:::Encryption Level: Extremely High
:::Encryption Key: ***********:::
:::Re-Routing Transmission from Ames to the CW:::
Greetin's meh fellow Zoners and Order officials,
I received a report yesterday that distressed even meh. One of meh men, Captain Kierin, was on a scouting mission within ta Taus, and had stopped for some R&R at Freeport 10. When he was about to resume his course back to ta Omicrons, he encountered a Nomad. One of ta big blue bastards. From what I can tell, he survived ta encounter, but was rambling on, and was able to relay to me ta following transmission:
I am not sure what to make of it lads, but what ever happened to him, it's serious. Meh captain here is not one to joke or take things lightly. So when I receive a transmission like this, I count it as important.
My friends in ta Commonwealth. Please have your pilots of theAvalon and Bleu respond back using this frequency, so that they can relay what happened. If ya can, please also collect the recording of the AI unit known as "Mosquito".
Mr. Holliday. I'm not sure if ya be the lad I need to speak with, but if not you, I'm sure ya can pinpoint meh in ta right direction. Someone with a Neurological background and equipment fer a full brain scan. My research facilities aren't available at ta moment, as they are in transition to Ames currently, nor do I have equipment to do a scan as is required. If any one can help, it's you lad. I know your attention is to ta people of Omega 49, so I don't expect a response right away. But, anything will be of help.
My friends in ta Order; You're included on this as it deals with ta Nomads, and if anyone knows ta way they think or act, it's you. What do you make of this, and what meh friend is saying about entering his mind?
Please respond as soon as you can. Time is of ta essence I fear lads.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
Location: Canaria Medical Center, Planet Gran Canaria
To: Finn McCool
Encryption: Heavy
I'm still stuck here on Omega 49 since these Corsairs are wanting to stay and cause as much trouble as they can.
In a way, what has happened to your man is a benefit to me. I have been researching Nomads for awhile. This may be a chance for me to learn something about them while I do my best to help him.
Right now, Med Force Two is at Freeport 10. I will direct the commander, Miss Sarah Coyle, to fly your man to my research facility aboard Med Force One. I am at least able to get aboard that.
The transmissions I received were highly garbled. Probably because I wasn't involved in tea time with big blue. Doc, you're going to need to try some memory reawakening....stuff. Ah hell, I never went to med school, I don't know what it's called.
What I got here is the correlated transmission logs of the Bleu and Freeport 10, but it seems like we only have one side of a conversation. Logs follow.
[07.07.2013 17:06:30] CW|Bleu: Navigator: ...And that was the story of me and those 6 Kusari babes when I stayed at New Tokyo!
[07.07.2013 17:06:43] CW|Bleu: Brody: You're so full of shi... Erm. Oh. Hello.
[07.07.2013 17:06:54] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Ummm.... Look there
[07.07.2013 17:07:35] CW|Bleu: Brody: Iva, that you?
[07.07.2013 17:07:57] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Iva is aboard
[07.07.2013 17:08:10] CW|Bleu: Brody: Ah.
[07.07.2013 17:08:10] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : But we keep her as far from that thing as possible
[07.07.2013 17:08:35] CW|Bleu: Brody: And what a magnificent job you're doing. A full 2K. Bravo.
[07.07.2013 17:10:19] CW|Bleu: Brody: *busts out into a massive grin* Oh shi... Navigator, make some popcorn. (no not really, idiot)
[07.07.2013 17:10:36] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Is it the time for popcorn?
[07.07.2013 17:10:47] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : You have a death machine here just outside
[07.07.2013 17:11:00] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : It can raze the freeport with us all
[07.07.2013 17:11:04] CW|Bleu: Brody: Have you ever tried it? It's magnificent.
[07.07.2013 17:11:31] CW|Bleu: Brody: Though I suppose now isn't the time. What's big blue doing here? And so close to that Fearless.
[07.07.2013 17:11:40] CW|Bleu: Brody: Has it contacted you?
