Bourbon Base

From Discovery Wiki
Bourbon Base
Unione Corse
F/E-7, Burgundy

CLASS: Orsini

GRAVITY: Complete



CREW: 440

Bourbon once belonged to Junkers, but in 671 AS it was captured by Unione Corse, with all inhabitants, including women and children, supposedly massacred or thrown into space. It is unknown what caused this outbreak of hostility between factions who generally stayed neutral to each other or acted as allies. Most probably, it was revenge for a hostile act of the local Junker leaders. Nevertheless, the base has since belonged to Unione Corse, and the Junkers never made demands to regain it. Instead, in 690 AS they built Bourg-en-Bresse Space Port as their new base of operations in the Burgundy system.

Bribes & Missions Offered



Commodity Price
Hessian Tears 165$
Medical Equipment 64$
Molybdenum 104$
Sake 57$
Light Arms 167$
Black Market Pharmaceuticals 76$
Counterfeit Computerware 95$
Silver 151$
Niobium 126$
Oxygen 7$
Water 7$
Diamonds 164$
Food Rations 13$
Pharmaceuticals 64$
Consumer Goods 17$
Black Market Munitions 60$
Black Market Augments 64$
Synth Paste 37$
Munitions 33$
Xenobiotic Filters 67$
Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$
Basic Alloy 14$
Prometheum 26$
Wine 29$
Promethene 24$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price


[748 AGS] Lorraine Evacuation Nearing Completion

ORLEANS -- 748 AGS -- According to the information released by the Ministry of the Interior, the evacuation of the Lorraine system is proceeding ahead of schedule. The final convoy of refugees from Metz has arrived in the Orleanais system, pending resettlement onto Orleans in the coming days. As of now, only EFL staff and a token Navy garrison remain in Lorraine to oversee the deconstruction of the remaining infrastructure. According to official projections, the docking ring and the remaining trade lanes will be dismantled and shipped back to the core worlds by the end of next month, with jump gate shutdown following soon after.

Once a beacon of our national ingenuity, Metz was the site of the experimental Metz Mirror Array, more commonly known as the MMA project. The project was intended to assist the terraforming operations through a sophisticated array of orbital mirrors. The array would redirect additional sunlight onto the equatorial band of Metz, further raising local temperatures on the otherwise icy world.

Decried by its detractors as a "fool king's endeavour", the ambitious project never had the opportunity to prove its capabilities, as the nearly complete array fell victim to Kusari's invasion of Lorraine. With the array gone and supplies severed, the terraforming project and the biosphere it maintained collapsed during the occupation, leading to widespread famine across Metz. Unfortunately, in the wake of King Charles' gambit in Bretonia and the near complete destruction of Lorraine and Languedoc by Kusari forces, the Union government has declared the system a total loss and ordered a full evacuation of the planet.

[831 AS/747 AGS] Gate Corps Clash Over 'Blackout'!

ABBEVILLE -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- EFL's 'Resilience Taskforce' today reported its findings on The Blackout, claiming to have gathered forensic evidence that proved the cause as Ageira negligence. A spokesperson claimed that the destruction of the Dublin jump gate by Molly separatists had created a hyperspace feedback loop that was propagated and amplified through the Ageira gate network.

Ageira disputed this finding in their own press release, calling EFL 'fantasists' and countering that their own scientists had narrowed the cause to a rare 'hypernova' stellar event that originated outside the Sirius sector. Both corporations claim that network-wide hardware safeguards have been implemented that would prevent a similar occurrence in the future. Independent researchers have sharply criticized the corporate announcements, accusing both of self-interested misdirection.

Professor Sophia Nagel from Heisenberg Research Station called EFL's accusation 'incoherent' and the hypernova explanation 'nonsense' that did not explain the characteristics of the 'Blackout Pulse'. Despite multiple different Pulse recordings being widely disseminated across the neural net, public efforts have so far failed to triangulate its source.

