Narita Outpost

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Narita Outpost
Kusari State Police
E/F-4, New Tokyo

CLASS: Tatsu

GRAVITY: Partial



CREW: 620

After the construction of the Jump Gates that linked Kusari to the other Houses, it was decided that a new station would be necessary to offload and store the new goods flowing into the New Tokyo system, and also serve as an administrative centre for foreign corporations. Initially, this was all done onboard Roppongi and Deshima, but as time went by it became clear that this wasn't enough. With this in mind, Narita Outpost was completed in late 714 AS

While not as large as Roppongi Station was in terms of population, the bulk of Narita consists of warehouses and deep freeze storage bunkers. It is designed to be a large depot where cargo bound for or coming from other houses is transferred, and then distributed by smaller Kusari shippers to the local economies. Several House corporations have offices here, primarily Republican, Universal, Bowex and Gateway - the latter two were expelled for several years following the Kusari/Bretonian conflict, but have since returned. Gallic traders were briefly able to trade at Narita but following the war and return to dictatorship in Gallia, all trade ceased.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Commodity Price
Gin 66$
Medical Equipment 34$
Rheinbier 53$
Light Arms 81$
Vodka 59$
H-Fuel 103$
Pharmaceuticals 28$
Ageira Gate/Lane Parts 479$
Wine 72$
Xenobiotic Filters 52$
Passengers (Kusari) 214$
Xeno Relics 215$
Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$
Marines 516$
Robotics 26$
Nanotubes 44$
Sake 28$
Crew 344$
Oxygen 18$
Water 18$
Food Rations 35$
MOX 41$
Basic Alloy 29$
Super Alloy 52$
High-Temperature Alloy 44$
Superconductors 37$
Construction Machinery 43$
Consumer Goods 23$
Nanocapacitors 46$
Synth Paste 43$
Cigars 63$
Industrial Materials 34$
Tea 47$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Wyvern Very Heavy Fighter 23,729$
Umibozu Bomber 66,376$
Wyrm Light Fighter 13,052$


[834 AS] Joint statement condemns Gallic trade deal

MANHATTAN -- 834 -- In a rare moment of unity, the governments of Bretonia, Crater, Kusari and Liberty have issued a joint statement condemning Rheinland for the Treaty of Oerlikon -- a sweeping free trade agreement with Gallia. All have fought wars against the Gallic Union’s predecessor states, and maintain that there are unresolved wartime disputes the Union refuses to address or accept responsibility for. The group sharply rebuked Rheinland’s intent to provide the Gallic military dictatorship with access to dual-use industrial materials. These will likely be used to revitalize the Gallic Navy, destabilizing surrounding regions. Rheinland responded that it seeks to integrate Gallia into the Sirian economy, creating peace through mutual prosperity.

[834 AS] Kusari minister cancels ALG contract

NEW TOKYO -- 833 -- Shortly before the execution of the Roppongi cleanup contract between ALG and the Kusari government, the Minister of Industry and Development personally intervened to void his department’s negotiations. Citing "security concerns and political unreliability", the Minister disqualified ALG from further involvement. The contract was then awarded directly without tender to Samura Heavy Industries. ALG has condemned the move as “the lowest and most despicable of state corruption”, and threatened to take immediate legal action to protect their investments and reputation. Samura has pledged prompt action to make New Tokyo’s orbit safe -- despite the Keiretsu having no experience in this field of work.

[833 AS] Gold volatility taxes Kusari economy

HONSHU -- 833 -- Kusari has been among the hardest hit by the severely damaged Gold market over recent years. This situation appears only to worsen as Bretonian stockpiles are depleted. Share prices in the high tech manufacturing industries of New Tokyo and Honshu plunged on the recent release of an Interspace report predicting crisis in Gold-reliant market sectors. When pressed for comment, Kusari’s trade ministry declined to respond, referring instead to the Ministry of Defence. Lord Tazuka of the Kusari Office of Intelligence confirmed that discussions were presently ongoing with counterparts in Bretonia, and that progress was anticipated in the near future.