[07.07.2013 17:11:44] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Not me
[07.07.2013 17:11:58] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : I think that poor guy over there is getting mind raped
[07.07.2013 17:12:04] CW|Bleu: Brody: I had a headache for weeks the last time it stuffed something into my head.
[07.07.2013 17:13:24] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Its too quiet
[07.07.2013 17:13:26] CW|Bleu: Brody: I still don't like the proximity. Talked to an Order captain once, said he maintains at least 8K in his Osiris.
[07.07.2013 17:13:42] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: *Shakes head* Huh wha?
[07.07.2013 17:13:56] CW|Bleu: Brody: Ah! Still with us!
[07.07.2013 17:13:58] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: What is goin... Oh god. That thing was in my head!
[07.07.2013 17:14:15] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Just like I thought
[07.07.2013 17:14:27] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Everyone away from the windows!
[07.07.2013 17:14:39] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: It was in my head
[07.07.2013 17:14:46] CW|Avalon: *The crowd can be seen stepping back and hiding away from the windows*
[07.07.2013 17:14:49] CW|Bleu: Brody: Yep. That'll work. Telepathy, terrified of solid walls.
[07.07.2013 17:15:05] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Better that than nothing
[07.07.2013 17:15:12] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: It spoke of... my god. Infecting a group of Zoners in order to distract us all
[07.07.2013 17:15:21] CW|Bleu: Brody: *drops blast shields, obscuring view*
[07.07.2013 17:15:24] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Who exactly!
***Neit Comms Unresponsive***
[07.07.2013 17:15:49] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Hey! Wake up! WAKE UP GOD DAMNIT!
[07.07.2013 17:15:57] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Don't fade out!
[07.07.2013 17:16:38] CW|Bleu: Brody: Man, text book movie trailer line. Lead in with something big, leave you hanging.
[07.07.2013 17:17:10] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Stupid man! *Rams the Fearless*
***Collision Event Detected***
[07.07.2013 17:17:32] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: *Shakes head* Wha... Not again!
[07.07.2013 17:17:47] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: I saw us all on a chessboard. as if all part of a game
[07.07.2013 17:18:00] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Because it is a game... for the nomads
[07.07.2013 17:18:03] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The player... THAT SHIP. That Nomad! Laughing
[07.07.2013 17:18:42] CW|Bleu: Navigator from below deck, muffled: Sir, popcorn complete!
[07.07.2013 17:18:44] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Don't let it over take you
[07.07.2013 17:18:48] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: It's as if we are part of a game. That this is not real. As if we are only pretending to be within the various Zoners
[07.07.2013 17:18:51] CW|Bleu: Brody: I said no popcorn!
[07.07.2013 17:19:10] CW|Bleu: Brody: Huh. That is meta.
[07.07.2013 17:19:24] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : That's not funny you imbecile!
[07.07.2013 17:19:44] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: My god... I see Admiral Golanski
[07.07.2013 17:19:47] CW|Bleu: Brody: I never said it was.
[07.07.2013 17:20:38] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: These thoughts... I can't. What is this? I see Doc Holiday and his med.force.one leaving the board!
[07.07.2013 17:20:58] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Guys, tell me you are seeing this too
[07.07.2013 17:21:01] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Don't think about them!
[07.07.2013 17:21:20] CW|Bleu: Brody: I'm seeing a murky blast shield.
[07.07.2013 17:21:40] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Think.... About yellow rubber ducks!
[07.07.2013 17:22:09] CW|Bleu: Brody, to himself: Brilliant, "Rubber Ducky You're the One" to the rescue.
[07.07.2013 17:22:11] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The Nomad is describing Golanski rushing towards the ZA. and... wait. Oooo a rubby ducky!
[07.07.2013 17:22:40] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Why are Rubber Ducks always yellow I wonder?
[07.07.2013 17:23:13] CW|Bleu: Brody: Let the man think, I'm curious where this chessboard goes.
