BPA Newgate

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BPA Newgate
Bretonia Police
C-5/4, Manchester

CLASS: Whitechapel

GRAVITY: Complete

DOCKING: Restricted


CREW: 740

INMATES: 62430

The BPA Newgate is a deep-max penitentiary, specially built as a high-security prison for those inmates deemed too risky to house on inhabited planets -- usually serial felons, terrorists, and escape artists. Not only do several meters of armored plate stand between Her Majesty's guests and freedom, but a thousand miles of hard vacuum in every direction provide an effective deterrent to escape. The Newgate is also the headquarters for the Bretonia Police Authority in the system, and is usually host to more than a few bounty hunters.

Bribes & Missions Offered


Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$
Crew 201$
Consumer Goods 15$
Toxic Waste 18$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price


[834 AS] Notorious privateer released from prison

NEWGATE -- 834 -- Henry King has been released from Newgate Prison on parole, having served a 5 year sentence. Leading a squadron of privateers, King rose to fame for daring strikes on Gallic supply lines across the Taus and even Languedoc. It is believed that King had the largest personal bounty in Gallia for his exploits, which were recently adapted for holoreel in the feature-length hit, “Blade and Blaster”. King continued to attack Gallic Confederacy targets after the war’s end, and was arrested for piracy upon returning to Bretonia. When asked for a statement by journalists, he replied “444” before climbing into a waiting shuttle and departing.

[833 AS] Stabline Prices Spike Over Atka Destruction

SIGMA-17 -- 833 -- Cryer’s share prices have tumbled on the news that Atka Research Station has been destroyed by brutal Outcast pirates. The remote station served as the primary manufacturing point for the revolutionary drug Stabline, which had promised to eradicate Cardamine dependency across the Colonies. Cryer spokeswoman Alicia Fisher confirmed that critical staff and research materials were successfully evacuated due to the timely intervention of private security forces and the GMG paramilitary. She noted that adequate Stabiline stockpiles exist to “manage demand for priority clients” while a replacement facility is sourced. Cryer is believed to have entered emergency negotiations with the governments of both Kusari and Bretonia to explore potential options.

[833 AS] Cambridge on the Line

NORFOLK -- 833 AS -- The number of recorded Corsair incursions across Cambridge has increased by 193%% in the last 3 years. According to Captain Edwards of the Battleship Norfolk, this is simply a result of the successes in detecting and reacting to attacks. "You can't respond to a Corsair you don't know is there," he noted. "The Cambridge Line ensures we know when and where to deploy our resources for maximum effect." Retired Major Jane Gilliam disagrees. "The Line was never fit for purpose," she says. "The Regents lobbied London to keep it, and so the pantomine continues." It is speculated that the spike in Corsair raids may have been prompted by increased resistance elsewhere, or a shift in their internal politics. Regardless of their true motivations, Interspace Commerce has recognised the elevated peril and adjusted its premiums accordingly.

[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'!

ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network.

Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection.

Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source.

[831 AS] Bretonia Announces Poole Draw-Down

NEW LONDON -- 831 AS -- The Bretonian government has announced a controlled withdrawal from the Poole system, citing ballooning costs and an increasingly strained state budget. Poole was once of critical importance to Bretonia, briefly hosting a Super Gate to Liberty during the Gallic War, and acting as a launching point for Bretonia's colonial ambitions in Omega 48.

With the end of the war and Bretonia's withdrawal from Planet Gran Canaria, Poole's prominence waned. The cost of policing the system and maintaining infrastructure has significantly outweighed collected tax revenue in recent years, with Planetform's Terraforming Gas operations reporting disappointing year on year returns.DSE has already confirmed that it will begin deconstruction operations shortly, with the dismantling of the Cambridge jump gate expected to be completed by 833 AS.

Planetform has confirmed its intention to withdraw prior to this point, while settling shareholder anxiety with the announcement of promising preliminary findings for a replacement site in Newcastle.
[831 AS] Bretonian Focus Turns on Mollys

SHEFFIELD -- 831 AS -- The Bretonia Police Authority has announced that the eradication of the Molly movement is their top priority. In light of the loss of the Dublin system and the seemingly connected 'Blackout', the dangerous terrorist movement has leaped to the top of Bretonia's most wanted board. Bounties on Molly terrorists have doubled, with Bounty Hunters flocking to the beleaguered House. Guild Master Tina Hale of Sheffield Station commented that, "this is a good deal for a job that's less dangerous than many of our Edge World boards." Despite this, prospective Hunters should be cautious, as the Mollys are notoriously cunning and brutal fighters. The bounties and Police crackdown do appear to be having some initial effects however, with reports of Molly attacks on shipping in the Cambridge and Newcastle systems falling over recent weeks.

