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Alignment Corporation


Corsairs, Farmers Alliance, Gaians


Golden C., Blood Dragons, GMG, Outcasts, Junkers, Xenos

The Hogosha are a quasi-legal organization that ostensibly exists to promote the "welfare and prosperity of the Kusari people." With influential agents inside Samura, Kishiro, and even in the halls of Kusari government, the Hogosha syndicates are powerful conservative force in modern Kusari society. The organization is heavily invested in the Artifact trade, and as a result draws ire from those in Kusari who seek to change the status quo, or simply oppose the Corsairs.

Ships used

Ship Class
Yubitsume Light Fighter
Drone Freighter
Hogosha Frigate Frigate
Irezumi Very Heavy Fighter
Hogosha Gunboat Gunboat

Bases owned

Base Owner System Region
Kabukicho Depot Hogosha New Tokyo Kusari
Kamakura Base Hogosha Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds
Golden Dragon Casino Hogosha Shikoku Kusari




Lagos Depot
  • This is not the safest system for a Hogosha pilot. The Corsairs are our allies, yes, but just about everyone else is not. The GMG will shoot us on sight, as will the Outcasts, Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysantemums. Luckily, these nebulas are dense enough that we can usually slip through undetected.

  • I am planning to return to Honshu with a load of Artifacts. From there, they will go to the Golden Dragon, in Shikoku, to entertain our guests. A portion will also be shipped into the Independent Worlds. We have some contacts that handle the distribution of these Artifacts in Liberty. But the most appealing ones will stay in Kusari. It is one of the many advantages in buying these Artifacts straight from those who gather them.

  • The Hogosha respect the Corsairs for what they are - a fierce people who are true to their own way. They may appear brutal and vicious to the casual observer, but beneath that there is a deep sense of honor. Corsairs do not seek to corrupt or usurp nations the way Liberty and the Outcasts do, be it by drugs or credits. I'm not entirely sure what motivates them. Perhaps it is a sense of vengeance that became their culture over time.

Luxury Liner Hawaii
  • Yesterday, the Corsair ship Menorca was ambushed and destroyed by the Outcasts somewhere in the Gikka Dust Field. The Corsairs have just begun the search for the wreckage. If you are lucky, you may be able to beat them to it and grab the Artifact load for yourself.

  • I should like to thank whomever came up with the idea of conducting business here. It is profitable for everyone involved. The Corsairs benefit from having a place where they can sell their Artifacts with relative ease. The Hogosha benefit from having easy access to them. Orbital Spa benefits from the safety that dealing with both groups offers - especially when the Outcasts try something. The only ones left pouting are the GMG, but they have themselves to thank for that.

  • The Artifacts that the Corsairs bring to this base are highly prized on New Tokyo's black market. They are smuggled in by Hogosha operatives through the Jump Hole in this system to Honshu. From Honshu our people use the Jump Hole there that leads straight into New Tokyo. That is the Hogosha Artifact smuggling route. It is a long flight, but usually uneventful once you get past the Outcasts. The Blood Dragons are the only ones who can really challenge us in Kusari, and their numbers are too few to be hunting empty space for us.

  • It was best for both the Corsairs and the Hogosha to cut the GMG out of our business dealings. It is true that the GMG are closer to our people than the Corsairs, but "money makes friends of strangers" as the saying goes. The reverse is also true - the GMG favoring Kishiro over Samura has not earned them many new friends in Kusari.

Shinkaku Station
  • The defeat of the Kusari Navy has created a lot of problems for our citizens out here on the fringes of Kusari space. The Hogosha will live up to their name in these times. Kishiro may look to outsiders to come to their aid, but Samura is different. Kusari has never needed outsiders. It certainly doesn't need them now.

  • We have no love for Gallia, but they are not the enemy here. Not now, in any event. We shall see what the future holds. Kusari needs time to rebuild, and to do so, it must remain free of conflict, and its industry must prosper. We are doing our part to that end.