[833 AS] Stabline Prices Spike Over Atka Destruction

SIGMA-17 -- 833 -- Cryer’s share prices have tumbled on the news that Atka Research Station has been destroyed by brutal Outcast pirates. The remote station served as the primary manufacturing point for the revolutionary drug Stabline, which had promised to eradicate Cardamine dependency across the Colonies. Cryer spokeswoman Alicia Fisher confirmed that critical staff and research materials were successfully evacuated due to the timely intervention of private security forces and the GMG paramilitary. She noted that adequate Stabiline stockpiles exist to “manage demand for priority clients” while a replacement facility is sourced. Cryer is believed to have entered emergency negotiations with the governments of both Kusari and Bretonia to explore potential options.

[833 AS] ALG reports escalating attacks in New Tokyo

NARITA OUTPOST -- 833 -- In recent months, ALG employees have reported a sharp increase in intimidation attempts by suspected Hogosha agents. The Rheinland-originating corporation says its Kusari-based personnel have been subjected to stalking and harassment, with several managers forced to leave Narita Outpost after personal information about their families was leaked to Farmers' Alliance terrorists. The corporation says these threats are linked to the ongoing negotiations for the decontamination of Roppongi Station. State Police have advised they are investigating ALG’s allegations.

[833 AS] Kishiro and Synth Strike Landmark Deal

DESHIMA -- 833 -- Kishiro Technologies and Synth Foods have announced a landmark cooperation agreement for the distribution of Synth Paste in Kusari. Food prices and inflation have soared across Kusari in the aftermath of devastating storm surges on Planet Kyushu, prompting Kishiro to partner with the Liberty agri-corporation to address the market disruption. Issuing a joint statement, Kishiro’s Mayumi Higa said, “we have taken decisive action to bring down food costs throughout Kusari, and give consumers access to the flavors and nutrition they demand.” The Ministry of Trade pointedly offered no comment on the deal, beyond advising recovery efforts were well underway in Kyushu, and should not adversely affect the next harvest season.

[833 AS] Kyushu Faces Rising Temperatures And Falling Profits

Kyushu, the key to Samura's monopoly on the organically-grown food industry, has faced rising ocean temperatures lately, owing to a vast temperature surge in the mantle plume underneath its largest ocean. This has been compounded by the resultant eruption of several underwater volcanoes, releasing enormous quantities of greenhouse gases into the planet's atmosphere.

Partially as a result of the geological activity, the equatorial monsoon season produced some of the strongest tropical storms ever recorded on Kyushu since its colonisation. These storms devastated the world's agricultural sector as they blew through the most fertile tropical lowlands, destroying as much as 20%% of the planet's annual crop yield, on top of damage to infrastructure and tragic loss of human life.

Many rural communities are reported to be struggling, with some farming communities still remaining flooded ghost towns even a month after the worst of the storms abated, though smaller-scale tempests still rage around the equator. A Samura spokesperson outlined the company's intent to restore the planet and its communities to full productivity by the middle of next year, despite the ongoing circumstance.

[832 AS] Battleship Matsuda Meets Its Demise!

It had long been rumored that the grand Battleship Himeji had not been lost in the Tohoku system as previously thought; That it had been brought back and given a second life by the unlawful elements that are the antithesis of the Kusari state. This rumor had been proven true as the Kusari Office of Intelligence reported movements of a Meiji-class Battleship in the Kyushu system, deploying Golden Chrysanthemum fighter wings that seemed to deliberately target Kusari patrols in the northern part of the system.

Immediately upon learning of this, Battleship Matsumoto and its battlegroup were redeployed from Hokkaido, and within two days were poised and ready to face this new threat. Only a short few hours later, a patrol of fighters reported a warship with the transponder reading Battleship Matsuda operating in the relative open, heading for but not yet reaching the relative safety of the Seiran Dust Cloud.

Matsumoto itself departed with its escort to confront the Chrysanthemum battleship, close to the edge of the nebula. Within minutes of it coming into sensor range, bomber and fighter squadrons from both sides closed in and opening salvos were exchanged between the battleships. It didn't take long before the KNF's preparation was shown to be well worthwhile; their superior numbers whittled down or otherwise preoccupied the Chrysanthemum's fighter force leaving a variety of openings in the Matsuda's defensive cover for KNF bombers to exploit.

While the Matsumoto was withstanding a heavy beating from the guns of its older sister, it was plain that the Matsuda was slowly being whittled away as its shields began to fail and the very same engine design flaws that had rendered it immobile in KNF service were now exploited by bomber wings to once again cripple the warship.