[831 AS] Bretonia Withdraws From Dublin System

WATERLOO -- 831 AS -- Markets are down across Sirius as the sector grapples with the twin shocks of The Blackout and Bretonia's withdrawal from the Dublin system. Molly separatists appear to have exploited a worker revolt on Graves Station to take control of and later destroy the base. Of even greater concern is the attack that crippled the New London jump gate, forcing the Battleship Essex to retreat. EFL have accused the gate destruction and faulty Ageira infrastructure of causing The Blackout, which the Liberty corporation denies. The Mollys have since declared their ownership of Dublin, while Bretonia has imposed a strict blockade, jeopardizing the sector's Gold supply. Gold exports previously made up a significant element of Bretonian state revenue, helping to fund post-war recovery efforts. While the reconstruction of LD-14 in the Leeds system offers some relief, Interspace Commerce has already downgraded Bretonia's sovereign credit rating, citing increased volatility and risk for lenders. Bretonia has confirmed that action to retake the system will be launched shortly, providing assurances to partners in the other Houses.

[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail

MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data.

[831 AS] Cost of Rebuilding too High?

NEW LONDON -- 831 AS -- Bretonia continues to face a difficult and lengthy recovery process following the conclusion of the Gallic War. The Bretonian people initially accepted this, and quietly pledged to come together and struggle on. While Bretonia is now witnessing an extraordinary rate of growth, it has come at the cost of severe cuts and harsh industrial quotas. Professor Timothy Ball of the Economic Review Institute says, "the recovery we've witnessed so far has been uneven, mainly benefiting Bretonian corporations and Crown agencies. If dividends of recovery are not felt by the average citizen, this inequality could become a major point of domestic political contention."

[829 AS] Marauding in Manchester

MANCHESTER -– 829 AS -- Reports from the Manchester system have now been confirmed by BPA and Bretonian intelligence officials: Liverpool Border Station, guarding over the Magellan jump gate and serving as the command center for police operations in the system, has been destroyed in what is being deemed a terrorist attack.

Yesterday at 2200 hours SMT, nearby Sheffield Station and Kingston Border Station received automated distress signals from Liverpool, indicating an emergency aboard the station. Guild patrols redirected from Sheffield arrived on the scene within minutes, finding the border station destroyed. Search and rescue operations headed by Guild and BPA units commenced immediately and successfully salvaged several escape pods bearing several dozen survivors, who were immediately delivered to hospitals on New London.

BPA spokesperson Sandra Halling held a press conference earlier this morning. According to joint police and BIS investigations, Liverpool was destroyed by antimatter explosives planted aboard the station. Their detonation caused a catastrophic chain reaction, resulting in the station's own reactors melting down and exploding. Of the estimated one-hundred-twenty persons on board at the time of the attack, seventy-eight have been reported as dead or missing. \So far, no party has taken credit for this heinous attack. However, Bretonian police surmises that it was likely perpetrated by either the criminals known as the Mollys or the infamous pirate organization, the Lane Hackers. The attack occurred following a significant redeployment of local Armed Forces units to the Cortez system for the purpose of joint operations with Libertonian security forces. This, says Halling, may have allowed terrorist sympathizers to exploit undermanned BPA patrols and smuggle illegal explosives through Manchester's ice fields, onto Liverpool Station.

While investigations continue, Bretonian Police Authority has reinforced patrols within Manchester and established traffic controls at Kingston Border Station and Birmingham Station. Traffic to and from Liberty has been advised to reroute through the Cortez system.

[828 AS] Shotgun Diplomacy

ERIE -- 828 AS -- In a turn of events for the quiet system, the Liberty Navy press corps has released information about an incident involving a Slave Liner. Spokesperson to the CNS Bradley Stern addressed the conference by stating the ship had refused to comply with orders issued by patrols, and that it was being conducted in a manner that raised all manner of red flags. The Delaware was forced to position itself such that the ship was forced to stop, and when a cargo scan was conducted it was revealed that the Liner was carrying a vast quantity of munitions. With its secret loose, the Liner attempted to escape and was promptly disabled by secondary cannon fire.

Upon further investigation, the Navy has successfully identified the ordnance being transported as being sourced from Rheinland. Going as far as to state that they contained serial codes which correspond with weaponry used by Rheinland's own Military. Naturally given the circumstances around the discovery of these weapons and Liberty's history of hot and cold relations with the neighboring House, it is expected that this development will lead to further scrutiny when it comes to potentially suspicious activity.


Bretonia Police
  • The inmates aboard this ship are considered so dangerous that all guards have the right to shoot and kill any prisoner at any time. That may seem somewhat brutal, but it is necessary to maintain order among so many violent felons. It also helps keep the guards alive. Despite that rule, we don't need to exercise deadly violence that often. Once a week at most, which considering the lot that is incarcerated here, isn't much.

  • Some of the guards here used to know Willy Logan. He was an escape artist who some people say busted out of the Newgate. Maybe he did. His cell mate says that the vac-suit he made looked pretty good. The closest base sure is a long way to go using a stolen fire extinguisher as propulsion. If he made it, he's the only one who's done it to date.

