"Amentum" Unguided Missile Launcher

From Discovery Wiki
Claymore Missile Launcher
Equipicon missilelauncher.png
Hull Damage 1472
Shield Damage 736.0
Hull Damage/s 8830.23
Shield Damage/s 4415.12
Refire Rate 6.0
Energy usage/s 6253.15
Projectile Velocity 650
Range 550
Efficiency 2.12
FLStat Rating 2415.93

"Amentum" Unguided Missile Launcher

The Amentum is loosely based on the design of the Catapult missile and rapidly fires unguided missiles at every foe risking to get in front of a HFX-F8B Claymore, featuring this variant of integrated weaponry. While being cost-efficient, the lack of tracking capabilities renders the Amentum as best employed against larger targets or for the usage as spray and pray tactic only.


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