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Maltese Armed Forces - Enlistment Center - Maltese Armed Forces - 05-25-2016

[Image: SNf7IEm.png]
Republica de Malta
Fuerzas Armadas


This channel will serve as a recipient box for aspiring soldiers of the Maltese Armed Forces. By filling out this enlistment form, you are signing a pact with the Republic of Malta that you desire to serve in her Armed Forces, will adhere to the laws and regulations of her realm, will enforce the orders of the officers of her military and will protect the Maltese citizenry with your life. While enlisting is not a lifelong duty, it is expected that officers and soldiers of the Armed Forces be ready to serve for lengthy campaigns and in the face of ever present danger.
Enlistment grants immediate citizenship within the Republic, and comes with it certain benefits that become available after basic training. To apply for enlistment in the Maltese Armed Forces, please fill out the following form below.


[indent][i][font=Courier][size=x-large]Republic of Malta Form ME-7835d
Maltese Armed Forces
Enlistment Form[/size][/font][/i]

[color=#FFFFFF][size=medium][font=Open Sans][size=small]Personal Information[/size]
Full Name: [color=#BFBFBF][Fill Here][/color]
Age/Date-of-Birth: [color=#BFBFBF][Fill Here][/color]
Nationality: [color=#BFBFBF][Fill Here][/color]
Brief Biography:
[color=#BFBFBF][Fill Here][/color]

[size=small]Professional Information[/size]
Prior Employment (if any): [color=#BFBFBF][Fill Here][/color]
Relevant Qualifications (if any): [color=#BFBFBF][Fill Here][/color]

Discord ID: [color=#BFBFBF][Fill Here][/color]

RE: Maltese 72nd Fleet Pilot Recruitment Database - Reeves - 06-01-2016

General Information
Name: Ryante Stratton
Date-of-Birth/Age: 25, more or less
Nationality/Place-of-Birth: Unknown - I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say Liberty due to my linguistics.
Height/Weight (cm/grams): 182.88 in height. 69 kg

Life Information
Prior Military Background (if applicable): None that can be remembered
Brief Biography (1-2 paragraphs): Ryante remembers nothing of where he is from, what his prior work used to be or anything apart from basic knowledge a human being should have. He was discovered by Cortez in a debris field, his Sabre was horribly damaged and due to the injuries he'd sustained from whatever scuffle he was involved in, he remembers nothing of his past. Only a strong compulsion to return a favor. Despite remembering nothing, Ryante is able to pilot ships to a decent degree, having no recollection of learning how to fly. Hinting that his past probably did involve working in space.
Mechanical/Technical Skills (If applicable): Basic Tactical Knowledge
Possible Reason for application: The need for a place to stay, food water and obvious attraction towards serving the 72nd fleet.
Miscellaneous Information (if applicable): Requires education on numerous aspects of current affairs.

Other Information (//ooRP Section)
Self-Rating of RP skills (1-10): 8.5
Self-Rating of PvP skills (1-10): 7.5
Skype ID: Reeves

RE: Maltese 72nd Fleet Pilot Recruitment Database - Maltese Armed Forces - 06-01-2016

[Transmission Initiated]

[Sender ID]
Fleet Commander Santiago, M.N.S. Aurora
[Recipient ID]
Ryante Stratton
Fleet Pilot Registration

[Transmission Begins]

Good day, Mr. Stratton.

Indeed, Ms. Cortez has spoken about the incident. While I cannot give you closure as to who did this or for what reasons, I can extend to you that the Fleet will help you search for the person, or people, responsible. Therefore, you are hereby ACCEPTED into the ranks of the 72nd Fleet of the Republic of Malta under the rank of 'Initiate'. I'm sure that Ms. Cortez can guide you on your way to the flagship of the Fleet, and once you arrive, we will begin your integration into the Fleet, and you can begin your new duty.

I do hope you will aspire to the people around you, Initiate. It is not a simple lifestyle.

Best Regards,
Fleet Commander Randall Santiago, Task Force Imperium, Maltese 72nd Fleet.