[07.07.2013 17:23:51] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: You're the one who mentioned Rubber ducks and broke my concentration!
[07.07.2013 17:24:13] CW|Bleu: Brody: I said nothing about ducks. That was Gabe.
[07.07.2013 17:24:18] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : That's the point!
[07.07.2013 17:24:23] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Fight it!
[07.07.2013 17:24:31] CW|Bleu: Brody: Now I'm left having seen half the film?
[07.07.2013 17:24:35] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: *Sighs heavily* Fight the Duck, or the Nomad?
[07.07.2013 17:24:36] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Where is Mosquito and his strippers when you need them!
[07.07.2013 17:24:56] CW|Bleu: Brody: Mosquito got nuked. I think by that fellow over there.
[07.07.2013 17:25:08] CW|Bleu: Brody: When he tried to send it a stripper. I'm not sure he's rebuilt yet.
[07.07.2013 17:25:11] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : Hes "Alive"
[07.07.2013 17:25:21] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Because the Duck right now is freaking me out. It's giant and yellow and... Wait a second. What?!
[07.07.2013 17:25:29] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: On the chessboard...
[07.07.2013 17:25:37] CW|Bleu: Brody: Shut it Gabe.
[07.07.2013 17:26:04] CW|Avalon: Gabriel : I'm going to send an System Wide Wave signal
[07.07.2013 17:26:10] Traffic control alert: CW|Avalon has requested to dock
***FP10 Event: CW|Avalon moored.***
[07.07.2013 17:26:15] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: I see pawns moving forward. All together. With the Gallic insignia on them. Holy ****, they plan to use Gallia
[07.07.2013 17:26:37] CW|Bleu: Brody: Gallia?
[07.07.2013 17:26:46] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: That's what I saw!
[07.07.2013 17:26:55] CW|Bleu: Brody: Zakir had been talking to someone in Gallia.
***FP10 Event: Releasing docking clamps on CW|Mosquito***
***Friendly unit detected. Designation: Mosquito***
[07.07.2013 17:27:07] CW|Bleu: Brody: Oh no.
[07.07.2013 17:27:11] CW|Mosquito: :: Hello kind sir ::
[07.07.2013 17:27:11] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: I saw pawns all bearing the Gallic insignia marching towards all the other pieces
[07.07.2013 17:27:20] CW|Bleu: Brody: Mosquito. No. Into the Freeport.
[07.07.2013 17:27:30] CW|Bleu: Brody: We have rules about this.
[07.07.2013 17:27:30] CW|Mosquito: :: *The Hologram of a man in a suit spoke from the Hull of the ship* ::
[07.07.2013 17:27:49] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: *Shakes head* Hel... woah. why is your ships blocking my viewport on the bridge?
[07.07.2013 17:27:53] CW|Mosquito: :: I was supposed to distract that Nomad Beta waves ::
[07.07.2013 17:28:07] CW|Mosquito: :: Prepare to hold your... Something ::
[07.07.2013 17:28:34] CW|Mosquito: * The man turns into a pair of young dancing strippers*
[07.07.2013 17:28:44] CW|Mosquito: *Blocking the View on the Nomad*
[07.07.2013 17:28:51] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Ok, I don't mind your ship in front of my viewport now...
[07.07.2013 17:28:52] CW|Bleu: *Brody repeatedly hits his head against the console.*
[07.07.2013 17:29:00] CW|Bleu: Brody: Every damn time!
[07.07.2013 17:29:13] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: I hope my wife doesn't find out about strippers on my hull dancing...
[07.07.2013 17:29:26] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Well, that and this GIANT Nomad ship!
[07.07.2013 17:29:39] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Mmmm...
[07.07.2013 17:29:39] CW|Mosquito: *The Strippers multiply*
[07.07.2013 17:30:21] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: *Watches the dance, as does everyone else on the bridge*
[07.07.2013 17:30:59] CW|Bleu: Brody: *drops the blast shield* Well I hate incomplete movies! Oi, Blue, what's next on the tic tac toe board?
