CNO-U Heavy Transport Engine

From Discovery Wiki
CNO-U Heavy Transport Engine
Equipicon engine.png
Price 200,000$
Max. Cruise Speed 350
Cruise Charge Time 7

CNO-U Heavy Transport Engine

The CNO-U series, unlike the other CNO-based propulsion systems, is primarily focused on maneuverability and acceleration at the cost of durability and fuel consumption. Such an engine was built to complement the agile Corsican 'Noir' shipline, placing it against the traditional Gallic engines that are fuel-efficient, but this added cost is of little concern to Corsican operators. Similar in design to other CNO-based engines, they are manufactured in Gallia and use Promethene as a catalyst to fuse petroleum. Due to the fuel being only available in significant quantities within Gallia, the engines have no export market to speak of. This engine is intended for use on heavy transports.

Top Speed (theoretical): 350

Energy Drain / sec: 0


Base Owner System Region Price
Epernon Base Unione Corse Orleanais Gallia 200,000$
Monaco Base Unione Corse Provence Gallia 200,000$
Planet Marseille Unione Corse Provence Gallia 200,000$
Lavars Auxiliary Dock Gallic Brigands Languedoc Gallia 200,000$
Bourbon Base Unione Corse Burgundy Gallia 200,000$