Comm ID:SantosBenitez Subject:Applying for the CORE Encryption:Medium Priority:Low
'Ola there Guildmaster,
Let's get this application over and done with.
*he opens a botttle of rum and drinks it*
Your Name:SantosBenitez
Your Age: 39
Where are you from?: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Raid Commander of the Corsair Empire, Ranked Centurion within the Familia of Benitez.
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better): Well I was born on Planet Crete, and then I joined the Benitez Familia through a good friend who turned into brothers in arms with myself. Over the last few years my Benitez Familia has vanished from the face of the earth and I have searched for them and had no luck, I have asked around there has been nothing. I was then flying along side The Brotherhood and they gave me the opportunity to become the raid commander and lead all Corsairs into battle against the Outcasts, Order, Bretonia and Rheinland. There was only a few times we had losses or we even lost the battle. A from months ago I refused to lead one raid and from that moment on the Elders of The Brotherhood was trying to betray me but I was fighting for my home and my familia, and then there it was. I was betrayed and had to leave the Empire. Right now I am living on Yaren Base within Omicron Delta.
Why do you want to join The Core?: I wish to join The Core to get revenge on The Brotherhood and hurt them and make them suffer, and to start a new fresh life for myself. I wish to become a better person, after everything i've done and hurt the innocents I have now realized it was wrong. I wish to make my wrongs into a right.
*he opens a botttle of rum and drinks it*
This is this part of my application complete. Si?
*Continuing to drink the bottle of rum*
Signed, SantosBenitez SantosBenitez
.....Transmission Terminated<<--
OORP FormHow long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: Since 4.84
Have you ever played a BHG Core character before? Do you know about The BHG Core?: Breifly
How familiar are you with the Edgeworlds?: Very familiar
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 8
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: 7 - 8 Fighters and Bombers mostly
Why do you want to join the The Core?: Be something different to play
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better): I was born in New Tokyo and raised until the age of seven, when one day my father took me to work with him - he worked for the KSP. We were attacked by a pair of Bretonian mercenaries who didn't want their cargo bays scanned, and they captured us both and took us to Bretonian space. My father was kept in Bretonian space as a prisoner, but I was given to a couple to be raised as a Bretonian.
I was trained in mining, although secretly I also did some mercenary work for extra money. Having been on both sides of the fight, I've realised that politicians are all the same, and I've never been content with a job that just keeps the gears turning.
Why do you want to join The Core?: I think it's time for a new movement. Nobody can objectively say what's good or bad, but I feel that The Core will give me a purpose and leave me a legacy.
OORP FormHow long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: 18 months (on and off)
Have you ever played a BHG Core character before? Do you know about The BHG Core?: I have a minimal knowledge, but I've never played a BHG Core character.
How familiar are you with the Edgeworlds?: I've been through some areas of the Edgeworlds while browsing ships and weapons but I'm not all that familiar.
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: I'd like to think I'm around a 7.
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: 5
Why do you want to join the The Core?: I've been looking for a faction whose lore interests me and that seems active so I can get some more experience in FL and be more involved in PvP and RP.
Finally, what is your Skype?: facebook:hadrianhughes (that's my Skype name not my Facebook)
RP FormYour Name:
My name is Jasper Winslow only son of renown businessman Jake Winslow who's where abouts are unknown at this time.
Your Age:
Where are you from?:
I was born in the turbulent outskirts of Omicron 94 on a little colony called Thira.
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience:
I am fluent in 5 different languages, have a masters in science development and business management. I worked along side my father and his business for many years using his wealth to train my skill as a versatile pilot of many craft.
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better):
Well where to start...Lets me clear my place of birth first. My father was on a trip to the Thira Colony to gather some supplies mined in the near by asteroid field when he met a Sair women. Once the Bentiniz family found of her relations with my father she was sentenced to death! I was only about 3years old when this happened. Before they were able to execute her my father along with a fleet of Zoner vessels was able to intercept the transport ship and rescue her. She died of Escherichia coli 3 weeks later. My father forged my papers and citizenship so i could live amongst the zoners far away from the turmoil and unjust of the Corsairs. For many years i lived very well and flaunted in my fathers wealth buying vessels, trading in stocks, buying equipment, and selling on the black market. basically living it up without a worry in the world, it was nice. Then One day the Core showed up at our doorstep they had Star Space Port surrounded and begun to siege the station! I didn't know what or why they were there the politics was always my fathers thing. They claimed to be protecting Sirius and insisted the nomadic tech be turned over to them, Understandable. Ever since that moment when I saw their massive force and great organization I knew someday I wanted to flew along side them. It was maybe a few month later when my father went missing and everything was left to me! I didn't know what to do with myself the weight of the responsibility was too great! The base and assets were all sold leaving me with billions!
