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Officer Files

____File No. : 57717-SE-001________________________________
____File name: Santangelo, Maria de________________________

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Classification: NDL-S - EYES ONLY

Attached picture:_________________________
[Image: ZV5d5wr.png]
  • Name _________ : _ Maria de Santangelo (née Eva Santos)
  • Known aliases _: _ Santangelo
  • Height _______ : _ 1,7 meters
  • Hair color ___ : _ Black
  • Eye color ____ : _ Dark Brown
  • Age __________ : _ 33
  • Birthplace ___ : _ Planet Malta, Alpha System, Omicrons
  • Parents ______ : _ Jesus & Lourdes Santos
  • Relatives ____ : _ Aggro Santos (brother, deceased)
  • Marital status : _ Single
  • Children _____ : _ None

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Family History:
  • Jesus Costa Santos:
    One of the many capatazes controlling the slave labour in the plantations of Malta, Jesus is a cold man that displays no empathy in work or in his personal life. He married due to tradition and did his best siring children for the Nacion which he did, in the form of Aggro and Eva. After that, only his work mattered and took little notice in what his offspring achieved.


  • Maria de Lourdes Santos:
    A typical low-level maltese housewife. Promised for marriage at her birth, Lourdes follows her husband orders. After both children were born, she took care of their education and growth, loving and disciplining as she could in an oppressive environment.


  • Aggro Santos:
    Her older brother, also a pilot in the Maltese Navy. While she does not acknowledge it, he was main person that pushed her to fly in the Navy. He was also in the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz, dying in the front lines against the Corsairs.


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  • Maria de Santangelo:
    Born as Eva Santos in planet Malta, she spent her childhood and most of her teen years planetside, until a pre-arranged marriage proposal came to light at the age of fifteen. As in custom in the maltese low-born society, only two things could allow her to escape the marriage without bringing shame to her family. Death or service to Malta in the Navy. The second option was brought to her by her brother, and as all teenagers do, she dreamt of glory and fame. Without thinking, she signed up for the service and left the undesirable existence in Malta of a low-born.

    For four years she was trained, harnessing the knowledge needed to wage war on the controls of a spaceship. While promising, she was always relegated to the secondary assignments and less than welcomed training courses due to her sex and heritage. A cause for rage and anger that was quenched one day by Admiral Sarah Dattaglia of the 101st. At the time, someone to look up to. An example to follow, as a woman and as a warrior. Thus, she kept her path. Performed her duties. And at age twenty five she had enough experience in the secondary fleets to fufill her dream. To join the ranks of the Ghosts.

    Years passed in the ranks of the 101st, collecting scars, dead friends and family. Until D. Jameson disappeared and the 101st lost the strength and agressiveness it displayed under his command. As wolves vying for control and power, new faces emerged both from the planetary families and from other organizations once hidden in the shadows. Ultimately, she decided to leave before the Ghosts descended into the maelstrom of politics. For the next few years, she travelled and worked as a mercenary without a name to support her need of cardamine and action. Maria de Santangelo was born in those years.

    The need of a new name was evident when dwelving the dirty business of killing in the name of. Ranging from work to Bretonian corporations to even murdering zoners for the outcast eternal enemies, the Corsairs, she flew, she killed and she got paid. The Reaver Mercenary Company opened its ranks to whoever was willing to chance on a fabled 'color.' She became Umber Reaver, working under Cerulean as his right hand, as Titanium worked as his left. In there, she embraced the work like never before and revelled in the killing and murdering.

    Yet, nothing lasts forever and Cerulean pulled the plug on the Company. While the money she received lasted, she enjoyed the life of a retired mercenary jumping from one luxury liner to the next. From time to time, Cerulean would call upon her for a quick job and quick cash and she would answer that call. She can never say no to the action and thrill of killing. But at last, the money was spent and she tried to launch herself solo, only to find resistance and no decent contracts.

    Wandering aimlessly did brought her back home, through the news of a proud militia. The Légion Maltesa song plucked the cords of the once proud Maltese pilot. The call for home and to battle the enemies of the Nacion, once again, struck true in her heart and she once again decided to don the skin of a soldier, of a defender. While it lasted, she was once again proud, once again filled with hope, even in the hell of battle. But once again, the politics of Malta intervened and brought down the Légion from what it could have been. With that disappointment, again, she promised herself no more. No more hope for her people, no chance of redemption for her, never more crestfallen. She once again resumed her vagrant life of a retired mercenary, wallowing her sorrows in the dream like places of Sirius. But that is fueled by credits. And hers were getting increasingly short.

    After a full year, she sold all of her things, finally hitting rock bottom, even rationing her cardamine to the extreme and her mind wandered to her past. Her beginning in the Ghosts of Razgriz. Finding her old Sabre where she left it, Freeport 11, her mind and hands took her through the Omicrons until she arrived in Phi. A ship bearing the markings and IFF of the 101st was like a beacon for the forces guarding Phi. Fighting her way and killing her own brethren in a cardamine withdrawal craze, her Sabre was finally damaged enough that she used the last power in the engines to throw herself at the Razgriz hole.

    And it was there that she met Serenissima. There she met Niccolò di Lupia. A man much like Jameson. A man much like Cerulean. A man like no other not aiming to survive, but to thrive forever. Using any means, eliminating any threats and nurturing all solutions. Niccolò de Lupia saw a Reaver and a Ghost, born unto one. And with a hunger that properly kindled, was still not sated.

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Further notes:
  • Deep knowledge of Sirius thanks to her time as a Reaver.
  • Doesn't talk much, prefering actions instead of words.
  • Conducts herself in a military fashion, and tries to be professional, yet abhors uniforms.
  • Enjoys the act of killing, a taste that was refined in the Ghosts and Reavers.
  • Is knowledgeable in space craft repairs, since she does not trust anyone that may repair her ships.
  • Gained access to Hacker technology due to her Reaver background.
  • Proficient with side-arms and had some combat training.
  • Dislikes sweet talking.
  • Enjoys a cold beer at the end of the day.
  • Her cooking is known to be excelent.
  • Several small tattoos on her body. Wrist, ankle, ribcage.
  • Uses a ring that is in truth a liquid cardamine injector to avoid the usage of masked cardamine dispenser.

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Notable possessions:
  • A small Saint Christopher medal, alongside her brother's one.
  • An umber ten of spades card from her time in the Reavers.
Vessels: Homes
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Criminal Record:
  • Assaults commited against Kusari
    __- Under the employment of the Bretonian Armed forces.

    __- Under mercenary contract.
  • Assaults commited against Rheinland
    __- Under mercenary contract.

  • Assaults commited against Liberty
    __- Under the employment of Reaver Mercenary Co.

  • Killing a Liberty Navy Officer
    __- Under the employment of Reaver Mercenary Co.

  • Assaults commited against Bretonia
    __- Under the employment of Reaver Mercenary Co.

  • Killing of a Rheinland Intelligence Agent
    __- Under her own initiative.

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  • Current Location _____: _ "St. Mark" Serenissima Flagship, everywhere
  • Risk Factor _________ : _ Medium - Her past as Ghost may cause a diplomatic incident
  • Diplomatic Usefulness : _ Outside of the Outcast scope, High
  • Knowledge Usefulness _: _ High
  • Practical Usefulness _: _ High
  • Overall Rating ______ : _ 5 / 10

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