  • Mollys don't attack this base as much as they used to now that we have installed weapon platforms and a minefield along the Newgate's perimeter. The current problem is that they try to rescue their captured comrades by attacking the convoys headed into the base. We try to escort them, but the run from Sheffield to Newgate remains a very risky one for both Bowex and ourselves.

  • Aye, the Mollys aboard this ship are a mean lot, but the main problem is the free ones who keep trying to liberate their fellows. The worst attempt I can remember was about two years ago when one of the attackers' missiles penetrated the hull and a whole cell block underwent explosive decompression. Everyone in there died, including guards and prisoners. Corsair prisoners...

  • This ship, the Newgate Deep-Max Penitentiary Vessel, is a high-security prison for the worst of the Bretonian criminals. The terrorists, serial felons, escape artists, and others too dangerous to house planetside come here. Once locked behind the mines and guns, and with a goodly bit of vacuum inbetween them and freedom, they are not as much of a threat anymore.

  • We try to keep the Mollys separated on this ship. Anytime you have more than two of them together, trouble is just around the corner. We learned this only after three of them killed two guards, stole their weapons, and tried to fight their way to the bridge. Spacing the corridor they were in put a stop to that of course, we have means to ensure that riots are contained. The vacuum outside is an effective deterrent.

  • The guards who work this prison are the best in Bretonia. Most of them are incorruptible, though there are always bad apples. One crooked guard is now serving time here for delivering George Good's orders. He's the leader of one of the New London crime syndicates. I doubt he'll serve his sentence. Cops don't survive in prisons. But that's the risk he took I guess.

  • Ever hear of Willy "The Snake" Logan? He's the prisoner some say escaped off this hulk. Me, I don't buy it. I say his corpse is out floating around somewhere in the vac-suit he fashioned. You can't go far without a spacecraft. It's six hours at least to the nearest station without a cruise engine. A vac-suit has four hours of air. You do the math.

  • The prisoners do not cross Mollys aboard this ship, especially the Mollys that carry the Maguire spike. That weapon is a filed down metal splinter, and the Mollys are not afraid to use it on both other inmates and the guards alike. When we found one on an inmate last week, the guard shot him on the spot.

Border World Exports
  • We use a lot of Oxygen and Water at this base, so Bowex ships extras from Birmingham. The BMM mining operations produce a large surplus of these because those are byproducts from their hydrocarbon extraction from dirty ice.

  • The runs that I make for Bowex are the only ones that bring supplies to this base from outside of Manchester. Pharmaceuticals from Cambridge are shipped regularly to this base. We also ship in Synth Paste from Los Angeles.

  • It may be nearby, but I have close calls running Side Arms here from Sheffield all the time. On the last run I almost got vaped by some Outcasts. Those guys can smell when you're carrying cargo they want, I swear.

  • Sheffield is a large distribution point for Commodities in Bretonia, and a clearing house for traffic bound to and from Liberty. Since it is so close, we bring basic supplies to this base from there. It's a simple run, but still requires a heavy escort because of the Mollys that will ambush ships travelling to Newgate.

Bounty Hunters Guild
  • My first trip to the Newgate I spent some time wearing a number. I decided then to go straight. After I finished serving my time I knew I'd never come back -- not as a prisoner at least. The Bounty Hunters Guild takes in a lot of ex-cons. Guys like us have the skills to survive and the attitude to get the job done, no matter what.

  • I may be a Bretonian Bounty Hunter, but I've been making a lot of good money from a Liberty company. Ageira is paying me big bucks to dust any Lane Hackers that I catch in this system. Bowex and BMM pick up the tab for any Mollys that cross my path.

  • I haven't really put many inmates in this prison; that's more of a police job. The chaps that I've collected my bounties on are dead. It's just easier like that and that's how most companies prefer 'em. Judging from the state of this place, I've done my marks a favor by killing 'em outright.

  • I sat down at a bar in Freeport 4 once and met the only man to escape from this prison -- Willy Logan. It took him ten years to make his vac-suit, and then he escaped through the waste disposal system and was flushed into space with the garbage. His buddies had hidden a small shuttle on a dud mine. Took him less then an hour to reach safety. Takes some stones to head out in a selfbuilt vac-suit though.

  • If you find Mollys in this system, they are either sitting here doing time or they came through the Leeds Jump Hole. That Hole is tucked away nicely in the Birmingham Ice Field.

  • I used to collect lots of bounties on the Mollys who'd attack this prison, trying to free their mates. Not anymore. I hang out at this base to hear about incoming convoys of newly captured prisoners. That's where they try to make the breaks these days. And that's when I go for them. Best time is to hit them while they're already dealing with the convoy escorts. Prevents you from getting swarmed.

NOTE: Page generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:50:59 UTC