[831 AS] Jump Hole Upheaval Causes Chaos

HEISENBERG -- 831 AS -- Jump holes across Sirius have become increasingly volatile and chaotic over the last year, with Professor Sophia Nagel from the Heisenberg Research Station linking the unusual phenomena to the Pulse. The Pulse was an unprecedented blast of hyperspace energy that was detected immediately prior to last year's jump gate Blackout.

Professor Nagel and her team are certain the Pulse originated from outside Sirius, but are otherwise no closer to identifying its source or mitigating a future Blackout event. "Following the Blackout, we began to see immediate signs of jump hole destabilization in multiple different regions, with many ultimately falling out of phase alignment altogether", she commented. The dramatic upending of Sirius' jump hole network has already prompted many groups to abandon stations and withdraw from systems that appear to risk being cut off.

While months-long trips between the stars are possible thanks to the Liberty Engine and many centuries of innovation, few ships are designed or provisioned to make such arduous journeys. Those who were displaced by Sirius' redrawn map hope that system connections will return, while adventurers and explorers rush to discover new routes.

[831 AS/747 AGS] 'Blackout' Causes Jump Network Fail

MANHATTAN -- 831 AS/747 AGS -- Two days ago Jump Gates failed simultaneously across Sirius, freezing commerce and neural net access across the sector. When the network resumed 31 hours later, restored communications broke the news of Bretonia's loss of the Dublin system. This twin shock has plunged the market into chaos, prompting fears of sector-wide economic recessions. Interspace estimates indicate that the stoppage alone caused billions of credits in losses. Gallia immediately accused Liberty of culpability for the outage, claiming the destruction of Dublin's jump gate instigated a cascading failure in faulty Ageira infrastructure. Ageira has sharply refuted the allegation, claiming such a systemic effect would be physically impossible. Independent researchers in Cologne and the Edge Worlds have also announced that a hyperspace pulse of unprecedented strength was detected moments before The Blackout, with data about 'The Pulse' being widely shared across the neural net in recent days. House authorities have remained tight lipped, refusing to comment on their own observatories' data.

[744 AGS] - Food issues on Metz

METZ -- 744 AGS -- Ever since the very first day of human settlement on Metz, the terraforming of the planet faced numerous challenges, and the most prominent of them was the development of agriculture. Metz only receives enough light to warm the equatorial regions above freezing while the warmest summers rarely exceed 20 degrees celsius, and only where the warm waters hold sway over the weather. Despite the climate not being favourable, the Gallic authorities never questioned the potential of the planet, and the Gallic Office des Eaux et des Forêts, the successor of the Office Royal des Eaux et Forêts ordered several projects to undertake the terraforming of the frigid world of Metz.

The most ambitious project was by far the Metz Mirror Array or MMA, which consisted of a vast phalanx of reflective satellites in orbit of the planet meant to increase the sunlight during Metz's 28 hours day. Contracted by EFL, the project was about to be finished when Kusari began its invasion of our Home. Most of the MMA satellites were spared during the earliest hours of the war as the initial fighting occurred around the stations of Roanne and Montigny. Unfortunately, the rest of the MMA was completely destroyed by the scorched earth tactic of Kusari's retreat.

On the planet's surface, the 70 million inhabitants suffered the long six months of the war. Being unsupplied, the oil reserves necessary to provide energy to the generators of the water reclamation facilities were dry by the end of the summer. As consequence, the quantity of water collected for agriculture was well below the required quantities for sufficient production. This was also coupled with a very early winter, with the first frosts in the equatorial regions by the end of September. These multiple factors resulted in serious consequences on Metz's food production and reserves, to the point that the possibility of famine was even evoked.

While this statement is revealed to be false, the food situation on Metz is more than worrisome and the confusion created by the end of the war and the Reunification makes the Metz supplying mission in food even more complex.

