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A Festivus For the Rest of Us! |
12-23-2014 |
Today is the day, we come together to say That we don't really like each other, it's the Festivus way We gather 'round the pole, with hatred in our soul And express this at the Airing of Grievances, first one, and then the whole We express our quarrels, without need of chorals This might seem distasteful and low on class, but we assure you, we have morals But no Festivus is ever complete Until the head of the house has been pinned in defeat The Feats of Strength finishes this affair, where we wrestle until the floor meets the head's hair Festivus is not only a time for cynicism, it's a time to escape the widespread commercialism. The constant "do this", "buy that", hammered into our brains It tries to control us, like a heavy set of chains On this day we're free from this annoyance of life And trade it for the annoyance of each other, an equally bad strife This once a year happens, and thank god for that "I can't stand you people, it's quite a simple fact" "A happy Festivus to all, except for Jerome" "You people get on my last nerve, now get out of my home!" |