  • The fact that Kishiro is looking to Bounty Hunters to solve their Outcast problems shows just how far they have fallen. Some of those mercenaries -were- Outcasts, and you do not stop being an Outcast, ever. You do not fight fire with flame. Samura was wise to look to us for protection, as they have done many times. We will not fail them.

Leiden Base
  • This is the end of our Artifact smuggling route that begins in the Border Worlds and crosses all of Kusari space. We don't like to see the Golden Chrysanthemums here, but we have no choice if we want to sell these trinkets to the rich Liberty fools on Manhattan. The Lane Hackers seem okay, though -- nothing like those disgusting Rogues.

  • We use the Jump Hole to Shikoku, then skirt the west end of the system through the nebula clouds to avoid detection by the Blood Dragons -- our mortal enemies. The police and Bounty Hunters rarely bother us. At the far end of Shikoku is a Jump Hole to Kyushu, followed shortly by a Hole to New Tokyo. Very convenient.

  • This is the cheapest place to buy Side Arms within Hogosha territory, if you can call this black rock fragment in a dark matter cloud "territory" in the conventional sense. Within Kusari space Side Arms cost considerably more.

Planet New Tokyo
  • We supply all the Artifacts for Kusari and Liberty. It's been good for us, although the ban has been bad for business. It's all Liberty and the LSF's fault. What harm are these trinkets ever going to cause anyone? If you're interested in making some deliveries, stop by our base in the Kanto, behind Tokyo.

  • I'm visiting this great city to pick up some supplies for our base in the Kanto. There's a great little sushi bar down the way that I always visit. You have to try the purple sea urchin, although it might be an acquired taste for a Gaijin like you.

  • Tokyo is the only place we can buy Light Arms legitimately within Kusari. It's very controlled here -- not like Liberty, I hear. We don't have rabble like the Rogues and Xenos in Kusari -- just misguided souls like the Golden C. and those Blood Dragons.

Shinjuku Station
  • Well, here I am. I used to be a bored salary man upstairs. Then they told me about this moonlighting position that involves a little risk. It sounded like a perfect way to change my life, although some of the types you meet on Kabukicho are a little rough for my taste -- especially those Bosozoku.

  • Narita was a great coup by Samura. They engineered some crazy law that required all the Gaijin to land there, and then they intentionally didn't give them interior storage space. That's where we come in -- redistributing the goods in our favor. Even with a new government in power, sorting out the logistics for foreign shippers will take years. We should be on the lookout for new opportunities for our line of 'business'.

  • I've got orders to put a little pressure on a Kishiro supplier on Tokyo tomorrow, and then I'm off to a bureaucrat's office to insure that he has enough money for his annual golf membership at that exclusive course near Tokyo. Even with a change of government, there are still plenty of officials willing to look the other way for the right price.

Kabukicho Depot
  • Our main business is Alien Artifacts. For some reason, the rich elites of Tokyo and Manhattan have always had a fondness for these toys. We used to get them from the GMG, who were the middlemen between us and the Corsairs. They got greedy, like they all do -- started charging too much. So when the Hawaii opened, we bypassed them and went directly to the source.

  • We are Samura's hired muscle. When something unpleasant needs to be done, we're the ones to do it. In exchange, they keep the police off our backs and make sure that Artifact smuggling is not taken too seriously in Kusari. We've had a long and profitable relationship and see no reason to change our ways.

  • They're sending me on the Artifact run to Leiden tomorrow. I don't like going there. Those Lane Hackers are drug addicts, and the Liberty Rogues smell badly. The GC will also show up sometimes, which can be dangerous for us. There have been Hogosha "accidents" in the cloud near the base.

  • The Kobe Maru was making its weekly Artifact run across the Shikoku system when it was ambushed by the Blood Dragons. The ship is presumed destroyed, and its whereabouts are unknown, although it's been rumored to be drifting somewhere in the Shiun Cloud.