[743 AGS] Epinal Heroism

NEVERS -- 743 AGS -- The war against aggressive Kusarian invaders reached a new level of intensity with their forces now back into Languedoc, but with large reinforcements this time. The information has shocked the Gallic citizens, especially those in the Minarchy, who were hoping not to see further bloody battles in their system. Nevertheless, the saddest news comes with the sacrifice of the battleship Epinal in Burgundy. In one last heroic move, the battleship, already damaged during the earliest battles of the very first days of the conflict, saved Avallon from destruction after Kusarian battleship Ueda suddenly charged the station under a creeping barrage from the Kusari lines. To engage and halt the Ueda required the Epinal to press its reactors into overwhelming overload and while she was able to disable the Ueda and redirect her from ramming the station, she fell to the Matsumoto's long range guns.

The Capitaine of the Epinal, Martin Charbonneau managed to send a last message to its forces in the very last minutes of the intense confrontation: "My crew and I have retreated enough. We have the chance to stop them and we'll seize it. Epinal, your hour has come, it is time to show everyone how a true Gallic soldier fights for his house. May our sacrifice not be vain. Longue vie à Gallia!"

Epinal was an honorable veteran of the Second Gallic War, having participated in many battles against the former Council in Champagne and Lorraine, where she remained since, before the Kusari invasion. The crew was highly disciplined and experienced and its loss will be greatly felt in the weeks to come. However, the Duchy forces, far from being demoralized by this event, clearly express their intentions to avenge their fallen brothers. The Defense Forces leadership in Burgundy say the morale among the crews is very high not just thanks to the heroic action of Epinal, but also due to the express arrival of the newly constructed battleship Hossegor, along with her escort ship Vaxoncourt, which have absorbed former Epinal escort Les Vosges into their cohort. The good fortune didn't stop as the legendary Cassard and her battlegroup arrived from Languedoc to reinforce the front. Outnumbered almost two to one in this theater, it is expected that Kusari will suffer a crushing defeat in the days to come.

In response to the heroic actions of Epinal throughout the Second Kusari-Gallic War, the Grand Duke Valentin Trintignant asked the Chancellery of the Gallic Rewards and Values for the honor of being the person to posthumously award La Légion des Valeurs Gauloises to the Capitaine of the Epinal and her crew, one of the highest decoration in Gallia.

Nevertheless, despite the optimism of the Defense Forces in Burgundy, the situation is worsening in Languedoc and the Parisian Assembly has refused to comment on the new offensive of Kusari in this sector for the moment. According to some deputies, the Assembly has been facing internal legitimacy issues since the recent redeployment of forces, with major factions losing confidence that the Assembly is willing to defend them.

[743 AGS] Confederate Defense Forces Make Gains in Languedoc

FOURCHAMBAULT SHIPYARD -- 743 AGS -- With the arrival of the Cassard fleet, redeployed from Gallia's Rheinland border in Zurich, CDF Admiral Armelle De Verley proudly reports driving the invaders in Languedoc beyond reach of Gap Station. The Admiral suggests that through the honor and bravery of her forces and the resolute support of the Gallic people that the defenders of Languedoc were able to inflict two to one losses on the Kusari fleet. The admiral's staff expects that breaking the advance at Gap station, though expensive, ought be instrumental in driving the Kusari Navy back to Tau, and are sure that relieving Zurich of Cassard is a weakness that Gallia can weather for the time being.

Fourchambalt's hospital and morgue have both been expanded, as the long job of rescue, cleanup, and last rites for the dead will be administered from the station. Despite the losses, seeing Tokogawas retreat before them has raised the morale of the men and women of the Confederal Defense Force. So many gifts of flowers, chocolates, and other sweet and savory favors have arrived for the wounded fleet personnel being treated in the expanded sickbay with gifts of that station administration has been forced to open cargo-freight bays to contain the gifts of well wishers.

[742 AGS] Second Gallic War has Ended!

NEW PARIS -- 742 AGS -- The Second Gallic War ended in a ceasefire last Saturday, as Royalist forces under command of Rear Admiral Bastien Savatier de Fontenoy received the order to surrender from the Grand Duchy of Burgundy, a royalist secessionist polity formed in a state of emergency by the Duke of Burgundy.