[07.07.2013 17:31:34] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Blue? What are you tal... Oh god. The Nomad ship!
[07.07.2013 17:32:13] CW|Mosquito: *The strippers lose some parts of their Wardrobe revealing even more of their bodies*
[07.07.2013 17:32:49] CW|Bleu: Brody: Communications, cut the holo-feed. Where we're going we don't need holo-feeds.
[07.07.2013 17:32:51] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The thoughts stopped. And my min... *Gets distracted by the holo-girls dancing on his hull*
[07.07.2013 17:34:01] CW|Bleu: Brody: Silence from the peanut gallery?
[07.07.2013 17:34:02] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Woah! Did that shot come from the Nomad?!
[07.07.2013 17:34:21] CW|Mosquito: :: *With a female voice* Not you bad boy ::
[07.07.2013 17:34:34] CW|Mosquito: :: Its just that hot here *Giggle* ::
[07.07.2013 17:34:43] CW|Bleu: Brody: Ugh.
[07.07.2013 17:34:59] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: No, my shield reported a decrease. Wasn't in my head!
[07.07.2013 17:35:16] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Oh god the Nomad ship is moving
[07.07.2013 17:35:21] CW|Mosquito: :: They cant stand the blast we are having ::
[07.07.2013 17:35:34] CW|Bleu: Brody: Probably about to wax strippergram here.
[07.07.2013 17:36:09] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: It's firing on the station! Commonwealth, inform the residents!
***FP10 Event: Ship of unknown profile within perimeter. Local defense wings destroyed. Engaging defense turrets***
[07.07.2013 17:36:12] CW|Bleu: Brody: Oof! Did Robert load up FP10 with pulse cannons?
***FP10 Event: Unknown ship engaging Mosquito vessel. Successful evasion***
[07.07.2013 17:36:38] CW|Mosquito: :: *With female Voice* Bad shot handsome ::
[07.07.2013 17:36:51] CW|Bleu: Brody: FP10 Broadcast: Citizens to shelter rooms. Evacuation not recommended given hostile vicinity.
[07.07.2013 17:37:24] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: All hands, sound alarms. Things may get hairy
[07.07.2013 17:37:32] CW|Bleu: Brody: Well, I dislike being ignored.
[07.07.2013 17:37:44] CW|Mosquito: :: *Laugh of a dozen of people * ::
[07.07.2013 17:38:22] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Oh my god. It just destroyed those Zoner pilots. Commonwealth, I will distract the Nomad. Ensure your people get to-
[07.07.2013 17:38:25] (\^/)Neit: -safety!
[07.07.2013 17:38:37] CW|Mosquito: :: Search and Rescue ops are under way ::
[07.07.2013 17:38:48] CW|Bleu: Brody: Neit, it was their own fault for entering. The Freeport can take a few shots.
[07.07.2013 17:39:02] CW|Bleu: Brody: Doesn't mean I want it to, but it can.
[07.07.2013 17:39:25] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Opening fire to get it's attention! Safe the people!
[07.07.2013 17:39:54] CW|Bleu: No pilots currently detected stranded.
***FP10 Event: Long range scans detect new vessel***
[07.07.2013 17:40:24] CW|Bleu: Brody: Ah, Outcast. Come to join Shakespeare in the park?
[07.07.2013 17:40:56] [-=XTF=-]Razor: I don't get you, zoner.
[07.07.2013 17:41:05] CW|Bleu: Brody: Me?
[07.07.2013 17:41:26] [-=XTF=-]Razor: I suggest you eliminate that thing before it does any harm.
[07.07.2013 17:41:33] CW|Mosquito: :: 4 Pilots rescued ::
[07.07.2013 17:41:36] CW|Bleu: Brody: The hell do you want me to do, ram it?
