Unione Corse "Minion" Laser Blaster

From Discovery Wiki
Equipicon gun.png
Hull Damage 108
Shield Damage 27
Hull Damage/s 900.0
Shield Damage/s 225.0
Refire Rate 8.33
Energy usage/s 590.83
Projectile Velocity 680
Range 530
Efficiency 1.9
FLStat Rating 1279.82

Unione Corse "Minion" Laser Blaster

This is a laser-based weapon which, though providing a high refire rate, requires enormous amounts of energy to deliver a significant damage output. This weapon is most effective against positron shields, and weakest against graviton shields.


Sold at

Name Owner System Region Price
Monaco Base Unione Corse Provence Gallia 1,339$
Planet Marseille Unione Corse Provence Gallia 1,339$
Luxury Liner Argenton Unione Corse Tau-44 Tau Border Worlds 1,339$
Montelimar Base Unione Corse Languedoc Gallia 1,339$
Bourbon Base Unione Corse Burgundy Gallia 1,339$
Epernon Base Unione Corse Orleanais Gallia 1,339$

NOTE: Page generated on the 07/06/2024 at 15:55:56 UTC