In the absence of the King or any heirs, Valentin Trintignant, Duke of Burgundy, gathered the support of the nobility of Burgundy, the Marquise de Vandoevres and Marquis de Roanne in Lorraine, while offering the Vicomptesse Allos de Metz, Grande Maitresse de l'Office Royal des Eaux et Forets the financial support needed to continue their terraforming operation in Lorraine. The Duke initiated talks last week to discuss the glassing of Leeds and the Crown's imminent defeat at the hands of Allied forces in Bretonia. Only minutes after the Council's Fleet moved on Planet New Paris, Trintignant declared himself Grand Duke of The Grand Duchy of Burgundy and authorized the surrender of the Royal Navy. His haste in calling for a ceasefire likely saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Gallic citizens threatened by collateral damage from battle over Planet New Paris. While most Royalist ships in Gallia's core systems recognized and surrendered to the authority of the Duchy, Admiral Savatier did not, and slipped the Rocroi away from the site of the battle in the confusion. Battleship Rocroi and her cohort remain at large, but have not been seen or heard from since the battle.

The Council reciprocated not only the ceasefire but also with the formation of a new governing body. The systems of Champagne, Picardy, and Orleanais declared their independence as the Republique of Gallia, a decision which appears to have been in the works for some time. Unlike the ad hoc vassalage of the Duchy, the Republique presented itself with a fully fledged constitution and complete governing body, led by President Orianne Castaignède, the former Governor of Marne.

The systems of Languedoc and Languedoc both formed provisional governments following the fall of the Monarchy, however both declined invitations to join the Republique. This decision could be linked to the significant losses both systems incurred on account of the Council's direct and indirect interference during the Second Gallic War. Officials from Gap and Quillan are rumored be engaged in preliminary talks with the Minarchy of Provence, who have extended offers of free trade and protection to the two war torn systems, which seem reluctant to view both the Duchy and Republique as having the best interests of the historically poor region in mind.

Ile de France, possessing no noteworthy standing military of its own following the mass exodus of nobles to the Gallic Hebrides, has declared itself a neutral, autonomous territory. This decision was grudgingly accepted by the Republique, aware of its low reputation among Parisians owing to decades of royal propaganda. Such a move was seen as the best way to demonstrate the fall of the Monarchy and secure the former seat of royal power without bloodshed. In response political instability after the Exodus of the King, the Acting Viceroy of Ile de France, a former low ranking regional official who now speaks for the political associations on New Paris, has called for the Republique, Duchy, and Minarchy to send diplomatic representatives to the negotiating table, where it seems the future of Gallia will be decided in the weeks to come.

[733 AGS] Unione Corse Cautious on Council Activities

MONTELIMAR -- 733 AGS -- The Unione Corse are one of the groups that indirectly aid the Council in their war with the government. However, the agenda of the Council contradicts the goal of Corse to preserve the status-quo on the black market of Gallia.

Sirius has its own powerful pirate groups, and rumors of some of the most powerful of those groups, known as "Outcasts" and "Corsairs", are already spreading in Gallia. The House of Bretonia, which is closest to Languedoc, has a group of terrorists known as "Mollys", and a mysterious group of unlawfuls with no particular goals: "Gaians". Outcasts and Gaians, who are closest to Gallia borders, represent the imminent threat. Other groups will also be interested in gaining access to whatever Gallia has to offer. Corse consider the decision of the Council to open passage for all ships from Sirius into Gallia a premature and ill-thought one, a decision that will harm all parties in Gallia itself.

Unione Corse will treat intruders in the way they deserve, attacking them only if they will attack first or will venture into areas they are not supposed to visit. In addition to that, Unione Corse plans to avoid any dealings with the newcomers, and will secure its own interests in Gallia space with any means necessary. Venturing outside Gallic space is not in the best interests of Corse, but our group will continue gathering of information on Sirius and seeking new business opportunities related to the new discoveries.


NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:47 UTC