Super Alloy

From Discovery Wiki
Super Alloy
Commodity super alloys.png
Cargo Space 1
Decay Rate no decay
Default Price 11$
High Risk Commodity False


In its unalloyed form, Beryllium is incredibly strong and light but also highly brittle; when combined with aluminum, however, the resulting Super Alloy offers all the benefits of Beryllium along with the stiffness of aluminum. The Super Alloy fabrication process is somewhat more complicated than that used to make Basic Alloys, though, and Super Alloy is consequently more expensive. Super Alloys are used in everything from Ship Hull Panels to the frames of advanced military vessels.


Bases buying
Base Owner System Region Price
Portsmouth Shipyard Bretonia Mining & Manufacturing Cambridge Bretonia 28$
The Ring Daumann Heavy Construction New Berlin Rheinland 59$
Akabat The Order Omicron Mu Nomad Worlds 90$
Prudhoe Skunk Works Alaska Security Forces Alaska Liberty 49$
Macon Base Gallic National Intelligence Burgundy Gallia 64$
Sournia Repair Yards The Maquis Roussillon Tau Edge Worlds 54$
Pacifica Base Unioners Bering Independent 52$
Kyoto Base Blood Dragons Chugoku Kusari Outer Region 60$
Evreux Research Facility Gallic National Intelligence Orleanais Gallia 73$
Calais Research Facility Gallic National Intelligence Picardy Gallia 73$
Melun Research Institution Gallic National Intelligence Ile-de-France Gallia 58$
Pueblo Station Ageira Technologies Colorado Liberty 44$
Heisenberg Research Station Freelancers Cologne Alsace Passage 54$
Helgoland Station Gas Miners Guild Sigma-13 Sigma Border Worlds 64$
Fort Carthage The Order Omicron Mu Nomad Worlds 95$
Haute-Seine Shipyard EFL Oil & Machinery Picardy Gallia 70$
Maintenon Shipyard Gallic Navy Orleanais Gallia 70$
Belmont Yard Liberty Rogues Galileo Independent 56$
Invergordon Salvage Yards Junkers Inverness Independent 35$
Foyle Shipyard Mollys Dublin Bretonia 41$
Singapore Shipyard Independent Miners Guild Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds 37$
Juneau Shipyard Alaska Security Forces Alaska Liberty 46$
Tsukishima Liner Yards Interspace Commerce Shikoku Kusari 55$
Sabah Shipyard Crayter Republic Coronado Independent 23$
Corsica Shipyard Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 53$
Kure Shipyard Kusari Naval Forces New Tokyo Kusari 50$
Rhodes Shipyard Corsairs Omicron Gamma Corsairs 65$
Tripoli Shipyard Corsairs Omicron Gamma Corsairs 62$
Yokohama Shipyard Samura Industries New Tokyo Kusari 48$
Baltimore Shipyard Deep Space Engineering New York Liberty 38$
Rambouillet Shipyard Gallic Navy Ile-de-France Gallia 51$
Norfolk Shipyard Liberty Navy New York Liberty 37$
Yukawa Shipyard Kishiro Technologies Honshu Kusari 55$
Alster Shipyard Imperial Shipping Hamburg Rheinland 56$
Wolfsburg Shipyard Red Hessians Dresden Rheinland Outer Region 59$
Oder Shipyard Daumann Heavy Construction New Berlin Rheinland 59$
Wichter Station ALG Waste Disposal Sigma-15 Sigma Border Worlds 77$
Abbeville Production Facility EFL Oil & Machinery Picardy Gallia 71$
Durban Station The Core Omicron Delta Nomad Worlds 69$
Aralsk Research Station Sirius Coalition Omega-52 Omega Edge Worlds 61$
Kagoshima Depot Farmers Alliance Kyushu Kusari 45$
Kansai Research Institute Kusari Naval Forces Honshu Kusari 58$
Sendai Research Complex Blood Dragons Sigma-59 Sigma Border Worlds 73$
