>>>Encryption: HIGH<<<
>>>Identification: Johan Lennox<<<
>>>Subject: Plans<<<
Greetings, Captain.
Consindering our last conversation, I've finally found something useful after scouring my ship computer about useful data. The reports I have found might not be up to date entirely, but that shouldn't be a bigger problem, since the circumstances around Lisbon, and on the station itself, changed rather rare, back in time.
Now, as you maybe can understand, I won't send these files to you over this channel, nor will I use any kind of software using the Neural Net as carrier. Therefore I would propose a meeting, somewhere, where it's quiet and and the amount of curious people is low. The exact location is up to you to decide.
I hope you didn't decide otherwise about the future yet. I'll be in touch.
I cannot say I am not glad to see you have chosen to initiate further contact. We shall see about these reports, however. The more I think, the more I find it doubtful that anything that I may find will cause me any peace of mind.
Regardless, I should like to see these files. The Barrier Gate Station should serve us well enough again...face to face this time. If you so desire, we may arrange the meeting so as we are entirely alone, devoid of both bodyguards and eavesdroppers. I feel as though I may have an unfair advantage over you if I were to allow my crew to listen in.
If this appeals to you, then I will obtain a room we may meet in, and I will transmit the details to you once I have them set.
>>>Encryption: HIGH<<<
>>>Identification: Johan Lennox<<<
>>>Subject: Meeting<<<
Greetings again, Captain.
Barrier Gate sounds good for me. After all it's a generally neutral place. That's good. As for the meeting itself, I would prefer a room where we can talk alone. At least at first before letting your crew know about it.
Also, the earlier, the better. I don't want to put anyone at rush, although, the more we wait, the more outdated the plans get about Lisbon. We can meet whenever it fits you. Just be sure you don't pull a too big time window.