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[Image: 264px-BMF_Logo.png]

24th of April, 830 A.S.

[Image: BMF-Banner.png]

» Sender - Steve Malmsteen
» Recipient - Niall O'Cully
» Location - New London, Isle of Skye

Greetings Mr. O'Cully

In the beginning, I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Steve Malmsteen, the vice president of Bretonia Mining & Fabrication. We are glad to inform you that your application looks great and accepted. It's a pleasure to receive pilots who got previous experience with mining, especially with BMM pilots. We expect that you will abide by the laws of Bretonia and the Corporation policy.

Your application has been accepted and here is a direct link for your access (, and we will be waiting for your arrival at Thames Outpost, in front of Planet New London as soon as possible to receive the required equipment, ship, and ID for the BMF corporation. We wish you the best of luck with BMF and thank you for choosing the most loyal corporation in Bretonia to her majesty, the Queen.

Have a good day Mr. O'Cully.
[Image: 264px-BMF_Logo.png]

Steve Malmsteen
Vice President of BMF
Bretonia Mining & Fabrication

End of Transmission

Employment Application

First Name: Ashleigh
Last Name: Pearson
Birth Place: Planet New London, New London
Age: 40

Employment History: My employment history has been a mix of freelancer contract work and mineral explorations in house and out on the Edge Worlds at times. It was enough to pay the bills and keep life interesting, as well as learn all the lessons that youth has to offer about danger and risk.

Why do you wish to join BMF? I have had some positive experiences dealing with BMF in many occasions over my years and they always seemed a solid bunch of chaps. Never thought they deserved the rep given to them by the Mollys over the misdeeds of one poor administrator, but what's done is done.
I'm looking for more solid steady employment these days, where I can put in a day and know there's work available next day when the day's over.
If you'll have me, I'll show you I'll got the mettle to hack it in whatever capacity is required.

Which department do you wish to join: Mining Operations

Biography: Born into a large family just barely making ends meet on Planet New London, I left for space-based work at my first opportunity, aboard a freelancer trader headed for the far reaches of the sector. I stayed with this crew for awhile, learning the ropes of trade and mining for some profits in between the lucrative occasional deals we uncover. Eventually I branched out on my own once saving up the funds for my own freelancer vessel, entering and thriving in an environment of competition for contracts throughout Bretonia. I stayed in home space so I could remain close to family after being away for so long. As I get older, the chase for profit is no longer my greatest motivator. House Corporations start to have more appeal when its stability of lifestyle over chasing risky profits.

Do you require starting funds? No, I can pay my way

Discord Protocol Call Sign: ViciousJeff#5308
[Image: i8UfAwr.png]

Communication channel opened...
Encryption: High
Origin: Isle of Skye, New London
Subject: Recruitment
To: Ashleigh Pearson

Dear Pearson

It is good to know that after a long time living in Kusari you have returned to Bretonia. Feel free to go through the system on behalf of BMF.

Kindly be informed that your aplication has been accepted, welcome to BMF and congratulations. Introduce yourself at or HQ in Isle of Skye or our Tee & Pee Bar located in Planet's New London Orbit to receive your uniform and identification for your vessel, you are always welcome to our office in the BMF.

Best Regards,
Barba Negra
Employment Application

First Name: James
Last Name: Smith
Birth Place: Liverpool Border Station, Manchester
Age: 28

Employment History: I spent years as a freelance helium miner in the Ralston Ice Field, Pennsylvania.

Why do you wish to join BMF? My top mining rate was 20 helium/s. I don't feel like I have anything left to prove in terms of helium mining. I am ready for some hard rock mining!

Which department do you wish to join: mining

Biography: My parents were middle class blue collar workers. Growing up, I discovered I like machines, engines, big things. I never went to college. Because I don't like reading books. But I like to learn. By doing. I can dismantle a PTE-15 Small Scale Fusion Motor and put it back together again with my eyes closed. Now, I want to get my "higher education" from Bretonia Mining and Fabrication.

