose unknown. The crew appears to have met with a tragic end; having expended all their resources to locate another jump hole they hoped might lead them back to Omicron Delta, they soon realised that it had been a pointless endeavour. The nearby jump hole was one of those affected by the Pi Catastrophe, and suffered from a gravitational collapse that rendered it useless to the stricken Dromedary and her crew.

        A brief message can be found at the very end of the ship's log, likely appended some time after the crew met their demise. It reads: "171792".


        Jump Gates/Holes

        Target System Type Location
        Planet Knossos Jump Hole D-6
        Omicron Delta Jump Hole E/F-6

        NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:46 UTC