***Incoming Transmission***
***Relaying Data - Operation Complete***
Bonsoir, madame colonele Aurelie Laundreau, allow me to present myself.
Robert d'Autoine, Head Councilor of theCommonwealth at your service.
The reason why I want to send this message to you is simply because I want to thank you in the name of theCommonwealth for driving that Nomad away from Freeport 10. Who knows what undesired casualties it could have done.
Merci beaucoup.
It was a pity to see your incroyable Valor persecuted by the Colonials afterwards though.
I made sure to keep me and Zakir around just in case there would be any need to... make a... what do they call it? Ah, oui... A humanitarian deed and tract-... I mean't rescue your... Arr... Crew that managed to live away, madame.
Good to see that your ship made it out though.
Again, merci beaucoup pour ton assistance.
***Transmission Ended***
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
Sender: Colonel Aurelia Landreau
Location: Battleship LaFrance, Tau-44
Subject: Tau-37,44th
Priority: Very High
Encryption: Normal
I'm glad, I could help you with that Nomad near Freeport. And I would like speak with you later. For example Tau-37 can be good. When you will see Nomads near your Freeport, call me. Oui, Colonials. They are arrogant people, still fighting against us. They should leave Taus. FOR long time...
I shall gladly accept your proposition of having a personal meeting between ourselves again. However, I would like to suggest a system which isn't so close to Outcast or Colonial apparent patrol routes as I fear the meeting might be disturbed, resulting in a similar scenario like the previous one and that would be most detrimental.
Perhaps Orkney would prove a more appropiate meeting place?
However, I must admit that you have awakened my curiosity, madame. I hope I am void of any rudeness if I would ask you what would the subject or theme of the meeting be?
Until then... I bid you Au revoir
***Transmission Ended***
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
Sender: Colonel Aurelia Landreau
Location: Battleship LaFrance, Tau-44
Subject: Tau-37,44th
Priority: Very High
Encryption: Normal
Monsieur, I want talk with you about diplomacy and normal life. CommonWealth is only one sympathic Zoner group for me. You and ... *she closed eyes for a while* know about me and my 'friend'. But you can be sure, I want speak with you, no friends and others.
I think Orkney isn't good system, because Colonial Millitary is operating here too. What about Lorraine?? Systems isn't far from your home.