Do you require starting funds? no

Discord Protocol Call Sign: james.smith_gaming
[Image: 264px-BMF_Logo.png]

7th of August, 830 A.S.

[Image: BMF-Banner.png]

» Sender - Steve Malmsteen
» Recipient - James Smith
» Location - New London, Isle of Skye

Greetings Mr. Smith

In the beginning, I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Steve Malmsteen, the vice president of Bretonia Mining & Fabrication. We are glad to inform you that your application looks great and accepted. It's a pleasure to receive miners with great ambitions. We expect that you will abide by the laws of Bretonia and the Corporation policy. We will be able to give you the skill and the training you want. This is not the east helium fields, This is the great golden mines of Dublin, which is surrounded by very dangerous mollies and more unlawful entities.

Your application has been accepted and here is a direct link for your access ( ) - We will be waiting for your arrival at Thames Outpost, in front of Planet New London as soon as possible to receive the required equipment, ship, and ID for the BMF corporation. We wish you the best of luck with BMF and thank you for choosing the most loyal corporation in Bretonia to her majesty, the Queen.

Have a good day Mr. Smith.
[Image: 264px-BMF_Logo.png]

Steve Malmsteen
Vice President of BMF
Bretonia Mining & Fabrication

End of Transmission

Employment Application

First Name: Jonathan
Last Name: Godfried
Birth Place: New London, Planet Dover.
Age: 36

Employment History: Freelancing Freight, primarily in Bretonia, Liberty and Rheinland, and Ice Mining.

Why do you wish to join BMF? I'd like to change things up, branch out into Mining and I know Bretonia is built on the backbone of our Mining industry.

Which department do you wish to join: Mining

Biography: Jonathan was born on Planet Dover, he got a paid apprenticeship as a mechanic where he was moved to the Kensington Shipping Platform to provide mechanical services for a number of years, eventually he was offered a position as a ship engineer on a freight vessel. Up until he was about 32, he worked for other people but he got enough to buy his own freighter and ending his contract. Once he did he made a good bit of scrap making creds through the Sirius sector taking on a variety of different roles, even on occasion taking contracts to assist the Bretonian and Liberty police forces when he was desperate.

Do you require starting funds? Depending on the mining ship required by BMF. He has a small fund to help him get a jump start though.

Discord Protocol Call Sign: Kestoren
[Image: Jg53ENV.png]
[Image: CG3JJAl.png]
[Image: MhsD1XB.gif]

ENCRYPTION == █ █ █ █ █
RECIPIENT == Jonathan Godfriedick
SENDER == D. Hunt
LOCATION == BMM-BMF H.Q. Isle of Skye
SUBJECT == Recruitment

Greetings, Jonathan! Thank you for your application. Your experience in both freight and ice mining is certainly impressive, and it's clear that you have a deep understanding of the industry. I'm pleased to inform you that your application has been accepted.

As per your request, I'd like to direct you to our Mining department. As you're aware, Bretonia is indeed built on the backbone of its Mining industry, and there is no better place for you to continue your career growth than BMF. We currently have several openings for experienced pilots such as yourself.

To get started, please make your way to our headquarters on the Isle of Skye. Upon arrival, report to the reception desk and ask for the Mining department. One of our representatives will be happy to assist you in finding the right position and getting settled in.

As for starting funds, we do have a program in place to help new pilots get their footing. You will receive a generous signing bonus upon completion of your orientation and placement into a mining crew.

Welcome aboard, Jonathan! We're excited to have you as part of the BMF team. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly or to any of our operatives.

Once you setled in isle of Skye you may use these Discord neuronet credentials to get you the right documentation.

If you happen to look for a second job in Bretonia, maybe you find a place with our partners at Bowex or maybe work in the realm of security Bretonia Police Authority, but like they say "There is no greater Honour, than to serve." in Bretonia Armed Forces.

Best regards,

[Image: Jg5oqve.gif]

BMF President
Bretonia Mining & Fabrication

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