[07.07.2013 17:41:48] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Good! it seems distracted, Get everyone else to safety
[07.07.2013 17:42:20] CW|Mosquito: :: Save them ::
[07.07.2013 17:42:37] CW|Bleu: Brody: They're in the hold now.
[07.07.2013 17:43:14] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Good. Take them somewhere safe for the time being! Ensure your ships stay safe!
[07.07.2013 17:43:39] CW|Bleu: Brody: *sigh* Another day at Freeport 10. Pilots scattered, holo strippers everywhere and a giant f'ing organic spaceship.
[07.07.2013 17:43:45] CW|Mosquito: :: We can shoot! *Plays sound* Pew! Pew! Pew! ::
[07.07.2013 17:44:03] Traffic control alert: CW|Bleu has requested to dock
***FP10 Event: 4 pilots received. Sent to Medical***
***FP10 Event: Releasing docking clamps on CW|Bleu***
[07.07.2013 17:44:35] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: It seems to have lost interest for the time being. Thank god
[07.07.2013 17:44:58] CW|Mosquito: :: *With an veteran soldiers voice * What are you a man or a mouse? ::
[07.07.2013 17:45:33] CW|Bleu: Brody: I'm still pissed about that incomplete chessboard.
[07.07.2013 17:45:48] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Do you not understand?
[07.07.2013 17:46:07] CW|Bleu: Brody: I understand, it was still in the middle of its story though.
[07.07.2013 17:46:10] Death: CW|Mosquito was put out of action by K'Hara|Harbinger (Gun)
***FP10 Event: Mosquito unit vanished from sensors***
[07.07.2013 17:46:23] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The Nomads are staging the board by infecting more people than the last time the Nomads attempted to take over
[07.07.2013 17:46:24] CW|Mosquito: :: DAMN! Not again! ::
[07.07.2013 17:46:27] [-=XTF=-]Razor: So weak...
[07.07.2013 17:46:33] CW|Mosquito: *Floats away*
[07.07.2013 17:46:41] [-=XTF=-]Razor: It's better to have weak neighbors either way
[07.07.2013 17:46:44] CW|Mosquito: :: *Sings* I will survive! ::
[07.07.2013 17:46:46] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: That nomad... just killed that AI unit!
[07.07.2013 17:46:58] CW|Bleu: Brody: Yep. Got that. But he was telling you the actors. Not just the stage.
[07.07.2013 17:47:16] CW|Bleu: Brody: Something I would typically regard as critical information. But you know, just a thought.
[07.07.2013 17:47:19] CW|Mosquito: *Few seconds later a small black box can be seen thrusting towards the Freeport *
[07.07.2013 17:47:35] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The stage? The stage is Sirius. They plan to launch another strike. Launch another war.
[07.07.2013 17:47:42] CW|Mosquito: :: Good that I managed to mount this Failsafe before launch ::
[07.07.2013 17:47:59] CW|Mosquito: :: And seems we have energy for 5 minutes of Transmission! ::
[07.07.2013 17:48:38] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: What the... Oh god, not again.
[07.07.2013 17:48:52] CW|Bleu: Brody: I'm just saying. If he's telling you the actors, that's pertinent. I can be serious for once.
[07.07.2013 17:50:34] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: I... no, they will!
[07.07.2013 17:50:36] CW|Bleu: Brody: Oh good. Talking to myself again.
[07.07.2013 17:50:54] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Damnit! GET OUT OF MY HEAD *Screams heard about the Neit*
[07.07.2013 17:52:04] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Bleu, contact anyone with access to advanced neurological equipment. A scan of my brain must be conducted
[07.07.2013 17:52:30] CW|Bleu: Brody: Hmm, on it.
[07.07.2013 17:53:00] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: People must know the truth
[07.07.2013 17:53:42] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The Nomads are returning. And they are using us as pawns to ensure their arrival is uninhibited. Gah, get out of my -
[07.07.2013 17:53:45] (\^/)Neit: -head!!!
