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Full Version: Helghast, HF, SCRA negotiations thread.
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Qunitinius~Verginix,Nov 27 2006, 07:57 PM Wrote:I personaly think that the 'war' wasnot really what you could call a war. All that happened was 1 battle and then a bunch of stuff on the forums, which is not a war at all. I think we need a final battle, with all the factions who participated in the 'war' get to fight and then after we can do all the chit chatty stuff on the forums.

Verginix Out


This is the YES button: Yes!

This is the NO Button: No!

Now, let's review. this is the motion: Should SCRA and Helghast duke it out alone? You're the holdout. we can't accept or reject the motion until you vote!

Do I need to come hold your hand in the polling booth????

I really dont think we should be fighting anymore. There are worthier targets out there. Such as SF or Rheinland Millitary.

Verginix Out
Qunitinius~Verginix,Nov 28 2006, 12:28 AM Wrote:NO

I really dont think we should be fighting anymore. There are worthier targets out there. Such as SF or Rheinland Millitary.

Verginix Out

"Gentlemen, it appears we may be able to go home and tend to our knitting.

"The vote on the motion is hereby declared deadlocked. With one faction requesting a limited two-party conflict; and the other faction essentially ready to go wreak havoc elsewhere, I'm not sure we have a reason to continue negotiatins further.

"One last motion from the Chair, just to clarify, and I think we can divvy up the remaining crullers and strawberries, and perhaps this nice silverware as well..

It is moved that the great war we have come to discuss be declared null and void. Bigger and better fish to fry, yada yada.

All in favor?

AW? (Sure, Dab, why not...)
As, honorary acting chair, I cast my provisional ballot as "Aye"! I've got bloody buds to harvest!

Aknowlegded. I vote this war over, something more productive for all of us next.
Let the cursed war no longer exist between our factions.
hmm... well now all of a sudden QV wants the war over and done with. interesting.

obviously there is some real-politikking going on behind the scenes here, so ill cast the vote of the SCRA in favour of ending it as well, since Koolmo is currently without electricity at his home.

my votes counts as both mine and koolmo's.

let us finally be done with this ridiculous war.

Praise God, we can finally go back to a semi normal server.
Yes the reason I voted against the war was because all it will cause is more bickering unfortunatly. And it wasn't going anywhere so why not. Now, we all ahve other matters to discuss as you three should know....
Qunitinius~Verginix,Nov 28 2006, 11:42 AM Wrote:Yes the reason I voted against the war was because all it will cause is more bickering unfortunatly. And it wasn't going anywhere so why not. Now, we all ahve other matters to discuss as you three should know....


That was relatively painless. So painless in fact, I won't even be sending you a bill for my services! This one's on me.

We are adjourned.

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