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(10-12-2017, 04:29 PM)sasapinjic Wrote: [ -> ]I am against loosing ship on death, but paying some fixed amount of money to respawn ship can be good thing.
Lets say :
10 M for BS,
9 M for BC,Liner,Battletransport and Super Train,
8 M for Cruiser and or medium transport,
7 M for Gunboat and small transport/Freighter,
6 M for Bomber/SHF,
5 M for VHF/Hf,
4 M for LF.

What will that do?
First, there will be no more "kill me, it is cheaper", couse it will NOT be cheaper, pirates victims will have to role play this time,
Second, even badly damaged, is it still cheaper to repair then to crash, so people will suicide less,
Third, in conn crash respawn will be free, so practice will still be free, maybe even in newbie system (penn or if we get newbie only system),
It is quite easy to earn some 30-50 M in 30 minutes or far less, thats quite a lot crash money, nobody will have reason to nag crashing is to expensive.

Don't make other people suffer for people who don't know what roleplay is.
(10-12-2017, 04:30 PM)DragonRider Wrote: [ -> ]-realistic effects
-flames in space

Pick one

-The first is the introduction
-The second is the example
(10-12-2017, 04:29 PM)sasapinjic Wrote: [ -> ]I am against loosing ship on death, but paying some fixed amount of money to respawn ship can be good thing.
Lets say :
10 M for BS,
9 M for BC,Liner,Battletransport and Super Train,
8 M for Cruiser and or medium transport,
7 M for Gunboat and small transport/Freighter,
6 M for Bomber/SHF,
5 M for VHF/Hf,
4 M for LF.

What will that do?
First, there will be no more "kill me, it is cheaper", couse it will NOT be cheaper, pirates victims will have to role play this time,
Second, even badly damaged, is it still cheaper to repair then to crash, so people will suicide less, and we will see less: "i gona repair" Then he crash,
Third, in conn crash respawn will be free, so practice will still be free, maybe even in newbie system (penn or if we get newbie only system),
It is quite easy to earn some 30-50 M in 30 minutes or far less, thats quite a lot crash money, nobody will have reason to nag crashing is to expensive.

I completely agree.
-Stop development for a month.
- organize the devs team, and have them create a series of tutorials for all aspects of freelancer nodding.
- resign from lead dev, stating " you know what's best for you fools, now go make it".
Any kind of penalty for death is only going to be a threat to new players anyway. Most long timers have enough cash that nothing could really hinder or cause problems. Ignoring the needs of newbies and only catering to the addicts is never a good idea.
(10-12-2017, 05:03 PM)DannyD Wrote: [ -> ]Any kind of penalty for death is only going to be a threat to new players anyway. Most long timers have enough cash that nothing could really hinder or cause problems. Ignoring the needs of newbies and only catering to the addicts is never a good idea.

Not if /restarts gave you a fitted VHF or 1k transports and this is a way of balancing the addicts down to the same level as newbies. It also means that Jorm spams wouldn't have ever been a thing
(10-12-2017, 05:06 PM)Daimyo Kijima {ToI} Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-12-2017, 05:03 PM)DannyD Wrote: [ -> ]Any kind of penalty for death is only going to be a threat to new players anyway. Most long timers have enough cash that nothing could really hinder or cause problems. Ignoring the needs of newbies and only catering to the addicts is never a good idea.

Not if /restarts gave you a fitted VHF or 1k transports

Then what'd be the point of having the penalty in the first place?

If I can get a ship in 2 seconds. I'm not going to care if I lose it. So what's the point of me even losing it in the first place?
(10-12-2017, 05:07 PM)DannyD Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-12-2017, 05:06 PM)Daimyo Kijima {ToI} Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-12-2017, 05:03 PM)DannyD Wrote: [ -> ]Any kind of penalty for death is only going to be a threat to new players anyway. Most long timers have enough cash that nothing could really hinder or cause problems. Ignoring the needs of newbies and only catering to the addicts is never a good idea.

Not if /restarts gave you a fitted VHF or 1k transports

Then what'd be the point of having the penalty in the first place?

If I can get a ship in 2 seconds. I'm not going to care if I lose it. So what's the point of me even losing it in the first place?

Everything below that basic is just a barrier to entry for new players, we've all seen newbies flying a few hundred cargo ship and drop a few mil to help them out. This effects anything other than starter ships, you'd be taking a bigger risk when flying a bigger transport, capital vessels will be more sparse but mean a hell of a lot more to the player piloting it and their allies.

I'm not saying that this will ever happen or should happen to disco, but that wasn't the question, the question is "what changes would you do" and that's my answer XD
(10-12-2017, 05:18 PM)Daimyo Kijima {ToI} Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-12-2017, 05:07 PM)DannyD Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-12-2017, 05:06 PM)Daimyo Kijima {ToI} Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-12-2017, 05:03 PM)DannyD Wrote: [ -> ]Any kind of penalty for death is only going to be a threat to new players anyway. Most long timers have enough cash that nothing could really hinder or cause problems. Ignoring the needs of newbies and only catering to the addicts is never a good idea.

Not if /restarts gave you a fitted VHF or 1k transports

Then what'd be the point of having the penalty in the first place?

If I can get a ship in 2 seconds. I'm not going to care if I lose it. So what's the point of me even losing it in the first place?

Everything below that basic is just a barrier to entry for new players, we've all seen newbies flying a few hundred cargo ship and drop a few mil to help them out. This effects anything other than starter ships, you'd be taking a bigger risk when flying a bigger transport, capital vessels will be more sparse but mean a hell of a lot more to the player piloting it and their allies.

I'm not saying that this will ever happen or should happen to disco, but that wasn't the question, the question is "what changes would you do" and that's my answer XD

I'm well aware the changes aren't taking place because it'd be a death sentence for a terminally ill mod.

I was just using your points to reinforce my points of catering to the addicts of disco isn't the best of ideas.
(10-12-2017, 03:57 PM)Piombo65 Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-10-2017, 08:29 PM)Piombo65 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know what are entirely the Discovery mod problems but I could start from small things:

-Restore the Capital licenses (Excluding gunboats and gunships) to make the capitals available only if the char has a minimum limit of time registered and a Roleplay Thread regarding his capital ship (Consequentely a simple Player request. This is to avoid capital lolwuts).
-Restore completely NPCs ("Standardly" efficient, that can make problems to the player, standard loadouts, CD, Difficulty, like once), excluding Pennsylvania, a system for newbies (This to give activity even to players who haven't time, content and possibility to do RP temporarily, to make meets not only for events but also to "farming", to obtain good rewards, to cooperate. Like once).
-Make more changes inRP, more leader decisions, more invasions, attacks, operations, time events...
-Update /commands

-Restore vanilla destructible models to all "original ships" and create destructible models to all other mod ships
-Make snubfights time a bit more short (It can imply the deletion of Armor Upgrades)
-Add realistic effects on damaged capital ships (Like some flames on the hull...)

-Introduce this
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