I took a vessel to try and find this Core organization thinking they might have some answers given their vast resources and system coverage. I have flown under the Core indy ID vessel name Star.Lord for a few months.
Why do you want to join The Core?:
You all seek justice and rightful ownership of the Omicrons something I can agree with! Also with the Cores help maybe someday we will be able to track my father down or whats left of him.
OORP FormHow long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?:
since 2008
Have you ever played a BHG Core character before? Do you know about The BHG Core?:
yes played as a BHG years ago, dont know much about the Core but reading isn't hard. im sure i can figure things out.
How familiar are you with the Edgeworlds?:
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?:
9 (Nine)
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?:
I would say i'm average (5-6) I dont PvP much i just made money so this is a new approach to the game for me. I am best in Battleships but ill fly whatever, the only way to get better is try new things.
Why do you want to join the The Core?:
I know a few of you all and I been watching you all grow and respect the RP plus I hate the Order.
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better): I tried to join 1 year ago, but im here again, I learned many things!.
" I Was born in Freeport 9, I Had a very strict childhood. My parents would not let me leave the freeport, but my grandfather taught me to ride and one day I started to hunt some outcast with his help.When the nomad war came my grandfather participated, but died. Continue just practicing every day, to become a hunter, now I want to join the Core. "
This week I have been helping the core, was funny, I had fun
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: 3 Years maybe.
Have you ever played a BHG Core character before? Do you know about The BHG Core?: Yup 1 year ago, i now create another, i stay with the core helping in his missions.
How familiar are you with the Edgeworlds?: I love it, i always fly arround.
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: Middle English i Think 7
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: VHF probably 8
Why do you want to join the The Core?: The core people told me about join in core, and i like i hope join, and help on core!
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: I've been a mercenary for quite a while.
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better): I was born into a family of wealthy mining foremen on Planet Pittsburgh. My parents' requirements were way too strict and the job they intended for me was way too boring for my taste, so I legged it with a stolen mining freighter when I became 16. Never turned back since.
I worked as a merc around Sirius, doing small-time jobs for corporations and freelance traders, miners wherever my life led me. I killed a lot of people, saw a lot of places, made no friends or family; never stayed anywhere for more than two weeks.
It's time to settle down. The Omicrons look like a good place to start anew, with a family of brothers-in-arms that the Core could be. I've been flying around there for almost half a year, living on Freeports, doing jobs for even you guys. Seen how well this all works out and also the dire need for law 'round these parts. I want to be a part of that endeavor.
Why do you want to join The Core?: I want to be a part of something greater finally in my life.
OORP FormHow long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: 6 years.
Have you ever played a BHG Core character before? Do you know about The BHG Core?: I had an indy before Eric bought it. Never really used it outside Conn though. I know little to nothing about the BHG Core.
How familiar are you with the Edgeworlds?: I'm not.
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 3.
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: 1. I'm not god in any ships, I like flying VHFs though.
Why do you want to join the The Core?: There was a guy in Conn who recommended me to join. I've been following your work through the forums, also had some pleasant encounters in space with you guys, and I concluded that stuff here appears to be entertaining. The guy in Conn was the trigger.
Finally, what is your Skype?: I'll gladly answer this question via PMs.
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: escort pilot, mercenary, one-man army
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better): I was born in Bretonia, long time ago. My friends knew me for my ruthless way of doing things, which escalated as I took jobs as an escort pilot for Bowex. I'd use any tool to get a job done, no matter what. Same goes for my era of hunting for blood money, so I earned quite a wealth. I never thought it'd hit back.