  • We will never let the Junkers into Kusari space. For one thing, there is no junk. It was too precious for Kusari industry to ever throw away. The Junkers harbor many criminals that create problems for the other Houses.

  • We Hogosha are legitimate businessmen. Don't believe any of those rumors about us stealing supplies from bases and all. As a matter of fact, I just came up from Tokyo with basic necessities. There's nothing evil in that, is there?

  • We help the Farmers Alliance by selling supplies and weapons for their base across the jump hole in Kyushu. They are a lot more inspired these days since the new government came to power. In the old days they were just spouting the company line, if you know what I mean.

  • We know the holes pretty well in Kusari space. The Hole in this field goes to Kyushu, and then a quick jaunt gets you to Shikoku. In the other direction, it's pretty much a straight shot to Honshu through the Chiba Field. Watch out for those Blood Dragons, though. They can be nasty, especially if you're running Artifacts for us.

  • The Blood Dragons want to restore the ways of the past. And now the Farmer's Alliance wants to as well. Some of the Farmer's propaganda I read on Kyushu sounds a lot like the Dragons, with talk of restoring the monarchy. I don't blame them - life was better for us with Samura pulling the strings.

  • We have a little deal with the police -- no drugs, no problems. Some of the young Bosozoku object to that. They usually get a one-way ticket out of a garbage airlock in short order. The Golden Cs are a different thing. We can't control those zealots. Misguided feminists, that's what they are.

Kamakura Base
  • The Blood Dragons have become bolder. They have attempted frontal assaults on Osaka in recent years. It would be a catastrophe if they were to start a chain-reaction explosion in the storage areas. We have strengthened the tank walls as a precaution.

  • Osaka is old and Samura is no longer maintaining the tanks well. We are too far removed from Hokkaido for Osaka to be of much use now. We need to downsize this facility, and build new ones in New Tokyo or even Shikoku where Kishiro has less influence.

  • Kusari has controlled the H-Fuel since the dawn of Jump Gates. There are those at Samura who feel that Kusari did not exploit this powerful tool more effectively in the past, as Liberty as done with their Trade Lane technology monopoly.

  • The GMG has transferred its Gas here as long as anyone can remember. Osaka's isolated location was intentional. It would not have been cost effective or safe to place such a facility planet side. We needed to keep it clear of the clouds for security reasons. Nowdays we store what we can from Hokkaido, but we have to double back through New Tokyo to ship supplies to Liberty. We should strip this place bare, sell it to Kishiro, and then upgrade Sapporo Station so it can handle new shipments of gas coming from our Hokkaido project.

  • A Blood Dragon spy was discovered last week. He had entered a restricted H-Fuel re-pressurization area without the proper credentials. When confronted, the imposter blew himself up, killing several guards. We were lucky -- the effects of the blast were absorbed by a structural bulkhead. One must always be vigilant.

  • This is the largest storage and shipping facility in the entire Sirius Sector. From here, Samura can ship H-Fuel into Rheinland and Bretonia, without risking the Gallic warzone. H-Fuel is the lifeblood of space transportation. It is the one raw material that Kusari has been blessed with in abundance.

Golden Dragon Casino
  • The Golden Dragon Casino liner makes frequent trips between here and many of the major planets throughout Sirius bringing VIP's and tourists back and forth.

  • The Hogosha dislike foreigners coming to Kusari from other houses. Foreign trading convoys can often be found being taxed or destroyed by the Hogosha.

  • The Hogosha has been in a rough state lately, a lot of our higher ranked members have been caught red-handed by the Police enforcement. I even heard that the Kumicho of the Black Dragon Society ended up in jail.

  • People who can't afford staying at the luxurious Golden Dragon Casino may find themselves ending up here in Suzuka Station, where over two-hundred rooms are offered for a low price.

  • I'm not sure if you have heard about them before, but the Yakuza family are notorious within the Hogosha community for sporting some of the best assassins our syndicate has to offer.

