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Governing House Independent
Region Omega Border Worlds
Connected Systems Omega-48
Omicron Gamma
Omicron Xi

No description available.

System Overview

Astronomical Bodies
Stellar Objects
Medium Red
  • TYPE: G8
  • COLOR: White
  • MASS: 2.00 x 10e30 kg
  • DIAMETER: 1.85 x 10e7 km
Planetary Objects
Planet Owner
Planet Skagen Uninhabited
Planet Rugen Uninhabited
Aarhus Planetoid Uninhabited
Atmospheric Entry Point Red Hessians
Planet Wiesbaden Red Hessians
Nebulae & Asteroids
  • Ferner Field
  • Kattegat Field
  • Rostock Deconstruction Site
  • Walker Nebula
Industrial Development
Space Stations
Station Owner
Bornholm Depot Junkers
Kaarst Drydock Wild
Kamchatka Station Coalition Military
Dagger Outpost The Core
Gjallarbru Research Station Red Hessians
Battleship Kassel Red Hessians
  • Commodity Mining
  • Faction Presence
    Lawful Factions
      Corporations & Guilds
      • Junkers
      • The Core
      Unlawful Factions
      • Coalition Military
      • Red Hessians
      • Wild

      System Map

      Bw12 map.png

      Areas of Interest


      Walker Nebula

      An outcropping of the Walker Nebula that remained after the formation of this star system.

      Asteroid Fields

      Rostock Deconstruction Site

      A small field of debris located near the only jump corridor to house space, the Rostock Deconstruction Site lends its namesake to Rostock Station, a former Bounty Hunter outpost in the border world. Rostock Station was hastily deconstructed by the Guild when the Schwerin moved to abandon the system in favor of securing Omega-7. Surrounded by enemies, the Bounty Hunters Guild found the position to be untenable and took their business elsewhere, leaving the debris of their old home in their wake.

      Kattegat Field


      Wracked by tidal forces, the Kattegat Field is a halo of minerals caught by the immense gravity of two stars, mountians of minerals churned into superheated slag by the tidal forces. The abundant radiation and gravity of the region makes it unappealing to nearly every industry, but the chaotic activity in the region is fascinating to observers of the three body problem.

      Ferner Field


      During the formation of the Omega-55 system, the heavy gravitational pull of its twin stars attracted a great amount of mass from the resource rich Walker nebula in its vicinity. The unusually large accretion disk of the system managed to form many planets, which collided over billions of years and flung millions of fragments throughout the gravity well, eventually coalescing into the Ferner Field.

      While it's possible that the field may contain vast, untapped amounts of minerals, the Junkers, Coalition, and Core alike all warn against entering. Of the local powers in the region, only the Core dares to traverse the Ferner Field, and even then not without heavy escort. Core ships seen leaving the field almost always carry scorch marks consistent with weapons fire, but none ever say what lies within the planetary graveyard. One rumor circulating on Bornholm is perhaps more frightening than the rest - that the Core have no earthly idea themselves.


      Disabled Fighter - E-3

      Remains of a disabled pit-fighter. The ship appears to have already been stripped of its reusable internal components.


      Old Imperial Fighter - B/C-3

      The wreck of the aged Rheinland fighter. May contain valuable equipment.


      Old Imperial Fighter - C-3

      The wreck of the aged Rheinland fighter. May contain valuable equipment.


      Old Imperial Fighter - C-3/2

      The wreck of the aged Rheinland fighter. May contain valuable equipment.


      Convoy 99 Transport - F/E-6/7

      The wreck of a transport that was once part of Convoy 99.


      Convoy 99 Transport - F-6

      The wreck of a transport that was once part of Convoy 99.


      Convoy 99 Transport - F-6/7

      The wreck of a transport that was once part of Convoy 99.


      Convoy 99 Transport - F/E-6/7

      The wreck of a transport that was once part of Convoy 99.


      Zacari Benitez - A-6

      The wreck of a Corsair raiding ship belonging to Zacari Benitez. The pilot is MIA.


      Vesteralen - F/G-2

      The wreck of the Red Hessian fighter Vesteralen. The ship was damaged by The Wild patrol and later disabled by weapon platform fire.


      Edda - E-1

      The wreck of the Bounty Hunter ship Zeta The ship was carrying important documents.


      Jump Gates/Holes

      Target System Type Location
      Omega-48 Jump Hole E-7/8
      Omicron Gamma Jump Hole G/F-5
      Omega-11 Jump Hole B-7/8
      Dresden Jump Hole A/B-4/3
      Omicron Xi Jump Hole F-2

      NOTE: Page generated on the 10/07/2023 at 13:34:08 UTC