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Full Version: The second Interview
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''Interesting. So Politics are indeed a point of concern for you?'' he asked flipping over a single sheet of paper, writing a few more points he needed to ask someone later.
The future of Malta concerns me and internal politics play a big part in that future so I believe I have a reason to be concerned. Eliza's smile faded before she continued. I wish I did not have to involve myself with Malta's internal affairs but given the obvious lack of unity in our people I believe something has to be done to fix this. And she knew exactly what had to be done, it was simply a matter of preparations and time.
''And I wish you all the luck in the world with that venture Milady.'' He paused before continuing before holding his finger over the 'Stop' button and stating ''Interview with Eliza Valdez, Legion Maltesa Concludes, Five Fifteen PM.'' He pushed the button and sighed.

''So we're done, thank you very much for coming along. If I have future questions, may I contact you?'' he asked, still puffing away on his pipe.
Eliza let out a sight in unison with Alfred. This interview turned out a lot more tedious than she had expected when she was given the offer for it. Sure! she answered with a smile before standing up and preparing to head on her way. It was getting late anyways.
Will that he put all his papers and the like away into his briefcase, pulled his coat on and stood up with her. He extended his hand ''Good luck with your travels lass, have fun and all that and thank you again for coming''.
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