  • It is said that in the lower levels of the Black Dragons casino, a shadowy figure know only as "The Hand" can be found torturing the enemies of the Hogosha.

  • The Hogosha have spies everywhere. They have agents within Samura, Kishiro and even the Kusari Government. It would be unwise to try to hinder their activities.

  • Many reckless pilots have died trying to navigate the racetrack in this system, one mistake and you can find yourself spinning out of control towards a deadly minefield.

  • The Raba Transport not only makes a great transport, but the Hogosha also use it for combat activities. Some hogosha have even been spotted attacking foreign transports in them.

  • I've heard talk that the Gas Miners Guild have been secretly supporting the Blood Dragons finacially in return for some dirty little favours being done.

  • Kamakura base in the Okinawa system has become a friendly destination for Corsairs venturing through the Sigmas to trade their artifacts with the Hogosha.

  • The race track near the casino is not the only place where young pilots risk their lives for the money, deep within the Tottori system the Hogosha maintain a private arena for pilots to test their skills in dog fights.

  • The Hogosha pride themselves in being the "Higher Class" of Kusari, with most of their money supplied from taxations and the Artifact trade. This is one of the reasons they can afford to own such expensive luxuries.

  • It is rumoured that the Hogosha and the Farmer's Alliance have a very strong alliance. The two can often be seen working together to stop the flow of goods from other houses. This alliance also benefits Samura, strengthening the relations between the three.

  • Rumour has it that one of the assassins of the Yakuza family is actually a woman. I hope for their sake that isn't true, the reputation of their organization would decline quickly if people found out that the Yakuza are dependent on women to do their job.

  • Many members of the Hogosha syndicate enjoy a cigar once in a while, it has kind of become a tradition lately to simply smoke at any given occasion. But remember, if a higher-ranked figure walks by you must instantly bow to express your respect.

  • Most of our recruits complete their training at Anijima Base where they finally become acknowledged as fully-fledged members of the Hogosha syndicate.

  • At the end of each month, the family leaders which compose the Hogosha syndicate are gathered for a secret underground meeting on Kabukicho Depot. This group is known as the Hogosha Kaigi.

  • Since most of the older generation of Hogosha either ended up dead or faced trial by the Kusari authorities, many families are now taking a different path, one that is less focused on protecting Kusari traditions and ideologies.

  • I've heard that theres a lot of money to be made buying alien artifacts from Crete and bringing them back here to be sold in Kusari.

  • We Hogosha control the black market in Kusari. Others, like the Junkers, try and press in on our business but we have a firm hold. Of course lining the pockets of certain politicians makes things much easier.

  • Although the Hogosha are well known for their artifact smuggling and dangerous activities. Rumours suggest that they sometimes send large transport convoys into the deep Edge Worlds to pick up supplies.

  • A couple of months ago the Hogosha syndicate purchased exotic women from the Liberty Rogues. About twenty of them arrived at the Golden Dragon Casino. You can say that they will practically have their hands full, if you know what I mean.

  • There are many Hogoshan syndicates operating throughout Kusari, but it is only the secretive Black Dragon Society that has members within the government, military and Kusari's big corporations.

  • We don't like foreign smugglers making runs through Kusari. Some have the good sense to pay for the privilege and are therefore ignored, but few of them receive any help from us if they are caught by the authorities.

  • There's a rumour that the Bretonian Queen is addicted to Cardamine and her military has been supporting the Golden Chrysanthemums in an attempt to undermine the Kusari government putting a stop to the trade.

  • It is well known among the Hogosha that those who betray the brotherhood are never seen from again, rumour is that they are all taken by 'The Hand'.

  • Don't tell this to anyone but sometimes I shuffle the cards in such a way that an ace always ends up at the top of the deck. That way I trick the casino visitors so that they lose their money. It's no problem though, I only do it once a week in order to avoid suspicion.

  • Many of Kusari's high ranking government officials and politicians spend time in the casino. I've heard most of them are in the pockets of the Hogosha which explains why they're here so much.

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