Day after day, I got bored of all these. Not because it wasn't fun or profitable, but because it was for nothing. Chicks come and go, same for drink and wealth. I saw the society turn into chaos as the GRN overrun Leeds. I faced the end of our 'perfect' world and left Bretonia for good. Since then, I'm taking mercenary jobs in the Edge Worlds.
Why do you want to join The Core?: Because it's about damn time to stop wasting my time for perishable and create something lasting.
OORP FormHow long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: For 5 years.
Have you ever played a BHG Core character before? Do you know about The BHG Core?: I fly a Core indie with the same name. The Core is a Private Military Company, hired by the AP Manufacturing, some company in the Edge Worlds. They used to be the ace pilots of the BHG, then they're replaced with the current Core, so Core =/= BHG.
How familiar are you with the Edgeworlds?: Pretty much.
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 6-7. 8 when I'm in the mood.
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: 7-8 I think. I prefer fast VHFs.
Why do you want to join the The Core?: I was interested in a faction which specializes in the Omicrons/Omegas/isolated BWs, where the most actions are. I was also in the Order and had a nomad indie. I always liked the environment of the Omicrons, I do hope the incoming update brings lot of activity there. And also, inRP, I want to try something else than being a pilot for a house miltiary.
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience:I am fresh out of university i have master in psychology and i have 70 hours of simulated combat
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better):Born in Planet New London my parents raised me to be a warrior I only saw them once In few months they were working on something classified that’s what the men who brought the dead bodies of my mum and dad said .I was raised to be tough not to be broken down both physically and mentally in any situation . A girl named Jessica helped me through life she was my sister she taught me everything about life and she is bed ridden right now I have to save her life no matter what happens to me you want me to kill I will kill you want me to die I will do it , anything to save her life . I am joining the core because of my paycheck I believe I would be an excellent captain for one of your moray bombers. I can assure you one thing you give me an assignment no matter how hard or how tough it is I will complete it or die trying .
Why do you want to join The Core?:I want to protect the pepole of sirius but no one will offer me money for this but core offers me both
OORP FormHow long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: since 2013
Have you ever played a BHG Core character before? Do you know about The BHG Core?:i was in the old bhg core faction but i left and the faction died
How familiar are you with the Edgeworlds?:not mucho familiar but i know how different races behave in the edge worlds
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?:7
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?i am good in bombers and battleships decent in vhf i would say 6ish out of 10
Why do you want to join the The Core?:i support activity in omicrons
Augustus Autumn, Buck Crosshaw, Dakkota, Jasper Winslow, Katsu.Peppers;
Your applications have all been deemed suitable for The Core. Therefore, you have all been accepted. May you serve us well.
Luke.Shaw; You have been denied. Furthermore, agents have been sent to your home to dispose of you permanently
Your application is pending.
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Lance Corporal in the Bretonian Armed Forces
Detailed Background, a Paragraph: I was born at Planet Cambridge, lived my life there, When I was 19 I joined the Bretonian Armed Forces, did some combat simulations and even went on to some operations with the higher ranks, I got promoted to Lance Corporal and I was second in-command in a squadron of fighters heading to the Omega-5 system to eliminate a high ranking Corsair, when we jumped to Omega-5 we were ambushed by a whole platoon of corsairs, when we tried to escape the other officers just jumped back to Cambridge, and left me there with a whole freaking platoon on me, I returned to planet Cambridge dying, luckily I was saved in the chaos by some Core vessel which distracted the platoon away into Omega-3, I've left the Bretonian Armed Forces after the failed operation, realizing that the Bretonian Army is full of cowards, seeing how brave are the Core to intercept a platoon without fear, I've tried to contact the Core to know more about them and met one in Freeport 1, he/she filled me in with the details and here I am now.
Why do you want to join The Core?: To fight for a better cause. And protect the Sirian from dangers lurking in the Omicrons and Omegas.
OORP FormHow long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: About one year and a half.
Have you ever played a BHG Core character before? Do you know about The BHG Core?: Nope.
How familiar are you with the Edgeworlds?: Somewhat familiar.
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?:7
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?:6, I'm getting better and better with Snubs, no experience with caps.
Why do you want to join the The Core?: To RP in the Omicrons and do some Pews.