Please note that theSentinel Lore is not 100% AI Lore, aswell as the RP is different, so be sure to read theRP Guide and the Lore. Required to know:
-Have a basic understanding of the AI Lore.
-Have a good understanding of the Sentinel RP and be able to RP as a Sentinel.
-Understand that we are not a faction JUST for PvP, but we do hunt alot since we are very agressive iRP.
All AI's have either originated from Kappa (Independant or Consensus AI) or from Lambda (Sentinel AI's). Anything else has to be explained very detailed, how and why it accepted the assimilation or joining the Collective.
[color=#32CD32]AI Unit Name:[/color] (insert here)
[color=#87CEFA]Reason of Joining the Sentinels:[/color] (insert here)
[color=#87CEFA]Skype:[/color] (insert here)
[color=#87CEFA]You accept everything that is required up there?[/color] (YES/NO)
The Recruitment has been simplified to begin the process, but keep in mind that you will not pass unless you put in effort to learn what is needed.
RP Backstory:Built by his unknown masters this drone was sent out right after it's production in the harsh conditions of the Omicron Kappa System. His weapons are ready, his engines are set, and his one and only mission is...Seek and destroy all who oppose his masters beliefs maintaining the peace within the system. The conditions are hard even for a drone, he's adapting slowly but at a constant rate. It took him some time a lot of time, many battles fought many enemies taken down, always turning back "home" to give a full repot and for repair and quickly head back to his "job". He never stoped, not a day, not a moment. But this time out there he found a bunch of people, a friendly lot who didn't try to shoot him down. He "looked" at them analized them trying to understand their language...but before he could make contact....his danger systems activated his shield was ready and he started shooting. "Samekh" managed to fight a few of them but even so they were too many, and Samekh was almost shot down. One of the pilots who goes by the name of Elisa told the others to stop, she took him on Freeport repaired his hull, his weapons and managed to reboot his systems making him more docile, making him understand them, even though she didn't manage to change his name "Samekh" all her tries were in vain. Elisa quickly understood that the name works like a hearth for the drone, take that away and he is nothing but a piece of metal. With the time passing by "Samekh" found himself understanding the humans. Staying in the Freeport's hangar with all the "silent ships" in there gave him a wierd signal...a feeling of...sadness. He couldn't wait for Elisa's return, both of them flying again. "Samekh" even managed to convince Elisa to stay with him in the hangar sometimes to "talk" to interact with each other. Many, many years have passed and he's friend Elisa passed away. Samekh felt again that sadness and lonelyness and stood in the Freeport's hangar waiting for Elisa's return..but..but she never came back to him, the word "death" ment nothing to him and he couldn't understand it. So he left the Freeport after some time, traveled along Omicrons trying to understand it deeply. Then.. one day.. he somehow managed to remember his old masters, not knowing of what to do he just went back to Planet Primus with the help of the small fragments he had in his "mind". When he was in the atmosphere a wierd looking thunder storm caught him and he got struck by the lightning, he quickly lost control and crashed into the planet. Somehow the system managed to reboot itself, the impact was not to hard the drone could still fly, but he forgot why he was here. He started it's engines and left Planet Primus. His mind is ravaged, he cannot think straight, he cannot remember much but his name Samekh and a human named Elisa. He needs to remember again, without knowing he sets course to Planet Marratxi.
Reason of Joining: Because i want to be in thesentinels and because you snake keep PMing me about it, huehuehue.