YBT-12c "Prominence" Kusari Battleship Turret

From Discovery Wiki
Kusari Battleship Turret
Equipicon capturret.png
Hull Damage 4422
Shield Damage 2211.0
Hull Damage/s 14371.51
Shield Damage/s 7185.76
Refire Rate 3.25
Energy usage/s 47823.8
Projectile Velocity 610
Range 3499
Efficiency 0.45
FLStat Rating 588.92

YBT-12c "Prominence" Kusari Battleship Turret

The mightiest cannons of the Kusari Naval Forces can be found on her biggest warships. The Prominence lives up to its name, being a prominent, dominating weapon wherever it is brought to bear.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Kure Shipyard Kusari Naval Forces New Tokyo Kusari 11,000$
Sendai Research Complex Blood Dragons Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds 11,000$
Heaven's Gate Wild Tohoku Sigma Border Worlds 11,000$
Liner Samsara Wild Sigma-19 Sigma Border Worlds 11,000$

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:58 UTC