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Also, HF if you really want to have a big war against someone lawful or something like that, we can always declare major hostilies on SF at anytime, see as how we attack cambridge almost everyday.
*Knock Knock*

"Sorry, couldn't find the door bell, this thread open ? I'm Jay, CEO of The [IND] ...
Hard to follow this one, we going to have a war ? Lots of posturing here.
Need to know. The insurance broker is in a bit of a lather, wants to cancel cover as
usual in the event. My VPs are getting a bit twitchy, are they going to have the paint
shot off their 'Bling my ride' transports, normal war stuff, ya know ...
Pop a note over in the Traders dump, if you would please.
Thanks awfully. I'll shut the door on the way out." ...

Gentlemen, Gentlemen.

After that reasoned but uninvited contribution from the peanut gallery, we need to get back to The Motion on the Table.

Tank and Verg.. still a bit vague here, as Aeon pointed out.

Let me rephrase, as you both seem to have lost your copies of the previous minutes:

Shall the SCRA and the Helghast resolve their differences WITHOUT the involvement of any other interested parties or allies? YES or NO?!

I strongly urge that further discussion be tabled until this very simple concept is grasped and resolved by both petitioning factions.

The SCRA has voted in favor of limiting the war to the two primaries. Tank, as an ally of the Helghast, you may be involved in deciding further details, but this vote really hinges on Verg at the moment.

Verg? Cough it up.
Aeon,Nov 26 2006, 09:57 PM Wrote:ah tank... i think you missed my point about the AW...  we dont want them involved at ANY level of the conflict... if you read what has been said earlier in this post, you'll see that everyone voted against involving them, even if they are your allies.  this isnt really an rp fight anymore, its just for ****z, so dont involve them.

i understand that you will fight for the Helghast, yes you did say that quite clearly from the beginning and it has never been in any doubt.

however, im warming to the idea of not having the HF participate, seeing as you are so reluctant.  if you dont want to fight, then just say so in formal terms, and the discussion will be over.  there is no trick question involved, just say no, and thats it.

and hey, if you want a cease fire write one up and we can sign it, then you can go after someone else.

but trust me, after all the flak we got from the Helghast and HF previously, the SCRA is definetly not interested in being allies with you any more.... end of discussion.

Okay I shall come completely forward about this then if that is what everyone wants. I do not want to be in this war final if it continues I will take my payment and relax watching the fireworks. I didn't like the whole thing to begin with I still don't I have perhpas made more mistakes than both of you put together I have without a doubt ruined a healthy beneficial alliance. I will apologize to the SCRA and Aeon specificly for not being a very helpful ally and being critical. I understand completely why SCRA does not want to allies with either of us we really do not deserve it.

I will draw up an offical SCRA HF ceasefire and we can sign it and be on our way I will do what I can to make up for not being a gracious ally to SCRA and maybe someday we can on good terms with one another. I will stay and ally of the Helghast and be a good ally to them I will not assist in this war to either side. Hopefully the AW and the HF will be able to mind their own business in the future it would seem this war was not ours in the first place now that I look back.

I would also like to admit I went behind everyone's back and got involoved in the war offering services to Helghast for payment I should not have done that but I did and I have fought bravely for them against my former ally even though the battle was good I am ashamed of myself to put credits before an alliance. (however seeing as I ruined the alliance with SCRA due to credits I am still expecting payment the fight didn't come cheap)

Now I leave you all to vote on these things but I will cancel any further military actions against either side until further notice and perhaps until the end of time. (That clear enough?)
thanks tank for making that clearer.

we also hope to be on amicable terms with the HF, as the percieved aggressor in our case was the Helghast, which is why we are willing to continue on against them.

thanks for admitting that you went behind peoples backs, so did we, and i apologize for that as well.

also, do you think some punctuation might be in order for your posts? it is rather hard to read them...

anyways, i got your pm, and it shows up as code when i open it, so something isnt right there... i can write one up if you like.

i dont think there is really anything left to discuss??? Quintinius Verginix has agreed to everything we did, so there isnt anything left as far as i know.
There doesn't seem to be anything left to talk about, So QV what sayeth you? (P.S. to Aeon the stupid word dock won't be a prob)
"Dis, please note for the record that both TankTarget and Aeon have made very gracious responses to the motion on the floor. Congratulations, gentlemen, on the successful and productive dialogue.

"There remains only one Petitioner to be heard from, and if they are in the affirmative on the matter, I will declare the motion has carried, and we can either move on to the "Guidelines" as presented by Aeon, in this body; or, we can let SCRA and Helghast work out the details directly, and adjourn this rather interesting conference."
*applauds at the high level of maturity shown*
"Another beer please. " :D
[Image: scra_ad_003.jpg]
I personaly think that the 'war' wasnot really what you could call a war. All that happened was 1 battle and then a bunch of stuff on the forums, which is not a war at all. I think we need a final battle, with all the factions who participated in the 'war' get to fight and then after we can do all the chit chatty stuff on the forums.

Verginix Out
EDIT: nvm this post.
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