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: Maltese 72nd Fleet Pilot Recruitment Database - Inferno - 06-02-2016

General Information
Name:Leonardo Valdez
Date-of-Birth/Age: 12-9-793/27
Nationality/Place-of-Birth: Outcast/Malta
Height/Weight (cm/kg): 1.87 Meters / 92.25 Kg

Life Information
Prior Military Background (if applicable): Minor combat skills, occasional skirmishes against various Unlawfuls.
Brief Biography (1-2 paragraphs): A natural resident of Planet Malta, Leonardo is less afflicted of the genetic defects of Cardamine, but still requires its use. He branched off of the ways of the Outcasts upon the discovery of Stabaline, knowing it was safer to use than the Cardamine he has used. Through this new declaration, he was cast out of the casual brotherhood of the Outcasts, and roamed about doing odd jobs for anyone that would accept him, mostly being stuck at repair facilities in Zoner Freeports.
Mechanical/Technical Skills (If applicable): Above average in small-scale repair of Border World ships, and the occasional Zoner vessel.
Possible Reason for application:To find a new walk of life, and escape the inevitable demise of not finding work to supply himself with his minor doses of Stabaline.
Miscellaneous Information (if applicable): Does not talk much, prefers the use of Stabaline, preferred to be known as 'Leo.'

Other Information (//ooRP Section)
Self-Rating of RP skills (1-10): 8
Self-Rating of PvP skills (1-10): 7.5
Skype ID:Inferno [or] Jason Hirlerman [OR] in the event of unavailability, consult Reeves.

RE: Maltese 72nd Fleet Pilot Recruitment Database - Maltese Armed Forces - 06-02-2016

[Transmission Initiated]

[Sender ID]
Executive Commander Richard Torres, M.N.S. Aurora
[Recipient ID]
Leonardo Valdez
Fleet Pilot Registration

[Transmission Begins]

Good day, Senor Valdez.

While the Commander is away on recent business, I get the great pleasure of typing up your application response. While the Fleet doesn't look down on users of Stabiline, where in-fact many use it to belay the adverse effects of Cardimine, we will not turn down new recruits simply because of lifestyle choices. Every person has their part to play, and the choice to use one over the other is redundant in the end.

Your application to the Fleet is ACCEPTED, and you will be inducted under the rank of 'Initiate'. I look forward to hearing about you in the days to come, and I'm sure your technical expertise will prove more useful than simply repairing Colonel Cortez's Scimitar on a semi-regular basis.

I will also see about arranging shipments of Stabiline to bolster our supplies. The Fleet takes care of their own, Initiate, and we're not about to force our people to suffer from our own incompetence.

Barbari enim in gloria.

Executive Commander Richard Torres, Task Force Imperium, Maltese 72nd Fleet.

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: Maltese 72nd Fleet Pilot Recruitment Database - Emperor Tekagi - 09-09-2016

General Information
Name: Maria Veraz
Date-of-Birth/Age: July 4, 798 A.S.
Nationality/Place-of-Birth: Malta
Height/Weight (cm/kg): 166cm / 59.6kg

Life Information
Prior Military Background (if applicable): Maltese Exiles Commander. Enough said.
Brief Biography (1-2 paragraphs): Born on Malta. Our father betrayed us. Served for the Nazione's Navy. Later joined up with John. After they disaster in the Omicrons I moved back to Malta but Rosa tried to kill me. So I landed in Gallia. Got forced to serve the Gallic crown for a few months but now managed to escape and am in need of help.
Mechanical/Technical Skills (If applicable): Small knowledge about hacking.
Possible Reason for application: We are old friends. Your fleet and us exiles. I am in need of help.
Miscellaneous Information (if applicable): -

Other Information (//ooRP Section)
Self-Rating of RP skills (1-10): 9
Self-Rating of PvP skills (1-10): 7.5
Skype ID: You have it.

RE: Maltese 72nd Fleet Pilot Recruitment Database - Maltese Armed Forces - 09-09-2016

[Transmission Initiated]

[Sender ID]
Commander Randall Marcato Santiago
[Recipient ID]
Maria Veraz
Fleet Pilot Registration

[Transmission Begins]

Ms. Veraz.

I am relieved to see that you are still around. After what we were told of the incident, it's good to know all were not lost. While we still remember the lives lost that day, we've still remembered that not all perished, and I'm ecstatic to see that you came to us for assistance.