[07.07.2013 17:54:30] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: You will not sway me. I have heard your thoughts Nomad. I have seen the vision. You cannot sway me nor tell me what I -
[07.07.2013 17:54:34] CW|Bleu: Brody: Hmm, we'll need something big to move a neural lab.
[07.07.2013 17:54:36] (\^/)Neit: -saw is a ruse.
[07.07.2013 17:55:23] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: There are two labs I know of. One is close! But I must *shakes head more* relay this information onwards
[07.07.2013 17:56:19] CW|Bleu: Brody: Well, where do you want me to contact? As my contacts are a bit far.
[07.07.2013 17:56:39] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Anyone! Just get someone NOW
[07.07.2013 17:56:41] [-=XTF=-]Razor: Do you, lads, hesitate all the time instead of actually doing something?
[07.07.2013 17:56:47] ***CORRUPTION EVENT. TRUNCATED***
[07.07.2013 17:57:13] CW|Bleu: Brody: *back to his usual sarcasm* Oh, I'm sorry Outcast. Any tips on blowing up the giant alien space ship with a transport?
[07.07.2013 17:57:14] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Then by all means Outcast, do something
[07.07.2013 17:58:07] CW|Bleu: Brody: I can get the Ascension moving, but it's in the Sigmas. And she'd have to ask the Outcasts to pass through.
[07.07.2013 17:58:13] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Docking now. I must prepare. Your "Truth" will be revealed Nomad. You will not succeed.
[07.07.2013 17:58:26] Traffic control alert: (\^/)Neit has requested to dock
[07.07.2013 17:58:57] CW|Bleu: Brody: Brody to FP10 Medical, put Kierin under anesthesia. Minimize brain activity for now.
[07.07.2013 17:59:17] [-=XTF=-]Razor: Let the alien melt your brain instead. That's best decision, indeed.
[07.07.2013 17:59:22] (\^/)Neit: *Doctor enters, and gives a shot to Kierin. "it will be alright sir"
[07.07.2013 17:59:30] CW|Bleu: Brody: Oh, and this time, ask if they actually want to be anesthetized. Don't just stab them.
[07.07.2013 18:01:18] Prestige: whats going on here?
[07.07.2013 18:01:27] CW|Bleu: Another day at FP10.
[07.07.2013 18:01:31] CW|Bleu: Time for a drink.
The logs have been run through a filter adjusting for static as well as context. I can't make heads or tails of it. All I got was apparently the Nomad played out a whole stratagem on a...chessboard? For Kierin inside the head. Admiral Golanski was mentioned, so I'm sure the Order will have an interest.
The "Ascension" I mentioned requesting, is a homeship currently in the Sigmas. Med Force Two being available is much better as the Ascension does not have much more advanced medical capabilities than Freeport 10.
Looking back, I probably should not have had that wine between the Sigmas and the Taus and taunted the vessel, but I suppose it all worked out in the end. I hope Kierin is alright, he seems a good lad
Mosquito may have detailed scans or perhaps subwave frequency scans that the Bleu did not detect. Hopefully they survived the destruction event.
I warn you however. Mosquito is a little....rough around the edges.
Hello mere meatbags!
Yes as you could most possibly guess... If you are smart enough but to clear any mist of secrecy I will present myself
*Claping and loud aplauses as the man spreads his hands*
Please... Please hold your excitement
I am here to say just enough about the recent events....
Because my battery is draining and im floating in space after that thing shot me down.... Ummm yes
So! You wanted my logs?MY LOGS!?
Im not that easy get logs from
I dont like when someone touches my hull and stuff so you better have an good damn reason for it!
Oh.... The damn antivirus is being crazy again
We will speak soon
*Closing and cutting the connection*
You are so deep I cant even see you anymore!
[07.07.2013 17:22:11] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The Nomad is describing Golanski rushing towards the ZA. and... wait. Oooo a rubby ducky!