Schatten Research Facility MND Frankfurt Rheinland 64$
Freeport 10 Zoners Tau-37 Tau Edge Worlds 43$
Livadia Shipyard Zoners Omicron Kappa Nomad Worlds 74$
Ibiza Base Outcasts Omicron Alpha Outcasts 54$
Nansei Research Complex Kusari Office of Intelligence Kyushu Kusari 45$
Altair Research Complex Wild Omicron Iota Nomad Worlds 73$
Willard Research Station Liberty Navy California Liberty 29$
Nimes Station IDF Shipping Languedoc Gallia 46$
Alesia Station Gallic Metal Service Burgundy Gallia 61$
Cordova Shipping Platform Universal Shipping Magellan Independent 25$
Planet Pittsburgh Deep Space Engineering New York Liberty 42$
Bourg-en-Bresse Space Port EFL Oil & Machinery Burgundy Gallia 64$
Scarborough Shipyard Border World Exports Newcastle Bretonia 11$
Belvedere Refinery ALG Waste Disposal New London Bretonia 26$
Narita Outpost Kusari State Police New Tokyo Kusari 52$
Kensington Shipping Platform Gateway Shipping New London Bretonia 24$
Leicester Shipping Platform Border World Exports Omega-3 Omega Border Worlds 39$
Durham Outpost Border World Exports Leeds Bretonia 21$
Freeport 6 Zoners Tau-29 Tau Border Worlds 33$
Sarcelles Shipping Facility IDF Shipping Ile-de-France Gallia 55$
Deshima Station Bounty Hunters Guild Shikoku Kusari 57$
Trenton Outpost Universal Shipping New York Liberty 38$
Fort Bush Liberty Police, Inc. New York Liberty 40$
Freeport 14 Zoners Inverness Independent 33$
Lewes Shipping Platform Gateway Shipping Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds 28$
Austin Depot Universal Shipping Texas Liberty 45$
Altona Station Imperial Shipping Hamburg Rheinland 56$
Freiburg Station Imperial Shipping Stuttgart Rheinland 50$
Mainz Storage Facility Imperial Shipping Frankfurt Rheinland 67$
Bases selling
Base Owner System Region Price
Nimes Station IDF Shipping Languedoc Gallia 46$
Alesia Station Gallic Metal Service Burgundy Gallia 61$
Cordova Shipping Platform Universal Shipping Magellan Independent 25$
Planet Pittsburgh Deep Space Engineering New York Liberty 42$
Bourg-en-Bresse Space Port EFL Oil & Machinery Burgundy Gallia 64$
Scarborough Shipyard Border World Exports Newcastle Bretonia 11$
Belvedere Refinery ALG Waste Disposal New London Bretonia 26$
Narita Outpost Kusari State Police New Tokyo Kusari 52$
Kensington Shipping Platform Gateway Shipping New London Bretonia 24$
Leicester Shipping Platform Border World Exports Omega-3 Omega Border Worlds 39$
Durham Outpost Border World Exports Leeds Bretonia 21$
Freeport 6 Zoners Tau-29 Tau Border Worlds 33$
Sarcelles Shipping Facility IDF Shipping Ile-de-France Gallia 55$
Deshima Station Bounty Hunters Guild Shikoku Kusari 57$
Trenton Outpost Universal Shipping New York Liberty 38$
Fort Bush Liberty Police, Inc. New York Liberty 40$
Freeport 14 Zoners Inverness Independent 33$
Lewes Shipping Platform Gateway Shipping Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds 28$
Austin Depot Universal Shipping Texas Liberty 45$
Altona Station Imperial Shipping Hamburg Rheinland 56$
Freiburg Station Imperial Shipping Stuttgart Rheinland 50$
Mainz Storage Facility Imperial Shipping Frankfurt Rheinland 67$

NOTE: This page was generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:50. Server-side data may be changed on the server at any time, without any notice to the user community. The only authoritative source for in-game data is the game itself.