While I doubt there's really much need to say it, you are ACCEPTED into the Fleet at the rank of Lieutenant, and it is a personal honor to welcome you to our flotilla. What aid we can provide is yours, and we'll see to it that any inquiries you have are answered to the best of our ability.

It will be an honor to work alongside you again Maria.

For Malta and Her Children.

Commander Randall Marcato Santiago, Task Force Imperium, Maltese 72nd Fleet.

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: Maltese 72nd Fleet Pilot Recruitment Database - DarkTails - 06-21-2017

General Information
Name: Fiona Prower
Date-of-Birth/Age: October 4th, 802 A.S.
Nationality/Place-of-Birth: Kusari
Height/Weight (cm/kg): 162cm/60kg

Life Information
Prior Military Background (if applicable): Minor skirmishing
Brief Biography (1-2 paragraphs): Born to the Miyasaki/Prower family, most of her kin resides in Liberty now, but alongside Alicia, she had gone to Malta while young, living there briefly before wandering around space under the Outcast banner. Managed to narrowly avoid cardamine addiction, now continues to be a pilot for hire
Mechanical/Technical Skills (If applicable):Fighter and weapon maintenance
Possible Reason for application: To do more than just wander Sirius, put some meaning to her life
Miscellaneous Information (if applicable): Avoids contact with her family in the Liberty Navy when possible, quiet, always watching, listening

Other Information (//ooRP Section)
Self-Rating of RP skills (1-10): 9
Self-Rating of PvP skills (1-10): 5
Skype ID: darktails0/Dark Tails

RE: Maltese 72nd Fleet Pilot Recruitment Database - Maltese Armed Forces - 06-22-2017

- -- -{ Transmission Initiated }- -- -

[Image: latest?cb=20090104184749&path-prefix=en]

[Comm-ID]: Recruit Officer Naomi Kanemoto - Republic of Malta Armed Forces
[Receiver-ID]: Fiona Prower

[Subject]: --

[Priority]: High
[Encryption]: Strong

Yoi tsuitachi.

I've had the pleasure of reading through your submitted application and I must say I'm rather impressed. Not more out of what you can do, as that much is to be determined by the Commander and his peers, but more along the lines of what you are.

Not many can visit Malta and escape the allure of the Orange Dream, and fewer still can survive for long flying the Nacion's banner anymore these days. Thus, by the word of both myself and the Commander, you're hereby accepted into the ranks of the Republic's Armed Forces as the rank of Lieutenant.

Bear in mind that this life is no simpler than one would expect from Malta. We're fighting to liberate the homeworld from the hands that hold it, and absolute understanding must be present, or else casualties could start piling up. I, however, have faith in you like I do for all new recruits.

Good luck, Ms. Prower, and godspeed.

Captain Naomi Kanemoto, Task Force Insigniter, Maltese 72nd Fleet.

[Attachments.. 0 ]

- -- -{ Transmission Terminated }- -- -

RE: Maltese 72nd Fleet - Enlistment Center - Shukaku - 06-25-2017

[Image: TDW0Xcd.png]

Maltese Armed Forces Officer Recruitment Center Form E9-1

Name: Miles Franklin
Age/Date-of-Birth: 26/798 A.S.
Place-of-Birth: Planet Harris
Height/Weight (cm/kg): 203cm/90kg

Prior Employment: Mercenary
Biography (The more detail the better): Born on Planet Harris. As a young man, I worked for my uncle in a shop. When i got enough money, I bought my first ship and went to seek my luck in space. I got attacked by pirate patrols several times, and realized that cosmos is a dangerous place, so I returned home, working for my uncle again. Eventually I shake the dust from my ship, and went for an adventure again, but this time, my best friend, Brian, went with me. We worked as hired guns for the highest bidders, and we were doing good, until Brian was framed for killing a high ranked military official. He was sentenced on a death penalty, and I seek revenge for my best friend in any way possible.

Application Reason: I seek revenge on corrupted governments who set my best friend up.
Honors? Qualifications?: I have experience in space fights, and am a good negotiator.

// ooRP Section

PvP Self-Rating (1-10): 5
RP Self-Rating (1-10): 7.5
Have you read the server rules? You'd be surprised how many haven't..: Of course
Skype ID: bigfleven