[07.07.2013 17:22:40] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Why are Rubber Ducks always yellow I wonder?
I cleaned up your tags and removed things that should be in reports, not everywhere, and at least blacked out. -Champ
But you have to say these two were hilarious Right?Sorry wont happen again
Hello again Mr. Holliday, as well as the pilots of the CW ships.
Mr Brody, thank ya for providing the comm recordings of ta event. It was both fascinating and frightening to read. Mention of ta Order, Mr. Holliday, and of infected Zoners are... well, I don' know what to make of it lad. Once Mr. Holliday does a complete scan of him, and Kierin wakes, perhaps he can enlighten us more on what he experienced.
As to Dr. Holliday, thank ya fer takin' yer time to help my captain, especially if it can help yer research. Being ta head of Research and Development fer ta Phoenix, would be very interested in ta results of yer research, should ya wish to share it. Would greatly help meh lads in ta Omicrons who have more frequent run-ins with them Nomads, and hopefully help prevent anyone else from goin' through what Kierin did.
I've kept in contact wit ta lads in ta medical bay on Freeport 10, and they assure me Kierin is safe, and has been put into an induced coma in order to keep brain activity minimal. They sent me over diagnostics from his medical pod here:
Despite ta induced coma, his heart-rate is on ta high side, at a 99BPM. Still within normal range, but somethin' to keep note of lad. The medical staff is aware of Miss Coyle on station, and is prepped to release him into her care for transport to Med Force One.
Please inform meh when Kierin reaches Med Force One, as well as anythin' I can do ta help him or you.
I was curious if Kierin had been moved to yer facilities, as I haven't heard from the Doctors aboard Freeport 10 in some time. Please let meh know lad!
To the AI Unit Mosquito,
Those logs ya have may be crucial to determining what happened when that blue bastard showed up and had it's way with Kierin's mind. If ya can send those logs over, I'd appreciate it. Hopefully yer logs can assist more in figurin' out what happened.
*Closing and cutting the connection*
You are so deep I cant even see you anymore!
[07.07.2013 17:22:11] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The Nomad is describing Golanski rushing towards the ZA. and... wait. Oooo a rubby ducky!
[07.07.2013 17:22:40] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Why are Rubber Ducks always yellow I wonder?
I cleaned up your tags and removed things that should be in reports, not everywhere, and at least blacked out. -Champ
But you have to say these two were hilarious Right?Sorry wont happen again
Well that was a timely respon... oh wait. I almost fergot. I'm dealin' with an AI. Yer cores operate way faster. Well, glad anyway!
While normally I'd have to rest my head in meh palm with that encryption ya got, I luckily have ta ************ to help meh in cases like this. Anyway, fer ta eyes of Doc Holliday and those included on tis comm:
Mosquito's Decrypted transmission, when entered, Wrote:Nomād ID : 1738468173713
Hưmàn Entity : `83619462836193
Lets see what we can make of this lads. I've downloaded ta logs now, and I'll run them through our databases here on Corinth as well as others to see what if any correlation can be made between this event and others before. Perhaps here is where the Order may be of assistance?
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Nomad Research Labs, Med.Force.One
To: Finn McCool
My apologies for not responding. Yes, your man has arrived on ship and we have him isolated to study. Isolated, mind you, not imprisoned. Admittedly, our knowledge of Nomads is still quite limited so this will take some time.
Looks at the sent codes
Very interesting. Not sure what to make of them myself. I have one of my people analyzing them now. I'll keep you informed.
Too much paperwork piled up on my desk these times... I reviewed the information attached in transmission given.
Has the subject been in contact with Nomads in the past, be it in any form possible? Has such vision repeated? Standard procedure is checking background, specially Nomad-related incidents even if brief. Wake up this individual and note everything about his behaviour when shipped out of Tau's to cluster where said Marduk cant follow. Keeping him in coma after common - through intense - Nomad manipulation wont give Order all data neccesary to make any asumption.