T-EMP-37 "Oxybeles" EMP Torpedo Launcher

From Discovery Wiki
Claymore Torpedo Launcher
Equipicon torplauncher.png
Hull Damage 40
Shield Damage 41020
Hull Damage/s 8.0
Shield Damage/s 8204.0
Refire Rate 0.2
Energy usage/s 1472.0
Projectile Velocity 25
Range 575
Efficiency 5.58
FLStat Rating 5911.72

T-EMP-37 "Oxybeles" EMP Torpedo Launcher

The Oxybeles is a new development and so far one of a kind. While featuring similarities to the renowned Incapacitator EMP Torpedo, the Oxybeles was constructed to deliver a torpedo with an EMP charge of a wide detonation range capable of harming more than one target at once. This launcher was developed solely for the usage as an integrated weapon on the Claymore Super Heavy Fighter.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Bornholm Depot Junkers Omega-55 Omega Border Worlds 7,742$
Freeport 14 Zoners Inverness Independent 7,742$
Battlecruiser Bastia Outcasts Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds 7,742$
Fontana Freeport Freelancers California Liberty 7,742$
Planet Gran Canaria Zoners Omega-48 Omega Edge Worlds 7,742$

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:56:04 UTC