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Lennox's story/roleplay collection - Printable Version

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Lennox's story/roleplay collection - Lennox - 10-11-2011

And here is a thread, where you can tell me good or bad things about my stories, roleplay ingame and on the forums (or somewhere else). Since feedback is always nice and mostly productive, I would like to hear your opinions. I rather restarted most of my characters RP and background lately, that means there ain't that many, for my characters, valid posts/threads.

So here we go. A summary of all my active chars and the related stories/roleplay:


Johan Lennox:[/b]
Earlier Life
Mind Travels
Ozu's Legacy

Leaving The Order
"To: Felicia Ariss"


Light Runner:
[]"A fast paced dream"[/url]

"Hellfire Ride Race - Sirius-wide transmission"
"To: Unexpected Tantrum"
"To: Steve Holloway"
"To: "The one faster than me"
"To: Light Runner" -From Carrie Dababi
"To: Engineers of Gallia; CC: EFL"


As said. If you want to tell if you found an encounter ingame good or not, you can post it in here. I am all open for any kind of feedback unless it's flaming. Y'know. 8-|