After several more minutes, the Matsuda's escape pods began to eject from the ailing battleship, picked up by Chrysanthemum fighters as they fled deeper into the Seiran dust cloud. It didn't take long thereafter for the ship's powercore to falter and fail completely, culminating in a vast explosion that reportedly almost turned night to day on the dark side of Planet Kyushu, if only for a split second.

Matsumoto itself sustained moderate damage in the engagement, relatively untouched by Chrysanthemum bombers however still suffering the ill effects of Matsuda's anti-capital weaponry. Despite its damage, it remains deployed in the Kyushu system to continue the blockade of the cardamine trade and to serve as a show of force to any who would challenge the might of the Emperor.

[832 AS] Roppongi cleanup negotiations enter final stages

WICHTER STATION -- 832 -- After a demanding pre-tender selection and contract negotiation process, ALG are on the verge of finalizing a new deal for the deconstruction of the Roppongi Wreck in the New Tokyo’s orbit. The station was destroyed early last year when a dirty bomb was detonated aboard by the Farmer’s Alliance. The new contract would be a significant milestone for ALG, providing both high profile, valuable work, but also a significant expansion of the corporation’s relationship with the otherwise conservative Kusari market. ALG already handles much of Kusari’s Toxic Waste disposal from civilian corporate shipyards.

[831 AS] Courts battle over Galileo Platinum dispute

MANHATTAN -- 831 -- Legal filings have been issued on both Manhattan and New Tokyo by Deep Space Engineering, Kishiro Technologies and Samura Heavy Industries. Public briefs shed more light on the dispute's background, with each corporation asserting that freelance prospector ""Taro Yamada"" had sold them exclusive rights to his discovery of Platinum in Galileo. Both courts have claimed jurisdiction over the complaint, and issued their own separate injunctions holding mining operations until their rulings have been issued. DSE has issued a bounty for the capture of Yamada alive.

[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'!

ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network.

Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection.

Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source.

[831 AS] Platinum claim triggers dispute

REPPU CLOUD -- 831 -- In a confusing turn of events, Deep Space Engineering, Kishiro Technologies and Samura Heavy Industries have all issued press statements claiming to have discovered the same Platinum deposits in Galileo. Galileo's mysterious asteroid fields have never previously been commercially surveyed due to the presence of hazardous Dark Matter clouds. Each corporation asserts their exclusive right to exploit the Platinum, citing recognised conventions on pioneer rights. DSE has already threatened to sue its Kusari rivals over any infringement, ensuring a costly legal battle is almost inevitable.

[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail

MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data.

[830 AS] Kruger Robotics Lawsuit Dismissed

ESSEN -- 830 -- Rheinland courts have dismissed Kishiro Technologies’ lawsuit against Kruger Minerals as 'unfounded'. The Kusari corporation claims Kruger stole patented Robotics designs, which recently entered production at Essen Station. Kruger has demonstrated these new products by automating several Omega-7 operations and laying off hundreds of crews. Kruger representatives called the lawsuit 'frivolous nonsense', while Kishiro’s lawyers vowed to appeal, alleging severe conflicts of interest with the presiding judge. Baroness Daniela von Achen had served as the Minister of Industry in the Imperial Government prior to reunification, and was appointed as a Crown Judge following the Holstein Accords.

[828 AS] Birds of a Feather

STUTTGART -- 828 AS -- Many of the LWB’s remnants took up the Imperial cause during the Civil War, hoping for an isolationist government that would expel Synth Foods from Rheinland. These pilots were left feeling betrayed and enraged when this failed to happen. Lacking funding and resources, they looked abroad to find support. An unexpected benefactor was found in Kusari’s Farmer’s Alliance, who fight a near identical battle against the Liberty corporation. The Alliance has provided leadership, funding and resources to relaunch anti-Synth operations in Rheinland as a wing of their own organization. It remains to be seen how this united Farmers Alliance will impact affairs on the wider stage, with the security forces of both Rheinland and Kusari already strained by internal conflict and crime.

[825 AS] Ibusuki station massacred - Kusari enters war!

SAIGON -- 825 -- In a furious speech, Prime Minister Yukihara Reijiro of Kusari has declared a state of war against Rheinland. This follows the destruction of Ibusuki Survey Platform in Sigma-21, 12 hours before Rheinland's eviction ultimatum expired. Despite Rheinland's protests that it was not responsible for the act, Kusari has accused the Battleship Bayern of the murders, releasing the station's final distress calls that begged Rheinland forces to cease fire. As a result, Kusari has mobilized the Kusari Naval Forces to begin joint military operations alongside the Gas Miner's Guild. The Prime Minister has ordered Rheinland to withdraw all of its forces from the Sigmas immediately or face Kusari's fury.

