Battlecruiser Livingston

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Battlecruiser Livingston
Bretonia Armed Forces
C/B-5/4, Tau-31

CLASS: Fortitude



The Livingstone was constructed in the aftermath of the Gallic War as an experimental pivot towards smaller, cheaper garrison ships that could be run by lighter crews. The Livingston's first deployment came in 829 AS, when it was attached to Perth Station in Edinburgh to provide area security.

This tour lasted for a year, before new orders dispatched the battlecruiser to Planet Harris' orbit to relieve the expensive Battleship MacDuff. In this new role, the Livingston was tasked with deterring Gaian attacks on the terraforming project and securing the Tau-23 Jump Gates alongside the Crayter Republic. Since the establishment of Clisham Research Complex in 834 AS, Harris orbit has also come under frequent attack by Outcast raiders.

Increasing tensions with Gallia have also led the Livingstone to raise alarms with New London over the escalating risk of direct confrontation. Despite this, requests for reinforcement have gone unanswered, particularly with the fleet largely occupied with preparations for an assault into Dublin. The Livingstone's officers have since stopped work on mine clearance, believing the defensive position may soon be necessary once more.

Bribes & Missions Offered


Commodity Price
Deployable Mining Container 50,000$
Crew 203$
Criminal Cells (Bretonia) 9,294$
Toxic Waste 15$
Munitions 46$

Ships sold

Ship Class Price
Cavalier Light Fighter 13,522$
Paladin Heavy Fighter 19,028$
Crusader Very Heavy Fighter 25,079$
Dragoon Bomber 71,976$
Challenger Bomber 71,412$


[834 AS] Kusari technicians begin work

PORTSMOUTH SHIPYARD -- 834 -- Following secret negotiations between the Ministry of Defence and Kusari state officials, specialist Kusari technicians have been granted access to the Battleships Essex and Somerset during refits at Portsmouth Shipyard. The defense picket around Portsmouth has been doubled while the works proceed; the classified technology being installed has been described by senior fleet officers as "critical to the upcoming Dublin campaign". Thames Outpost has been temporarily requisitioned as a patrol-base to defend New London and enforce the Dublin blockade.

[834 AS] Cryer Delegation Arrives at Harris

PLANET HARRIS -- 834 -- Cryer Pharmaceuticals location scouts have arrived on Planet Harris, amid speculation the medical giant will establish a facility on the remote planet. With the destruction of Atka Research Station, Cryer lost the primary production facility for their flagship drug -- Stabiline. Harris is believed to be a front-runner candidate for a replacement lab due to its strategic location in the Tau Border Worlds, BAF security perimeter, and option to tap into local supply lines. Liberty is believed to have provided significant diplomatic backing for Cryer's proposal, which is demanding complete legal autonomy for the site. Bretonian officials have declined to comment on the proceedings.


Bretonia Armed Forces
  • The postings here aren't too bad compared to anything during the war. Aside from the occasional Outcast, Tau-31 is not too mcuh bother. The biggest problem for our patrols is in Tau-23, anything that happens there does not get reported to the public.

  • The Outcasts just don't give up. There are dozens of their fighter wrecks dotted around this area, and a looter would have a field day here. Still, they've hurt our lads from time to time, too. One time we even lost a prototype weapon in the test phase somewhere out in the system. Unfortunately we never found the craft that was carrying it - presumably floating deep in the field somewhere.

  • We use only the best fighters for patrols around these area, mostly veterans from the war. Anyone short on skills or experience is not going to last.

  • Tau is a powderkeg, always has been even before Gallia showed its ugly head. We issue patrols into Tau-23 daily, and they usually come back less than healthy.

  • This battlecruiser was commissioned in 828 AS, and I joined its crew not long after. We spent a number of years patrolling Edinburgh and Leeds, but eventually the admiralty decided that Harris needed additional protection what with the mothballing of Macduff, and our name got drawn out of the hat. It is not boring here, let me tell you.

  • We need constant supplies to keep this vessel and our operations running. Even the basics can be an issue - Water can be taken from the ice asteroids all around us, and Oxygen isn't much of a problem either as a result, but Food has to come all the way from Cambridge. Most of the new crew members get transferred straight from other battleships. I guess this ship serves as something of a bit of a gathering point for the best fighters we have.

  • There have been a few more attacks on Harris recently. They have been more precise, more organised. Some of them have even attempted to strafe the Livingston! We suspect foreign interference, but we have nothing concrete.

  • The Livingston is one of the most modern Bretonian battlecruisers ever created. It is appropriate to put such a powerful ship where it can perform to the utmost.

Border World Exports
  • With Leeds as it is, the nearest Bretonian popultion center to get some rest on is New London. Carlisle is slowly getting populated but it is not much to write home about yet.

NOTE: Page generated on the 15/12/2024 at 15:50:59 UTC