[color=#FFFFFF]*A young woman appeared on the screen, smirking slightly into the camera*
Heya, Steve!
A bit longer ago already, since we last met, huh? Sad you couldn't take part in the last race. Well...not as if you would have beaten me this time.
*She grinned and turned her head away for a moment, seemingly watching the surroundings*
You won't believe where I am! After flying around a bit through the Omicrons, I found a jumphole to Gallia. And now I am on this nice planet together with those people...with the odd accent. Y'knew? Many of them here cannot speak english that good...which makes the things around here a bit harder. But duh...I am talking too much already!
However, their commoditiy dealers are quite interesting! Well...their commodities, ye. Did you know they use different kind of fuel for their engines? That's quite awesome, actually! And they have a lot of other chemical stuff around here! Things we do not have in Sirius. Oooh~! And did I tell you how nice it's here on the surface?
*She shook her head, smirking*
Anyway...I keep distracting myself! I am currently trying things out with their and our fuel. I was even able to rent some kinda workshop. Y'know...maybe I can make my ship faster if I suceed in some way. Maybe, maybe! If you are interested to come here the long way...I really only can recommend it! The sights are nice too! I even tried out some of their food! And that has to mean something, since I only eat food made by myself!
All in all quite awesome here! If you want to, I am in this system...called...Cha-...Champagne...or so. There is a big station near the planet's docking rings. You can't miss it!
That's it already again! See ya!
P.S.: We might even be able to make some cash 'round here if things go well!
*The woman waved briefly and smiled before deactivating the camera*
Caught a quite nasty fever that got me offside for some days, sorry for not calling before the race. Since my 'official' holidays period at Curaçao finished today, I'll be back to the merc'ing business as soon as possible. Buuut don't worry, I won't leave the racing aside.
I will consider paying a visit to Champagne, once there I'll try picking up some Council weaponry for my Templar and thus, get back to flying as soon as possible. Aye, you got it, need to combat this post vacation syndrome by any means.
Remind me to ask you how you'd find the sight of a warzone that amazing.
[color=#FFFFFF]*A young woman appeared on the screen, smirking slightly into the camera*
Well! Can't say much yet. But if it's really looking 'behind the scenes' like I imagine, the possibilities in anything concerning the space travelling overweight the possibilities of every other dry dock or shipyards on planets I have seen before! Not to mention the Junker depots. Everything is different here...in some way!
But duh...ye. Y'know, that I am not someone, who is looking at the visual beaty of something! Even if there are constant attacks...and what not.
*She shrugged quickly and put a smirk back on*
But you won't get ill again the way here, duh?
*She smirked teasingly before switching to stand-by mode*
[color=#FFFFFF]==Identification: Light Runner==
==Topic: Race in Gallia==
[color=#FFFFFF]*A young woman appeared on the screen, smirking slightly into the camera*
Hey hey, Steve!
I just want to let you know, that I just published the details for the race in Gallia. Should be pretty awesome. You know where ti sign up, if you want. There will also be a party afterwards. Y'Know...
*She flashed a grin*
...I hope you will be there! See you!
P.S.: Dunno yet where the party will be.
*She smiled briefly and winked as the camera went offline*