[825 AS] Rheinland demands Ibusuki destruction

IBUSUKI SURVEY PLATFORM -- 825 -- Rheinland has issued an ultimatum for Ibusuki Survey Platform in Sigma-21 to be abandoned. The 48 hour warning has been provided to allow Kusari citizens time to evacuate from the jointly Kishiro and GMG operated station before the Battleship Bayern enforces the order. Kishiro Technologies has announced that it has assumed full administration of the platform to avoid being dragged into Rheinland's conflict with the Guild. Rheinland has reiterated that the platform must be abandoned, while the Bayern continues to advance towards Planet Saigon. Kusari has reacted with outrage to the development, threatening immediate repercussions if neutral Kusari citizens or property are harmed.

[825 AS] War Returns to the Sigmas!

SIGMA-21 -- 825 -- Rheinland has declared war on the Gas Miners Guild (GMG), with both sides claiming to be victims of acts of unprovoked aggression. Rheinland has announced its intent to expel the GMG from Sigma-15 and 21, which it considers to be claimed territory. The GMG in return aims to enforce treaty terms from the end of the 80-Years War that it says establishes Guild sovereignty over the entire Sigma cluster. Kusari has offered to mediate the dispute, while Liberty and Bretonia have called for an immediate cessation of hostilities over fear of disruption to the sector’s strategic H-Fuel supplies. Rheinland has advised it will not obstruct Sigma H-Fuel shipments by vessels operating under neutral flags. Interspace has substantially raised premiums for convoys in the region.

[824 AS] Rheinland completes Colony War reparations

HONSHU -- 824 -- Rheinland and Kusari officials have met in a somber memorial service, commemorating the losses of the Colony Wars. The occasion marks the 20th anniversary of the Second Treaty of Honshu and the final reparations payment for damages Rheinland inflicted during the conflict. The Treaty arrangement also included privileged access to Rheinland markets for Kusari corporations, to facilitate the reconstruction of the Kusari Naval Forces. This special deal has now lapsed, meaning Kusari will be required to pay full market rate for goods and services. Samura and Kishiro stock prices have fallen on the news, amid hopes an extension would be agreed.

[804 AS] Treaty of Honshu eases Colony War wounds

HONSHU -- 804 -- Dignitaries from Rheinland and Kusari today ratified the Second Treaty of Honshu, officially normalizing relations between the two Houses and ending Kusari’s embargo. Rheinland has formally accepted sole culpability for the Colony Wars and agreed to a 20 year reparations package. This includes preferential rates for Kusari corporations on military goods and resources needed to rebuild the Kusari Naval Forces, and financial compensation for the damages inflicted in Honshu itself. Chancellor Steller offered his sincere condolences to Kusari over the war, and promised a brighter future of mutual prosperity.

[801 AS] Kusari imposes embargo on Rheinland

NEW TOKYO -- 801 -- Shogun Edo has announced that a full economic embargo of Rheinland will be imposed by Kusari due to the outrages of the Colony Wars. Liberty’s President Jacobi has taken a leading role in mediation between Rheinland and the other Houses, with the Provisional Rheinland Government offering a message of condolence to the Kusari people for the actions of the toppled previous regime. Despite this, Kusari has remained resolute that no normalization of relations will be considered until full reparations are made for the devastation in Honshu and New Tokyo, and the many crimes Kusari alleges were perpetrated there.

[801 AS] Rheinland ends all hostilities

FULDA -- 801 -- With the disappearance of Chancellor Niemann and the installation of the Liberty-backed Provisional Rheinland Government, an immediate cessation of all hostilities has been ordered. Rheinland forces have begun withdrawals on all fronts. Reports from Kusari have confirmed that the Northern Fleet has retreated from New Tokyo and Honshu, however it has not returned to Rheinland or recognized the authority of the PRG. Government sources believe the fleet may have deserted, with Rheinland's remaining loyalist security forces being ordered to high-alert as a precaution against pro-Niemann coup attempts.


