
From Discovery Wiki

B-3000 "Challenger" Bretonia Bomber
Dsy challenger.png
Basic Information
Ship Class Bomber
Built By Unknown
Tech Column Bretonia Lawful Ships
Guns/Turrets 4 / 3
Max Weapon Class 1
Other Equipment
  • 2xCD/T
  • 1xCM
  • 1xM
  • Hull Strength 19,155
    Max Shield Class 5
    Cargo Space 100 units
    Batteries 96
    Nanobots 96
    Speed and Movement
    Max Impulse Speed 80 m/s
    Max Turn Speed 63.93 deg/s
    Max Thrust Speed 140 m/s
    Max Cruise Speed 510 m/s
    Power Output 23,680 u
    Power Recharge 1,630 u/s
    Ship Price 61,600
    Package Price 71,412

    When the war against Kusari started in 814 AS, the Bretonia Armed Forces had no bombers to counter numerous Kusari capital ships that invaded Tau-31. Bretonian engineers had only two years to design and start building a new Bretonian bomber. Based on the Crusader Very Heavy Fighter model, the Challenger is one of the most powerful bombers available in Sirius. Although expensive to produce, it has already proven itself a formidable weapon against both Kusari and Gallic capital ships.


    • Max Turn Rate: 63.93°
    • Time to Max Turn: 1.42s
    • Time to turn 180°: 3.02s
    • Maximum Strafe Speed: 25m/s
    • Distance Strafed in 0.5s: 5.61m


    • 6x Light Fighter Gun
    • 1x Elite Fighter Shield
    • 1x Hyperspace Beacon
    • 2x Thruster
    • 1x Mine
    • 1x Countermeasure
    • 2x Bomber Special Weapon
    • 1x Cruise Disruptor

    Purchase Includes

    • PTE-6 Engine Mk I ($1)
    • Corsair Very Heavy Fighter Powerplant ($0)
    • Scanner ($5)
    • Adv. Citadel Bomber Shield ($9,796)
    • Thruster ($10)


    Base Owner System Region
    Battlecruiser Livingston Bretonia Armed Forces Tau-31 Tau Border Worlds

    NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:16:39 UTC