Kusari State Police
  • It is difficult being surrounded by so many foreigners all the time at this post. Our nation has fought everyone except Liberty in my generation. Now we have Rheinlanders, Bretonians and Gallians here. My ancestors fought to make Kusari a place free of foreign taint. These ships should be stopped at the border, and their goods transferred onto Kusari vessels to complete the journey.

  • We run Trade Lane patrols towards Shinagawa and Yokohama. The Blood Dragons are the chief criminals in this area. They prefer to strike from the Chiba Field. It should really be a military matter, but they are otherwise occupied patrolling the border with Gallia - not to mention Hokkaido and the systems beyond it.

  • The life of a Kusari State Police Junsa is not really very exciting most of the time, unless you are posted in Hokkaido. Sapporo is the most dangerous assignment on the force. It is all clouds and radiation up there. You never know when the Blood Dragons or Golden C. will strike.

  • The Kusari government established this base to give foreign shippers from Rheinland and Bretonia a suitable location to trade their goods within New Tokyo space. Liberty corporations prefer to use the more accessible Roppongi Station above the planet.

  • I went on an assault patrol yesterday into Chiba. Suzuki-san was my patrol leader. We tracked two Blood Dragons for some ways before they discovered our presence and engaged us in battle. Suzuki-san was able to destroy both of them. I feel ashamed that I was not of more assistance.

  • It is tiresome to guard against the Hogosha here. They patiently wait until all of our patrols are out. They seem to prefer shipbuilding materials, which is puzzling, because they take far more than they might use for their custom-built ships. I hear they've been spotted in Shinjuku on occasion. Apparently some of them work for Samura as salary men.

  • We believe there is a Jump Hole to Honshu in the Chiba Field, but they can be very difficult to locate. The Hogosha won't say anything, but we see many Artifact smugglers crossing the system to the Kanto Field, so we are certain it is there.

  • We have problems with Hogosha stealing from the storage depots around this base. Narita is too small to store all of the cargo that is generated. The Hogosha are harmless, though -- just skimming a little bit from the Gaijin shippers.

  • I've never understood why they put it so far from everything else in the system. The official word is that Tokyo didn't want a congested trading area of shipping above the planet. Privately, I heard that they wanted to make it a little more costly and inconvenient for shippers like Republican to trade with Tokyo, giving Samura and Kishiro an edge on those trade routes.

Kishiro Technologies
  • The real reason this base exists is to allow a place for those slimy Hogosha to steal supplies for Samura's factories. We at Kishiro abhor these unscrupulous methods employed by our competitor to gain competitive advantage.

  • Gold is shipped to Narita rather than Tokyo, so we must bring the shipments back across two Trade Lanes that the transports have already traversed -- most inefficient. This smells of a Samura-backed government regulation that needs to be corrected. But even with a new government, Kusari bureaucracy is slow to make changes - this is the nature of government I am afraid.

  • Narita is the transfer point for many foreign shippers in Kusari space. We get a lot of miners here. They sell metals such as Gold, Beryllium and Aluminum, and take back Mining Machinery.

Imperial Shipping
  • The only reason Samura doesn't buy all of their Industrial Materials from Mainz is to save more of their ships from being lost. The Corsairs and Outcasts have become quite troublesome in that system, and the GMG could not care less about the fate of Samura transports.

  • I'm headed to Roppongi after this. If I'm lucky, maybe some Golden Chrysanthemums will show up at the bar. They've always got extra Cardamine to share.

  • It seems like the Hogosha always manage to steal shipments from the storage area before they are officially signed over to Samura. This port is too small. If it had proper storage, we wouldn't need to expose our goods to theft. It's probably all part of Samura's grand plan.

Samura Industries
  • This is not a very lucrative run because it is only one Trade Lane jump to Yokohama. Republican ships its High-Temperature Alloys and Boron all the way from Rheinland but must terminate here at Narita. Only Samura ships are allowed to land at Yokohama -- no Rheinland ships. Rules and regulations ...

  • Even though this is a short run, the Blood Dragons are always waiting. You never know when they will hit next. Sometimes I think I should change companies to Kishiro, although that would be disgraceful to my employer. At least Kishiro captains don't have to worry so much about pirates.

  • Just between you and me, the real reason Samura doesn't want Republican landing on Yokohama is that Samura uses the Hogosha to steal shipbuilding supplies here. It's always cheaper to steal than to buy, and it keeps costs down. Is it any wonder why they put the foreign commercial ship builders out of business?

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:47 UTC